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Everything posted by aviv00

  1. omg thx my dream come true http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/8995/windows7x64201007181305.png 320mb memory to make ur own Server WS http://www.2shared.com/file/2_4slt2Y/rt_online.html if u remove winsxs u need to remove pending.xml file from winsxs dir steps 1. lastsession1.inf with RT Server lite 2. Vlite Server R2 1.2 for vlite 3. tweaks aftervlite for Workstation- for RT Server Lite 1.1GB iso file 2.8GB Footprint on ur hdd memory usage 380mb on VMware [at idle 290-320mb] Enjoy
  2. I thought that issue was resolved in this build. Have you looked at the release notes? well i saw so i installed it and tested it so far the inf dont exist yet i see in here C:\Program Files\RT 7 Lite the inf file i looked at C:\Program Files\RT 7 Lite\Preset dir thx edit: dont understand it i change few things and its NOT changed to inf file
  3. gr8 i really want to use but i cant save my work and continue it later could u make the saving of the inf file before applying ?
  4. no u dont need to use 64bit os to use gimagex on 64bit OS if the wimfilter driver is in 32bit u need 32bit
  5. there gimagex for 32bit too why u need 64bit os ?
  6. hey no after applying vlite without winsxs removal install on vmware sysperp it use gimagex to capture the image then use vlite to remove winsxs without need to remove pending.xml this method is is the best if u going to add updates to ur iso and drivers after install the os on Host install the update to fix the updatability i will work on .ini file with save files so u could use sysperp after remove the winsxs
  7. hey bensam56 could u make the saving of config file before the apply ? the changes ? and not after thx
  8. hey i will try wait a sec edit : here the files list with dir /s /a command hope its help http://www.2shared.com/file/cIgsT8wl/32bitfinal_need_editing.html
  9. i guess there is but its too much work and its anit reduce space by much
  10. hey zumoc "Method 1 : just remove Pending.xml from winsxs dir using imagex.exe [before u delete this file u need to know its like file with some proccess that need to be done after doing update or removing or adding packages mostly not effect the system]" read what in the [ ] the best way is install it on vmware let the pending.xml apply [updates and same other things] before remove the winsxs then use sysperp to reset the hardware config capture it to wim and then u will be able to remove winsxs without worrying about the updates
  11. Date Published: 4/27/2010 is the last version did u install it ?
  12. u could do it unattainably with waik or 7lite
  13. if there something big u wanna install on the hdd manually change the dir to install it cos u might wanna small apps install to ssd\program files\ to gain the speed of ssd that what im doing
  14. might be same of the services that has been disabled or Reliability and Performance Monitor ur ini is pretty small i guess u look for another causes
  15. yea but then u need to choose method 2 to complete the installation if u can remove the pending.xml from winsxs dir its must better and faster
  16. no u need to use vlite to remove winsxs and then remove pending file too
  17. hey bensam56 u think u goes to support windows server 2008 r2 too ? even in far future ?
  18. i know this error from vlite and removing winsxs the pending.xml in winsxs dir need to remove but its need to be applied first same files from winsxs is missing that why cant be applied i think
  19. nero lite 9 working here on server 2008 r2
  20. @ bensam56 hey can u make the setting saving more comfort ? its hard to save the setting at once cos its there a lot of settings and thinking so i want to make setting config and update it from time to time till its it finish thx
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