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Everything posted by battleangel3222

  1. Thanks! Just one problem though. Got any ideas of programs I can use that windows Allready has on it besides WMPlayer9? It also has to play the file (not just store it in the program and you have you press play to start it)
  2. Hi guys. I would like to play an MP3 While my batch file is running, I can get it to run in WMPlayer, but when you first install WMPlayer it comes up with the first thing of selecting options...etc.... so is there a way I can get it to play with Media player classic or some other way? Mabie the old cd player? If so, how can i use a command to tell it to open with that program and not wmplayer.
  3. I enjoy leechget too, but I suggest you try some out for yourself, examples: /S , /qb, etc...
  4. I would convert to RunOnceEX.....soooo much cooler looking If your interested, heres a link, its very similar to batch file commands, except it all looks nicer, see link below: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/runonceex.htm
  5. "im lost"....right...someone with 11 posts that is asking how to make a winnt is telling me im dumb while asking help for it. Please dont expect anymore help from me. Goodluck man.
  6. I think I found the problem, with all the stuff about when you can run your files, I think clean-up was running at T-13 ( thus deleting all the **** files ) then Xplode going off....but the question is (i did have my xplode at %SOURCEDRIVE% at one point). why didnt the xplode copy them over again after they were deleted by clean-up?
  7. alanoll is saying though, the command to silently overide a file is /Y simple as that.
  8. Slipstreaming Raid drivers doesnt have anything to do with xpcreate, however, I highly reccomend this mass storage driver pack see link: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=26161 remember to read, everything is explained fully
  9. Oh wow thanks for informing me, i know something of that sort would be illegal, but i didnt even have any idea it was even POSSIBLE to convert an upgrade -> full.
  10. here are my only ideas: 1) Something assosiated with vmware, and the fact that it may not like all the mods and stuff (nlited, xplode, runonceex). 2) Something wrong with my actual files (although I cant see how) 3) Its not supposed to do it becuase i didnt do it right (ie, im supposed to use a certain command other than oempreinstall=yes in winnt.sif
  11. i didnt, it was their originally. Anymore help?
  12. also, heres my xplode <XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Windows Installer</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='guiredraw' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Adding users and groups...'> <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them --> <adduser username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='mortal' groups='Administrators' fullname='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' comment="f***In J00 uP bIatCh" /> </item> <item display='Registry Tweaks for S0mE0nEsMiNd'> <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Spike', using the account password --> <execute display='Applying tweaks...' program='regedit' arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\regtweaks.reg"' username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='mortal' /> </item> <item display='Adding shortcuts'> <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system --> <shortcut display='Notepad' program='C:\WINDOWS\System32\Notepad.exe' description='Notepad Editing C:\boot.ini' workdir='C:\' arguments='C:\boot.ini' link='C:\Notepad.lnk' /> </item> <item display='Copying'> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Drivers" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\" /> </item> <item display='Installing Applications'> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\mIrc" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\mIRC\mirc.lnk" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\mirc.lnk" /> <execute display="Installing O&O Deframenter..." program="%systemdrive%\install\Applications\OO_DefragPro\oo_defrag_pro.msi /QB <execute display="Installing Kazaa..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\kazaa\Klite.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <execute display="eMule For the eDonkey Network..." program="%SourceDrive%\install\emule\emule.exe" arguments="/S" /> <execute display="Installing Bit Tornado..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\Bt\bt.exe" arguments="/S" /> <execute display="Installing Shrink DVD" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Shrink\shrink.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa Lite Codec Pack..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\codecs\klcodec.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF=.\install.inf" /> <execute display="Installing Winhex..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\winhex\winhex.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing AdobeReader..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\Adobe\adobe.exe" arguments= "-p -s /v\ /qn\" /> <execute display="Installing SUN Java..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\SunJava\java.exe" arguments="/s /v /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" /> <execute display="Installing Spybot SD 1.3..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\spybot\spybotsd13.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display='Installing Radlinker for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Radlinker\RadLinker1013OEM.msi' arguments='/qn' /> <execute display='Installing ATI Tool for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\AtiTool\ATITool_0.0.21.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Setup.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing WinRAR...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\winrar\winrar.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installing Nero Burning ROM...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\Nero\nero.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=1A23-0006-6030-1676-2740-9291 /write_sn' /> <execute display="Installing Ultra ISO..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP-" /> <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" </registry> <execute display="Installing DU Meter 3.." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\INSTALL\PM\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Mozilla FireFox..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FireFox\Firefox.exe" /> <execute display="Installing ISOBuster..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ISO\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP-" /> <execute display="Installing Cacheman XP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Cacheman\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Stopping Cacheman XP...." program="taskkill" arguments="/im cfgwiz.exe /f" /> <execute display="Installing Peer Guardian..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Peer\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display="Installing Sisoft Sandra..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Sandra\Setup.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display="Installing Tweak-XP..." program="%Sourcedrive%\Install\Tweak-XP\Setup.exe" arguments="/qn" /> <execute display="Installing XP-AntiSpy..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Antispy\setup.exe" arguments="/S" /> </item> <item display='Cleaning Up'> <execute display='Clean up on next boot...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Cleanup.cmd' arguments="" /> </item> </items> </XPlode>
  13. UnattendMode=ProvideDefault Correct me if im wrong but shoudnt this be FullUnattended?
  14. ; signifies the begining of a comment and continues for the rest of that line unless cancalled (if im not mistaken). All it is, is a comment, it doesnt direct the registry tweak, so that should not be it i dont believe.
  15. ummm I dont think that has anything to do with the Corporate version. Im not exactly sure myself, but where does it suggest anything having to do with it? All it speaks of is upgrade version.
  16. Hey guys, my folders arent being copied. I am using Xplode and Runonceex.cmd, and its not finding any install files because of this. Here is my Winnt.sif: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendSwitch="yes" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore OemPnPDriversPath="blahblah tons of stuff from driver packs" UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=07926976befc3ee9aad3b435b51404eed5c72cf5912e1f5f387b762b1ab45488 EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=20 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=xxblahblah FullName="S0mE0nEsMiNd 0wNz J00 N00BlHaR" OrgName="f***In J00 uP bIaTcH" ComputerName=BRAD-ULTIMO [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1600 YResolution=1200 Vrefresh=60 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=1 [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [URL] Home_Page=www.google.com Help_Page=www.google.com Search_Page=www.google.com [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1 [GuiRunOnce] Command0="rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\Brad2\CompaqIJ" %systemdrive%\Install\cleanup.cmd [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile="%Systemroot%\Resources\Themes\Theme.THEME" Any help? thanks! Also, would it have anything to do with vmware, because thats what im using.
  17. i agree, i started this a month and a half ago. I have now gone from standard batch files, to runonceex, to XPlode to installing my unattended applications. I have added Logon, Background, theme, bootscreen and more. Added UXtheme and file protection hacks. In addition to slipstreaming all the updates, office 2003, and more. All this in a span of about 1 month.....ALL THAT...thats a LOT...what did I do? First, I learned you CAN DO unattended installs (I had NO idea of this community) until I read the guides here: http://www.overclockers.com/topiclist/inde...GINNER%20GUIDES Read the unattended guides. Finally, I got linked to this fabulous site, where I enriched my mind in the main site.....this limited me.....UNTIL I FOUND THIS FORUM Now i know everything, and continue to learn more. Its great fun, and makes yourself look professional. Go the way I did, start off easy, and read...LOTS..
  18. Im 18, 2 years older than yourself. I am currently in a class at school. What I was trying to say is, even though someone is computer illeterate, its still quite easy. Let me explain. @echo off Hides the C:\> Prompt and any commands shown in the batch file. echo. Includes a line spacing. echo message Prints "message" in a Command Prompt window, purely for commenting purposes. title Sets the title of the window. start Start an application, or an installation. pause Displays "Press any key to continue..." exit Exits the Command Prompt see? it clearly displays everything that the commands do. Even if you havent done programming, it still shows you. It then goes on more to explain switchs and everything they do. Good-luck though.
  19. website works fine for me, and whats up with you guys talking about XPlode 2, I see no news saying its out?
  20. Im sorry to say this, but the problem is, you expect it all to be in pictures and to be explained clearly in one sentence. You need to read the link that guy told you to do. It explains it all clearly, such that start /wait is to RUN the program to install it. Please read, it helps us all.
  21. Fixed! Thanks guys! Looking forward to a great success with XPlode! Thanks Wraith, thanks MSFN! You are Superb. Thanks overclocks.com for directing me to this insanely infomative forum
  22. thanks wraith but its still not quite working, once again heres my code and error The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End tag 'item' does not match the start tag 'execute'. Error processing resource 'file:///W:/Workspace/Period3/XPlode.xml'. Line 158, Position 4 </item> ---^ <XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Windows Installer</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='guitransparent' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Adding users and groups...'> <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them --> <adduser username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' groups='Administrators' fullname='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' comment="f***In J00 uP bIatCh" /> </item> <item display='Registry Tweaks for S0mE0nEsMiNd'> <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Spike', using the account password --> <execute display='Applying tweaks...' program='regedit' arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\regtweaks.reg"' username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' /> </item> <item display='Adding shortcuts'> <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system --> <shortcut display='Notepad' program='C:\WINDOWS\System32\Notepad.exe' description='Notepad Editing C:\boot.ini' workdir='C:\' arguments='C:\boot.ini' link='C:\Notepad.lnk' /> </item> <item display='Copying'> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Install' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Drivers' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> </item> <item display='Installing Applications'> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\mIrc" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\mIRC\mirc.lnk" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\mirc.lnk" /> <execute display="Installing Diskeeper 8..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Diskeeper\setup.exe" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Diskeeper 8..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im dkservice.exe /f" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <execute display="Installing FlashFXP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FlashFXP\Setup.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\kazaa\kazaa.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <execute display="eMule For the eDonkey Network..." program="%SourceDrive%\install\emule\emule.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing Bit Tornado..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\Bt\bt.exe" arguments="/S" /> <execute display="Installing News Bin Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\News\news.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Winamp 5.05 Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\winamp\winamp.msi" /> <execute display="Installing Shrink DVD" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Shrink\shrink.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa Lite Codec Pack..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\codecs\klcodec.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF=.\install.inf" /> <execute display="Installing Winhex..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\winhex\winhex.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing AdobeReader..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\Adobe\adobe.exe" arguments= "-p -s /v\ /qn\" /> <execute display="Installing SUN Java..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\SunJava\java.exe" arguments="/s /v /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" /> <execute display='Installing Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Pro. 1.03...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Ad-Aware\Ad-Aware.exe' arguments='/SILENT'> /> <execute display="Installing Spybot SD 1.3..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\spybot\spybotsd13.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display='Installing Radlinker for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Radlinker\RadLinker1013OEM.msi' arguments='/qn' /> <execute display='Installing ATI Tool for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\AtiTool\ATITool_0.0.21.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Setup.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing WinRAR...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\winrar\winrar.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installing Nero Burning ROM...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\Nero\nero.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /write_sn' /> <execute display="Installing Ultra ISO..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe" arguments="/s" /> <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">;Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" </registry> <execute display="Installing Norton System Works 2004..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Norton\NSWSETUP.EXE" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Norton AntiVirus 2004..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im CfgWiz.exe /f" /> <execute display="Installing DU Meter 3.." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\INSTALL\PM\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Mozilla FireFox..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FF\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing ISOBuster..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ISO\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Cacheman XP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Cacheman\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Dreamweaver MX..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\Dreamweaver\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Peer Guardian..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Peer\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Sisoft Sandra..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Sandra\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Tweak-XP..." program="%Sourcedrive%\Install\Tweak-XP\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing WinDVD..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\WINDVD\setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing XP-AntiSpy..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Antispy\setup.exe" /> </item> <item display="Cleaning Up"> <execute display="Clean up on next boot..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\Cleanup.cmd" /> </item> </items> </XPlode>
  23. sorry, im not quite understanding what your asking me to do
  24. thanks wrath. looks like thats fixed, now i get this: End tag 'item' does not match the start tag 'execute'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Copy of XPCD/$OEM$/XPlode.xml'... </item> ----^
  25. hi. if you please could, verify my runonceex line: REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Installing Winamp" /f REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\winamp\winamp.msi Xfull=1 Xuser="S0me0nesmind1="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" /qb" /f
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