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Everything posted by puntoMX

  1. Yeah well, I hate Spanish office, my Spanish is poor believe me, I just live in Mexico The Office 2003 version is slipstreamed well, I only needed to copy one CAB and XLM file from the original CD. But, the difference is that the original CD has more CAB files in the root and my copied version on my HDD like I said just one now. If I use Opera 7.5x, AVG antivirus pops up telling me it’s some kind of virus that gives me a Kernel error. Even some times AVG is not giving a popup and my PC just dies, (cool and fast reset without a tweak LOL). But if you say it hasn´t a virus in it, well, then Opera is just fooling around. Same here, and the info is al over the place. Also the XML file in combination with the CAB file is there. Well, there are no errors in my log files, but! SETUP is telling me that I use incorrect parameters and I have to look in the SETUP.HTM. I hope you can use my information, I´ll wait till your next version comes out, I´m all ready hanging in there, hehehehe (**** I was p***ed yesterday )
  2. Probably - but only from the side of windows. The shrinker itself supports Spanish though. Just try reading all posts in the thread, and follow the steps and you'll have your shrunken Office. All the best! Hehehehe , okay, I was reading ALL posts in this thread and the one how to slipstream SP1 in. If it was that simple I would not have to post here , especialy not a question "how to" .
  3. Okay, I think the file on this link has a Virus, please check it http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=16709&st=110 Any way... I´m just too stupid to get things work .... Tried all, all that is here on the forum .... I have a Spanish version of 2003 with slipstreamed SP1.... I tried to shrink it on a clean Windows XP SP2 in VMware.... But only I get 13MB of data copied, with no error at all.... I just don´t get it, how the hell people could have shrinked there Office, Just kick me if I´m asking something stupid; How do I shrink the source of Office 2003 SP1 Spanish version. Please help me. edit: forgot to say that I´m using an English XP pro... could this be a problem in combination with a Spanish Office 2003?
  4. VMware is easy to use and fast for testing, so just start using it. You can use it 30 days for free. Edit: To complicated? And nLite isn´t? It´s easy, just like you use a computer. Just let the ISO be the CD-ROM drive of VMware...
  5. Okay, tell me were, I´m lost... Is it going to be less CPU / MEM usages? Can´t be bad to disable it but still I like some facts please (also for the other people who read this (i know I can find it out my self, but still)). Event Log died a lon time a go in my config..
  6. okay, just delete SVCPACK.INI, then it´s not going to bug you any more Good luck
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