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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. On 9/3/2021 at 3:45 PM, Tripredacus said:

    I typically use DVD+R DL for OSes in recent years, seeing that 4.7 gave me hope I could use a regular DVD but I guess not.

    afaik both + and - have same capacity, they just show it different (marketing coy)

    but both are 4.3 GB

  2. On 8/21/2021 at 6:31 PM, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

    ll Windows 11 is just Windows 10 with kde ripoff desktop

    well if you remember
    kde 3 was ripoff of XP GUI
    kde 4 aimed at ripping Vista GUI
    now microsoft rips kde off :P

    not that kde 5 is nice in any way...
    if anything it is ugliest of them all

  3. can somebody throw some light on this as i'm confused
    i have a MOBO with 5 USB 2 ports
    but whenever i put USB stick or Andro phone for transfer, they are slow and windows reports "this device can go faster" and on dialog open it gives info about some high speed ports

    one is used by mouse, another by game controller, rest are free, but only LAST one seems to be this high speed port
    but how ... ? if they are all 2.0 ?
    what is this ?

  4. well from my narrow perspective, as it is all business
    why make good OS/product when you can make crap, then sell it, then make it fancier and maybe tweak thing here and there, then sell as "better version"
    and then slowly introduce something that is in fact old but for their ecosystem is new (example with native PDF reading, MKV files, mounting virtual iso's)
    and again sell it as something revolutionary... etc...

    to me MS will only update drivers and hw support, but as OS itself it is waaay behind... 

    but at the end its all money that counts... they stopped giving two bit s*** what ppl want/need long ago
    they get some exclusive right sales from US goverment most likely coz they bent over for free trojan insertions

    it just bleeds money money money


  5. don't get me wrong, i love eye candy too
    if OS looks like crap i don't want to try using it

    my comment was merely in context: is look far more important to people than their privacy squashed

    Linux distros are in last 10 years ugly as hell too, but at least you can make them look as you want
    both UI-wise and candy-wise

  6. On 7/11/2021 at 2:05 PM, NoelC said:

     Maybe we'll be back to Windows 7 level soon.  Computing didn't need those 12 years to advance. 

    it will
    coz theres simply nothing to innovate on 2D surface frames

    so you can either have
    1-colored bul***** like they had with win 3.1 // 8 // 10 - which (for some reason) all id*** call modern
    or sort of "3D" (classic) style
    or anything bitmapped (lets call it XP style)
    or translucent which came with vista/7 and now is comming to some sort back again

    tho it looks more like KDE/Deepin to me but meh...

    but does look really matter that much ?
    people seemengly only comment on new look, nobody gives a rats arse it is still inherited windows 10 spyware

  7. i personally wouldn't touch it, just like chrome itself or Opera...
    i had hopes for Opera in its early 15 versions, but since they got bought by some china company... f*** that

    anyhows, since alot "major" browsers are based on Chromium, again personally, i think it's better to get something "clean" and just use external plugins
    that way you still have this Webkit or is it Blink now ... ? // compatible browser without spyware


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