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Everything posted by Raoul90
I am using AutoIT v3.3.4.0, and both scripts give errors?
No idea why, but it is working again.
I completely formatted the whole drive. I will check those things.
Hi, I just reinstalled Windows 7 Professional X64. But now I cant open any .txt / .cmd /.bat files anymore? Also I cant edit the hosts file. For instance: When I right click one of my batches (.bat) and then click edit, it says it cant find the file. How can I fix this, and what is causing this, anyone knows? All help is welcome!
autounattended.xml - X86 and X64 combined into 1?
Raoul90 replied to Raoul90's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Hmm, I remade the whole file, see d/l-link in first post, but still get these errors: Help? lol (oh btw, the "Bestaat niet" in the image, is "Not exist") edit: Oh lol, I might no why I get those errors, I mounted a X64 file with WSIM, and then opened the autounattend.xml, so ofc X86 settings will not be validated right? But still doesnt explain why the thing wont work on test install @ vmware, I get the OOBE part about updates/internetplace etc, only thing I get when I use X86 autounattended (so not combined with x64) is the name part, thats what I want. -
autounattended.xml - X86 and X64 combined into 1?
Raoul90 replied to Raoul90's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
By the way, is it possible to pre-set OOBE settings using DISM instead of autounattend.xml? -
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
Someone in Dutch topic just told me that he got those two on MU. -
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
Do KB976569 and KB976570 replace others or just extra? -
Hi, I combined my X86 and X64 autounattended.xml files, it worked a couple of weeks ago, but right now it doesnt, the pre-set OOBE settings are not being executed, I had to do it myself. I only use Windows 7 Professional, put the X86 and X64 professional in one install.wim, and also would like to have 1 autounattend.xml. When I open my autounattend.xml with WSIM to validate it, WSIM crashes about some weird error, I cant find the problem. My file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2237610/autounattend.xml Any help is welcome, thanks!
<settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> </OOBE> <VisualEffects> <FontSmoothing>Standard</FontSmoothing> </VisualEffects> <BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled>false</BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled> <DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet>false</DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet> <DoNotCleanTaskBar>true</DoNotCleanTaskBar> <ShowWindowsLive>true</ShowWindowsLive> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Sidebar" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Gadget1>%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Weather.Gadget</Gadget1> <Gadget2>%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Clock.Gadget</Gadget2> <Gadget3>%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Calendar.Gadget</Gadget3> </component> </settings> Last part will enable the gadgets you want. You can also use Gadget4 and Gadget5.
Help, unmounting not working?!
Raoul90 replied to Raoul90's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Yay, its worked. -
Hey, My power went off when I was unmounting, now DISM keeps giving errors when I try to unmount (unmounting was at aprox 75% when power went down). I tried /commmit and /discard, it gives: /commit gives: Error 0xc142011d /Discard gives: Error 1392: Folder or file is damaged or un-readable. I cant delete the folder, it says im not granted to delete something to do with trusted installer? Help? dism.log: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2237610/dism.log
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
Hey Strel, Thanks for the updates! But: I noticed something when the script was bissy, I normally never watch what is happening, but now I did: It says processing the KB974417 and then says "System cant find the specified file"? Al those "Bestand niet gevonden" are "File not found"? My dotNET folder. Processdata: --- WORK FOLDER CONTENT: --- _SNMSYNTH.ini SETTINGS USED: PROCESSDNF11=YES PROCESSDNF20=NO PROCESSDNF3520=YES PROCESSDNF3530=YES PROCESSDNF3535=YES DNF20VC8RUNTIME=YES DNF20OFFICE2K3DEBUGGER=YES DNF30RGBRASTERIZER=YES DNF30WIC=YES DNF30MSXML6=YES DNF30XPS=YES DNF35VC9RUNTIME=YES DNF35FFXBAPPLUGIN=YES DNF35FFCLICKONCEEXT=YES PROCESSLNGDNF11=YES PROCESSLNGDNF20=NO PROCESSLNGDNF3520=YES PROCESSLNGDNF3530=YES PROCESSLNGDNF3535=YES TARGETOS=XP T13ADDONS= ROEADDONS= ALSOINSTALLERS= MERGEFXS=YES SILENT=YES COMPRATIO= --- .\TMP FOLDER CONTENT: Installer works fine tho. -
I am trying to make Dutch installers of Opera 10.1 and Opera 10.2. I extracted the .MSI. When I put this in my config.txt (making swithless installer): opera10.msi /qb ALLUSERS=1 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=1 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON_REG=0 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON_REG_USR=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON=1 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON_REG=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON_REG_USR=0 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS=1 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS_REG=0 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS_REG_USR=0 MULTI_USER_SETTING=1 It installs in English. Also I dont see transforms file. I searched for "1043.MST" since that is Dutch, but I cant find it, they changed it in v10? edit: When I use original installer and call it like this from a cmd: @echo off start /wait Opera_1010_in_Setup.exe /L1043 /S /V"/qb ALLUSERS=1 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON=1 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON_REG=0 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON_REG_USR=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON_REG=0 CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_ICON_REG_USR=0 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS=0 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS_REG=0 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICONS_REG_USR=0 MULTI_USER_SETTING=1" exit Its working!
Thanks for this one!
Hello, How can I add UBCD V5.0RC1 to my Multiboot XP disc? I only found tutorial for an old version, which is not working anymore. Thanks in advance!
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
+1!! -
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
hehe! didn't notice that right at the bottom COMPRESSION_RATIO=none has been set as default this time in the new ver. thanks Raoul! No problem. -
Could you also add support for RunOnceEx? George King @ Wincert told me the following: REG LOAD HKLM\W7I "%WIM%\Windows\System32\Config\Software" SET ROE=HKLM\W7I\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %ROE% /v TITLE /d "Windows 7 Integrator Finisher" /f REG ADD %ROE% /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d "00000014" /f REG ADD %ROE%\001 /ve /d "Installing EXE" /f REG ADD %ROE%\001 /v EXE /d "%WinDir%\Setup\EXE.exe" /f REG ADD HKLM\W7I\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /d "%WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe %WinDir%\System32\iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess" /f REG UNLOAD HKLM\W7I Basically mount install.wim, load registry, modify registry, unmount registry and commit install.wim.
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
Raoul90 replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
COMPRESSION_RATIO=none Remove none, and it will be smaller again. Thanks for the update Strel. -
List: http://www.msfn.org/board/silent-install-n...p;view=findpost
You know unit_app for following programs of Nero 9: Nero Express Nero ShowTime Nero StartSmart Thanks!
OK guys, I am using Chrome But I cant login at all.. I cleaned everything allready, still not able to login? edit: Deleted Cookies file from Chrome directory, now I can login, hopefully it stays that way.