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Everything posted by Raoul90

  1. 1) Present in registry. 2) Version = 2.0.50727.4005.
  2. This is my working basic winnt.sif, just compare with yours: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=Yes [Unattended] UnattendMode=DefaultHide OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS UnattendSwitch=No AutoActivate=No WaitForReboot=No DUDisable=Yes DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore ExtendOemPartition = 0 TargetPath=\WINDOWS FileSystem=* [GuiUnattended] EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 TimeZone=110 [UserData] ProductKey= [TapiLocation] CountryCode=31 LongDistanceAccess="31" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=2,7,8,9,10,4,1 [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=Werkgroep [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [URL] Home_Page=http://www.google.nl Search_Page=http://www.google.nl [SystemFileProtection] SFCQuota = 0 [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile ="%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\Sunrise.theme"
  3. Yes, I don't get. On "live" system the problem with repeated sentence KB976569 is solved by installation KB978254 Weird, I used same config as you and I still get KB976569 on MU.
  4. Windows 7 updates arent language specific anymore, right?
  5. You don't get KB976569 on microsoft update anymore? Weird, I keep getting it. (but when i try to install it fails).
  6. <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> is not needed. I think it is used with AsynchronousCommand %systemdrive%\Windows\Setup\SCRIPTS\FirstLog.cmd OEMs use that folder to fire off certain cmd files so should be able to. I do it different since Windows 7 is a tight a$$ about using them folders so I create an Install dir on root. attrib it when I first start then run my scripts, could then delete the folder Hmm, OK, I will try that, why you attrib the dir first?
  8. If I type that I get: W. Europe Standard Time Which is correct because I had that in my old autounattended.xml, forgot to change that then. I will try both, see what happens.
  9. ARGHH!!! It doesnt work either, this is getting pretty **** annoying, lol. Other ideas? Also my timezone setting doesnt pass: <TimeZone>C. Europe Time</TimeZone> Is it wrong or something? Should it be Central Euro Time? (full) or?
  10. Would a this work? <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /C start /wait %systemdrive%\Windows\Setup\SCRIPTS\FirstLog.cmd</CommandLine> <Description>FirstLogonScript</Description> <Order>1</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands>FirstLog.cmd: @echo offFOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i\sources\install.wim set MEDIA=%%iREGEDIT /S %MEDIA%\APPS\RegisterSettings.regStart /Wait %MEDIA%\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exeEXITCopied it from one of your autounattend.xml files, will try this out (copied cmd to mounted wim).
  11. Hmm I used this: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /c "FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i\sources\install.wim set MEDIA=%%i"</CommandLine> <Description>Setting Path Variable</Description> <Order>1</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /c REGEDIT /S %MEDIA%\APPS\RegisterSettings.reg</CommandLine> <Description>Register Tweaks</Description> <Order>2</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /c start %MEDIA%\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exe</CommandLine> <Description>MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit</Description> <Order>3</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> No register-tweaks applied and also MSSE is not installed?
  12. Ah allright, will try that. Thanks.
  13. Hmm OK, thanks, will give it a try: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /c "FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i\sources\install.wim set MEDIA=%%i"</CommandLine> <Description>Setting Path Variable</Description> <Order>1</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%MEDIA%\APPS\RegisterSettings.reg REGEDIT /S %i:\APPS\RegisterSettings.reg</CommandLine> <Description>Register Tweaks</Description> <Order>2</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%MEDIA%\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exe start %i:\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exe</CommandLine> <Description>MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit</Description> <Order>3</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands>
  14. Very nice, Vier! Will try it out!
  15. Hi, I am trying to install some things upon firstlogon. I tried this: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /q /c for %i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %i:\APPS\RegTweaks.reg REGEDIT /S %i:\APPS\RegTweaks.reg</CommandLine> <Description>Register Tweaks</Description> <Order>10</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /q /c for %i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %i:\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exe start %i:\APPS\MSSE-NL-v1.0.1961.0_64bit.exe</CommandLine> <Description>Register Tweaks</Description> <Order>20</Order> <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> But nothing happening when I logon in my test install @ VMWare? Some registertweaks apply to useraccount, so thats why I want it at firstlogon. Also I want to install the MSSE at firstlogon. Someone knows a way that does work?
  16. send me the value of this key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" "Common Start Menu" %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
  17. Please provide me with some info to help u with the startmenu shortcut 1. The Operating System you use 2. The language of the operating System 3. The Full path to the Allusers Startmenu. (eg: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Startmenu) Thanks 1) Windows 7 Professional X64 2) Dutch. 3) No alluserprofile in win7 that i know of?
  18. The portable version has some limitations. it doesn't save any settings upon exit, doesn't run as a service, so you won't be able to auto connect with your TeamViewer account, run at windows logon screen or have a permanent password. Because of these reasons, I invested some time figuring out a way to install the original full version silently. Tested on Windows XP/7. works Link for TeamViewer Silent Installer (repacked): TeamViewer Silent Setup [Generated by TGUP - Create Silent Installers method] Thanks, but I dont get any startmenu shorcuts?
  19. I know, but .NET2 is processed with .NET35 right? (the full package).
  20. Hi Strel, Since KB976569 & KB976570 were popping up @ Microsoft Update, I re-created the Dutch installer, with those two updates in the work folder also. Now when I test the installer, KB976569 popups? This is my processdata: I thought maybee PROCESSDNF20=NO is the problem? (I make AIO installer).
  21. Could you update to: Foxit Reader Pro 3.2.0303?
  22. Thanks, works now!
  23. Got the same error again.
  24. Hi, Thanks. But now I get this when compiling:
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