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Everything posted by iamtheky

  1. Please let us know, the amazon and gamespot reviews discuss problems with wii+ dskins. good luck.
  2. SATA drive maybe? The other problems and that you got 'unknown disK' not 'unknown disc' makes me lean towards harddrive, could be from windows attempting to resume a failing/failed installation. If you can go to your BIOS and change it to IDE mode or ATA mode you might have success with the other loads.
  3. http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3993
  4. HFSLIP and Nlite and other tools you will find around here are fantastic, but they do make changes to your source that are not documented. That aside, I do Ie7 and fixes from the runonce. Figured if an uninstall/reinstall worked then the current package would suffice.
  5. Since the error code indicates the 'files from the package are incompatible with files on your system.' have you tried to uninstall/reinstall ie7 and then run the KB?
  6. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=283037 So, while your application that utilizes AWE will run just fine if you take /PAE out of your ini, and it will still allocate non-swappable memory; it will not do so above 4GB.
  7. thread is a year and a half old. Are you really using RC1 of SP3?
  8. couldnt tell you, I was more hunting to educate myself as well. Everywhere I looked talked about 'additional settings' for the quebecois all my gatherings of the Vista french language pack happened in the past hour. Tout cela grace a vous, merci. I did not however see different French flavors of the 2003 MUI set, they were selections from within the pack.
  9. my bad. http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdo...02856bb697c.exe http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942903 = in case you lpksetup is damaged from playing. Reference here for the language packs - http://keznews.com/2484_16_Windows_Vista_M...32_bit_Versions
  10. http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t488...-available.html From help documents for Office 2003 installation-->For users in Québec, install the French MUI Pack, set the installation language to Canadian French, set the user interface and Help language to French, and enable Canadian French and Canadian English for editing. I dont know how/why they offer public links to iso(s) built for their customers (hosted on the microsoft site), but if they are not supposed to be freely available feel free to take down my post
  11. Why not good old [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Autorun.inf] @=”@SYS:DoesNotExist”
  12. maybe powerstrip can pull it off? http://entechtaiwan.com/util/ps.shtm
  13. post your runonceex1.cmd
  14. You'd probably be best served with a quality disc cleaning kit or places like gamestop will scrub it for a nominal fee, and many times at no cost if you are purchasing something. Echoing Prime, even a legitimate backup has no way of being restored/replayed without physical modification of the system.
  15. Have you tried ERD [commander]? It is now Microsofts diagnostic and recovery toolkit, though an old winternals ERD may be easier to come by as M$ only offers the toolkit to Volume License Customers who ALSO sign up for the optional Software Assurance Program. Many of our deploys have full Oracle installations and ERD is the only tool I have found that will roll those systems back using windows restore points.
  16. forward, left, back, down and mouse actions. mmmmm counter strike.
  17. Is your board allowing speedfan to control the bridges or are you able to just view temperatures? 170 degrees not doing anything, brutal. the 15 degree (fahrenheit) flux between somewhat idle and heavy-use states is not terrible. How quickly does it get up to 170 (from room temp)? You might get lucky with some canned air and a re-seat.
  18. seeing how lost planet is a straight port of a xbox360 game i would recommend the 360 wireless controller. http://m.cnet.com.au/games/339278582.htm
  19. are you adding a new adm file to the gp with just that small section or are you replacing the entire exisitng structure? http://www.petri.co.il/understanding_fsmo_roles_in_ad.htm edit: '......entire existing adm' + quote and ref in case that helps
  20. remove the offending items from your txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf where present. if they are unneeded your load will go fine.
  21. like with a screwdriver ty, ty yer a terrific audience. Basic questions yet to be answered: What kind of system? What power saving options are on in the BIOS? if this a laptop do you get different behavior under battery power then you do from an outlet? Have you tried the load on any other machine? did it behave differently so we can eliminate the load as the culprit? Is it an HP? http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/showthread.php?t=1828
  22. @g-force I have the same issue, if you are filtered (like I am at work) you wont see the shots linked from imgshack and places as such.
  23. Do you have any power saving options on in your BIOS? Many of those settings give you the flexibility to turn off unused peripherals.
  24. bet you can get a copy here http://www.microsoft.com/events/teched2009/
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