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Everything posted by gamehead200

  1. Can anyone here make a button that's 21x21 and that has a webcam on it? I need it for my site...
  2. Is that your Pocket PC or your actual Desktop?
  3. That's not Longhorn...Its PlexXP theme! I have Longhorn on my crappy computer! Check my PC SPECS and you'll see which one it is...
  4. I thought that no one would start this topic, so I started it a day earlier...Post links to your December desktops! - removed- because I get rid of it every 2-3 months...
  5. I think you can only replace the system files if you are upgrading from a previous version of Windows...
  6. No luck...It gives me the cookie section whenever I click on the link...
  7. Hey guys...Since I upgraded to BETA 4 of InvisionBoard 1.1, I haven't been able to see my PORTAL category in my admin c/p under board settings...Can someone tell me how to fix this?
  8. gamehead200


    LOL! Good one, piaqt!
  9. Me neither...I've been trying to find a way so that my teachers don't see what I'm doing during computer class! Thanx sedative! (BTW @ sedative: How old is that avatar of yours?)
  10. Is there a way to minimize something by pressing two buttons? Like ALT+F4 closes whatever window you have...
  11. I had this power supply once. The same power supply blew up on me TWICE! It blew up, then my computer restarted...Then when I got a virus, it blew up again at my technician's house! I had to buy a new one!
  12. Look no more! PM or e-mail me for more info!
  13. Shut the hell up man! It's a joke! ~Rick
  14. Bill's Money! w00t Is it $40 billion or more?
  15. Yea, I use Abyss, But I want that for a seperate page...
  16. Guys, I'm looking for something that asks you for a password when you try to login...Something that looks like this: http://gorbie.ath.cx:9999 ! Is there a way to put something like that in a webpage?
  17. LongHorn, thanks for the offer (and thanks for remembering that you made the portal ). Guys, I suggest that you sign up at my board. BTW, LongHorn, I'm helping build my dad's company's website with a company here in Montreal. I might get to host my website on there. I think he has 10GB of bandwidth a month ! If he doesn't, I don't care, I got 5GB here at home. Thanx again for the offer! *Gamehead200 repeating himself* *SIGN UP!!!!*
  18. Hey guys! I started my own board about a week ago...Here is how it has come out...(Don't complain if its slow! Its served on my own computer with a DSL connection ) http://joker.servehttp.com
  19. 3 Words: America Online Sucks! I'm cancelling my subscribtion this week...I haven't been using it for 6 months and I've been paying for it!!!
  20. Ummm....How is it pirated software when: 1. Its not software, its an OS 2. Its still Pre-Beta Can someone answer this?
  21. That's wat it is @ GaMMa! Its just an improved version of XP....NT 6!!!!
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