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  1. Ok great, thanks.
  2. Will current version of nLite work with IE 8 Beta 1 x64/x86 with XP x64/x86? Its up for download from Microsoft and would like to make another nLited Windows XP x64 later today. Any known problems with it or is it good to go?
  3. I downloaded the file and extracted the wallpaper Why didn't I think of that sooner...
  4. Very nice themes, can you post a link to the wallpaper you used for Royal Inspirat SE Mac Theme? Thanks.
  5. This looks very nice, can this be integrated into the windows setup files like XPize?
  6. First I install XP x64 SP2 non nLited to see which updates are needed, so KB925876 was one of them, while integrating everything I got this error: nLite was able to contiune and so far everything is fine, last session.ini is attached below. This program deserves 2 I love this program, keep up the great work Last_Session.ini
  7. Nice thanks
  8. This one: http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdo...77d9b9983b7.exe Its KB892130 WGA validation tool that you always download before Windows Update shows you any updates..
  9. Favorite wallpaper from one of the games I play:
  10. Home: Advertised: 5mbps downstream 512kbps upstream
  11. www.gpotato.com Every single game there is FREE, just avoid Shot Online and Corum they SUCK. Enjoy FlyFF, Spacecowboy and Rappelz. TIP: Try Spacecowboy first
  12. I tried integrating WGA validation tool I tried adding it as an addon with no switchs and with known switchs people said that worked and nothing happens during install, just .net and WinRAR installs thats it. I go to Windows Update and I still have to download the WGA tool again. Anyone know a working way to get this installed silently with XP? No switchs are working and it wont "integrate" into XP. Yes I used the search button........ its not finding anything.... This is WGA validation tool (thats needed to use Windows Update) not WGA notifications!
  13. If you are nLiting an installation thats been priviously nLited with delete it and start over fresh from a clean source and it works fine, I had the same thing but when I started over using only nLite 1.3.5 it went away. Some difference between the 2 that wont't allow you partialy nLite a Windows source with 1 version and nLite it again with a newer version.
  14. I love you
  15. Will there be 64 bit Windows support anytime soon...?
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