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Everything posted by Tsunami
Not sure about these Registry tweaks!
Tsunami replied to xy16644's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Quote from the topic I hoped you would find: And I was talking about point 4, where you say you want to modify the "show all processes" checkbox in task manager. Edit: I made a06lp's vbs file a bit shorter, pasting it here so I can remove it from my comp On Error Resume Next Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Key = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet" GUID = Shell.RegRead(Key & "\Enum\Root\MS_NDISWANIP\0000\ClassGUID") For I = 0 To 15 If I < 10 Then N = "000" & I Else N = "00" & I ID = Shell.RegRead(Key & "\Control\Class\" & GUID & "\" & N & "\NetCfgInstanceID") NA = Key & "\Control\Network\" & GUID & "\" & ID & "\Connection\" If InStr(Shell.RegRead(NA & "Name"), "1394") = 0 Then Shell.RegWrite NA & "ShowIcon", 1, "REG_DWORD" Next -
Did you copy it in Safe Mode? And do you still have WFP enabled?
Upgrade to Longhorn User Pics... get it here
Tsunami replied to Astalavista's topic in Wallpapers & Icons
Nice, but can't you use variables in the Path command? cause it extracts to C:, and my Windows isn't on C: atm -
@neuro42: where did you get your new sound scheme? I'm looking for a new one too, but I can't find any sound schemes on the internet
The method sixpack posted is the only way to add a shortcut to the right pane of the start menu, but you can only use it to add one shortcut.
@durex: Although your VBS file works, it has some errors. For example, it sets the AllDrives variable, but never uses it. Also, the message box has the title "Diskeeper" (which makes me believe you didn't write this yourself ). Here's the right one (I also changed some things to make it a little shorter): Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For Each Drive In FSO.Drives If Drive.DriveType = 4 And Drive.IsReady And FSO.FileExists(Drive & "\WIN51") Then CDROM = Drive Next If Len(CDROM) = 0 Then MsgBox "Error: CD-ROM not found!", vbCritical WScript.Quit End If Also, you can't use the variable as %CDROM% like you can in a batch file, but you'll have to use it like this: WshShell.Run(CDROM & "\Software\Applications\Burning\Alc\setup.exe /qn REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS")
Not sure about these Registry tweaks!
Tsunami replied to xy16644's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
2) Search for "+change +drive +letter" (without the quotes) and read the last topic. 3) Search for "+account +picture" (without the quotes) and read the first topic. 4) What do you mean by modifying it? 6) If you search for "+personalized +menus" (without the quotes), and set Result Type to Show results as posts, you can find the answer in the last post (the only post that's not in this topic). 7) If you search for "+explorer +status*", and set Result Type to Show results as posts, you can find the answer in the second post. If Result Type is set to posts instead of topics, you have to click on the number next to "Post Preview:" to go to the post right away. As you can see it's easy to find things, as long as you know how the search works. -
Nothing special, I took the icons from GANT 2 Ocean and put them in the Dutch WinRAR.
Use Advanced Search Option by default?
Tsunami replied to durex's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Well, these tweaks work for me: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant] "AutoComplete"=dword:00000000 <--- AutoComplete (Disabled) "BalloonTips"=dword:00000001 <--- Balloon Tips (Enabled) "SocialUI"=dword:00000000 <--- Search Dog (Disabled) "UseAdvancedSearchAlways"=dword:00000001 <--- Advanced Search (Enabled) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "CaseSensitive"=dword:00000000 <--- Case Sensitive Search (Disabled) "IncludeSubFolders"=dword:00000001 <--- Search Subfolders (Enabled) "SearchHidden"=dword:00000001 <--- Search Hidden Files And Folders (Enabled) "SearchSlowFiles"=dword:00000000 <--- Search Tape Backup (Disabled) "SearchSystemDirs"=dword:00000001 <--- Search System Directories (Enabled) Also, what prathapml said, the following settings have nothing to do with the search assistant: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState] "FullPath"=dword:00000001 "FullPathAddress"=dword:00000001 "Use Search Asst"="no" "Settings"=hex:0c,00,02,00,1b,01,e7,77,60,00,00,00 The "Use Search Asst" has to do with the search assistant, but it disables it, so maybe that's where you're going wrong. -
OK, sorry, read it wrong. I don't know if anyone has tried that batch from Rob van der Woude, but the page says it's still beta, so. For now that's the only way I know of to uninstall Outlook Express.
Media Center 2005, Updaterollup 1 Slipstream
Tsunami replied to KNARZ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Isn't the command /integrate instead of -integrate? Or is there no difference? -
I guess the activation file should be copied after installing Office? Else you could just put it in $OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data.
%YEAR% Variable in Batch File
Tsunami replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
He just wants to display the current year in the title of the RunOnceEx window, so he doesn't have to update this every year... -
I figured it would be No, but ref.chm makes no mention of this value. The only values are Yes and 1... (See this topic. It appears that he wants to turn off the firewall instead of automatic updates, but he still mentions that the AutomaticUpdates=No line doesn't work).
%YEAR% Variable in Batch File
Tsunami replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
It looks easier than it is. The problem is that the format of the date can be anything. There's a preset list in Windows, where you can select things from, but you can put things in there yourself too. So you never know what the format is on the user's machine. I have the following batch code, which returns the year on my comp, but I'm not sure if it will work on other comps. It still needs a check for two or four digits too. @ECHO OFF SET KEY="HKCU\Control Panel\International" FOR /F "delims= skip=2 tokens=1" %%S IN ('REG QUERY %KEY% /V sDate') DO SET S=%%S IF "%S:~0,9%" == " sDate" SET SEP=%S:~17% FOR /F "delims= skip=2 tokens=1" %%S IN ('REG QUERY %KEY% /V sShortDate') DO SET S=%%S IF "%S:~0,14%" == " sShortDate" SET SDATE=%S:~22% FOR /F "delims=%SEP% tokens=1,2,3" %%S IN ("%SDATE%") DO ( SET S=%%S SET T=%%T SET U=%%U ) FOR /F "delims=%SEP% tokens=1,2,3" %%S IN ("%DATE%") DO ( IF "%S:~0,1%" == "y" SET YEAR=%%S IF "%T:~0,1%" == "y" SET YEAR=%%T IF "%U:~0,1%" == "y" SET YEAR=%%U ) IF %YEAR% LSS 100 SET YEAR=20%YEAR% ECHO %YEAR% PAUSE EXIT @Incroyable HULK: Yes, that's what I meant with the two/four digit check. I just edited so it will check if %YEAR% is less than 100, and if it is, it will add 20 at the beginning. So it should fully work now. -
RunOnceEx application install problem
Tsunami replied to armin's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Do you have a file called CD.txt in the root of your CD? -
If you run winnt32.exe, rename winnt.sif to unattend.txt
%YEAR% Variable in Batch File
Tsunami replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
This is different for every system. It depends on the language and short date settings. %DATE% returns 24-12-04 on my system So a batch file isn't the best way to get the year from a system. After a little bit of searching I found that this returns the year in a VBS file: DatePart("yyyy", Date) But I don't know if it bothers you to set the title from the vbs file, and do the rest from the batch file, or if you want to pass the year from the vbs file to the batch file, and set it from there, or whatever -
RegShot can track changes in both the registry and files.
What you have now will work, and is the best way to do it.
Edit: oops, this topic has a second page Oh well, here's what I posted anyway: InstallHinfSection Value Description ------------------- 0 System provided INF. 128 Set the default path of the installation to the location of the INF. This is the typical setting. +0 Never reboot the computer. +1 Reboot the computer in all cases. +2 Always ask the users if they want to reboot. +3 Reboot the computer if necessary without asking user for permission. +4 If a reboot of the computer is necessary, ask the user for permission before rebooting.
This is a command that I got with 2 minutes of searching Google (I didn't test it though): rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /File:"<theme file>" Edit: nevermind, this is the same command that runs when you double-click a theme-file, so it still opens the Display Properties. The topic I found it in talks about using an AutoIt/VBS script to send keys to the window, so you can let it press OK.
Hmm, well, you're right that the title implies that, but I couldn't see that from his post. If you want to do that jadi, don't put your files in $OEM$\$1
He put the files in $OEM$\$1\Install, so they will be copied to the harddrive during setup. Also, your batch file probably won't work, because %%i already has a : at the end, and you're adding another one to it. @jadi: Please verify if the files were copied to your harddrive (so if setup.exe really exists in C:\Install\Applications\Office2003). And a little bit offtopic, but your description says it's installing Office XP, but you're pointing to a folder called Office2003...
You can probably deal with this with a vbs file. Let me see if I can cough something up Edit: couldn't find any solutions yet, it's also difficult for me to test because I don't have a ZIP-drive myself.