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Everything posted by battleangel3222

  1. Seeing as how AutoIT Scripts are getting big (And thank god!), I have a few I need a bit of help with. 1) Cacheman XP 2) GUI Replacer (a way to make it automatically change the icons and install the prog) Thats it for now, seeing as how this is getting so big, mabie this should just be a request thread for everyone who needs an AutoIT script for something?
  2. Nevermind, must be something wrong because it worked through Flashget but not windows downloader.
  3. umm mabie its just me but the links arent working? It just hangs for me when I right click Save Target As.
  4. gotcha! didnt know there shoudnt be anything in $1\drivers. It must have been left over. Thanks a ton Bash....
  5. What im saying is, after doing all the steps for method 2.... All i see in $1\Drivers is L, so im wondering where the massstorage and sound drivers are.
  6. Hey Bashrat....Im not quite understanding whats happening...I did everything as told by instructions, and the only things in $1/drivers is the Directory "L" (which I assume is the LAN Drivers)...Im wondering....where are the MassStorage and Sound ones? I used method 2. Thanks!
  7. See I knew there was easier ways to do stuff I told you guys i dont know $hit about AutoIT, it was just a quick solution.
  8. Heres my easy cheesy AutoIT Script to install the trial version. PLEASE. If your good with AutoIT help us do the full version with all the steps outlined in the previous post. Dont forget to compile the script! ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x / NT ; Author: S0mE0NEsMiNd/Battleangel3222 ; ; Script Function: ; Tweak-XP Trial ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run("txp4trial.exe") WinWaitActive("Tweak-XP Pro 4 Trial Version Setup") Send("{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("Tweak-XP Pro 4 Setup") Send("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{UP}") Send("{Enter}") WinWaitActive("Tweak-XP Pro 4 Setup") Send("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{UP}") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") WinWaitActive("Tweak-XP Pro 4 Setup") Send("{Enter}") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(3000)
  9. I gotta simple AutoIT script to install the trial version. The problem is, I too own the full version.....and i want it unattended! But heres what has to happend in order to a successful setup. 1) Run Trials setup and install but make sure to tell it to RUN AFTER SETUP! 2) When it runs after setup, load once and then tell it to quit. 3) Install Full Version 4) Register? This is all going to be quite confusing. Does anyone here who has the full version know of any good AutoIT Script goodness?
  10. Whats with the poll? whatever it is, its going to be fixed the 18th, and you shoudn't insult someones work saying it isnt pretty when you havent done anything for the community yourself.
  11. Thats great that the author of that article finds it "more sleek". Exactly like someone like you LOVES windows. Its sleek, its good looking, but your limited in many ways, and you dont do squat. You ever wonder why people use Linux (you probably dont know what it is)? Is it a sleek, sexy, crisp look? HELL NO. Is it a powerful, big graphic interface? HELL NO. People like what they like, and RunOnceEx is certainly not better.
  12. News source: Hardocp.com Are these more hotfixes?
  13. Hi I am getting an error. After running my newly made file thanks to your help, i get an error report from Windows that says NeroWEbEngine Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for this inconvenience. AppName: setup.exe blah blah blah....
  14. prath, woudnt it be this instead of what you said: copy /Y %systemdrive%\install\Applications\UltraISO.EXE "%ProgramFiles%\UltraISO\UltraISO.exe" ?
  15. DELETE! I saw alanolls post.
  16. i also happen to be looking for the trial version switchs.
  17. I was joking in response to alanolls post lol
  18. So Ryan, got anymore plans? Because I like where your going
  19. DID YU EVEN TESt THIS?!?!!!!
  20. where's XPlode 2.0? He's already working on 3!!
  21. Just so you all know, while thsi version does add many things, I just want to let you know that there are still a lot of bugs that need to be squashed..how do I know? Well, im a java programmer
  22. waaaait....so these are all the updates BEFORE Service pack 2?
  23. Problem: I have a Windows XP CD, but it has XP SP1 integrated so, I need a resolution, is there anyway i can get a cd without it, or a way to remove the service pack?
  24. try the old one first!
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