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Everything posted by AO3

  1. SteadyState works great for cyber cafes. You just rebbot and it fixes anything the user did.
  2. MS had a free program that let you restrict users. If I remember the name I will post it. It could lock the hdd so any changes made were removed after a reboot. Restrict programs etc... It had an easy GUI. ===== Post Nº2 ===== Windows SteadyState.
  3. We host our web site in house. Server 2003. We upgraded the server from 2000 to 2003. The site is up and running and can be seen at www.racsolutions.com but not www.raclink.com. Any ideas of where I should start looking?
  4. To change Word 2007's default file save location, follow these steps: 1. Click the Office button 2. Select Advanced 3. In the General section, click File Locations 4. Select Documents in the File types list 5. Click Modify 6. Use the navigation controls to select the new location for your files 7. Click OK on each of the dialog boxes to close them When you save a file, Word 2007 will automatically open the specified folder.
  5. On What? Need more info from you.
  6. Due to the fact that you are running graphic applactions, and that you are trying to get the most out of your laptop. I would run XP instead of Vista.
  7. Vista discontued some security features. MS-CHAPv1 authentication method. Two fixes. May not like them. One turn off the security. Or Two, config the new MS chap for vista on the reciveing end. That is if the deviece can support it.
  8. Update. They stoped and started services and rebooted the server. Still no change.
  9. Setting up a web site with a form to emil the company info. Have the form done, but have problems with the server side. Server Extensions 2002 Change Configuration Settings Web page I am trying to enter the infomation on the "Change Configuration Settings Web page" in IIS, to set up the company web site to send form results to an e-mail host. But when I click submit at the bottom of the page nothing happens. No error, no done , nothing. Sever 2003 Sever extensions 2002 install
  10. BTW, switches can have IP address. Your cheap off the shelf ones most likely do not. Most are used in an office so a network engineer can tweak the data flow.
  11. When the user clicks on a message, the blue highlight across the screen does not appear. I have reset IE7. I have accessed two OWA servers from the users cpu. Both OWA do not high lite. If I use a different CPU there are no problems.
  12. I have 6 HP laserjet 2300 printers. Using the program from HP to install the printer it hangs at the end of the install. I have tried different laptops, desktops no luck. Anyone have any ideas of what I should try?
  13. What is the HDD connection? IDE?
  14. Have you tried starting IE7 without addons? Then go to the web site and see if the problem still happens.
  15. One cpu in the office still uses win 98 due to custom software. A special software was created for this company many many years ago on win 95. It will run on win 98 but nothing newer. The owner does not want to dish out 40 thousand dollars for new software.
  16. Is this a per to per network?
  17. I hope I can help. I am using RIS with Ghost on Win 2003. If you have SP2 on 2003 RIS becomes WDS. So my WIN 2003 server is SP1. Here is a link for a step by step setup with RIS and Ghost. It worked great for me. No more Cd's or floppy's. http://www.alanphipps.com/WindowsAdmin-Server-RIS.html#Step3
  18. Look in the bios. You should be able to set the bios to boot only to the Pri HDD then put a password on the bios so no one can change it.
  19. DAMMMM. No!!! I have to figure out WDS now. Or I can go kill the guy who put sp2 on my in house server. I also need to find out if ghost ver 8 will work with WDS.
  20. Yes it has sp2 and the other 2003 ris server has sp1
  21. I am setting up a second server with RIS in my domain. When I went to add remove programs, window components the option for RIS is not there. Any ideas? Win 2003 server.
  22. Have a client that has win XP office 2007 and all patches. When you open a doc in word it crashes. Event log only says that word crashed. Have repaired, uninstall then reinstalled, deleted normal file, run office diaq(found nothing) removed printers, doc's can open on another computer no problems, login as differnet user same problem, started safe mode, disabled addons, etc.. Does any one have any ideas???
  23. The users are using outlook. I use a sonicwall device that can make a backup of the PST files located on the users cpu. The sonicwall device makes backups of all files real time.
  24. How strong is the wireless connection? Are you losing the wireless signal? Or do you still have a wireless signal and no connection to internet and server? Do the laptops have wireless built in or PCMCIA cards? Can you plug the laptops in via cables and still have the same problem? Last are the laptops next to any appliances, microwave, wireless phones, etc.
  25. I am only using RIS so I can connect using the ghost console. My company is a computer rental company. So I do not connect to the domain and after the image software runs we need only to change the computer name. Using RIS gets rid of the cd's and floppy's and the techs only have to login then choose the model of computer they are using for the ghost console to come up. I have to write out steps to make it so easy that a sales person can do it.
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