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Everything posted by mara-

  1. It don't need to mean that image will be incorrect. It can work perfectly fine. But problems can start for example if you added IE7 and it's hotfixes to the list and you did not sorted by date, then if hotfixes are in higher level on the list then IE7 then hotfixes for IE7 will be integrated before IE7 itself. Now, for testing you can use VmWare or some other program, and after installation on it you can take a look at Event Manager to see is there any errors reported. Also you can test something by yourself. Try to open a few Windows applications, try to install some programs, etc. Cheers
  2. No, you don't need to extract it, nLite will read the date of the build in hotfix page and there you can sort it. Cheers
  3. You can find sata drivers on official page of manufacturer which made your disk. And you will probably need to put it on a floppy and during loading of XP setup files (blue screen) at the very begin you need to press F6 and then to load drivers from floppy. If you don't have a floppy then you can use nLite to integrate your drivers in it. Cheers
  4. OK, I think I found the problem. You removed the communication tools (on your preset Comunicazioni). Read the description in nlite for this and you will see that it includes Phone Dialer. And I recommend you to switch to the latest version of nlite, version 1.4 Final since a lot of bugs is repaired. Cheers
  5. Maybe this is not problem with nLite at all. Try this: Open Help and Support and type this into search bar: Wait for dial tone before dialing Follow the steps (you need to uncheck option Wait for dial tone before dialing). Cheers
  6. For Office 2007 this is not necessary. Just put updates in folder Update which should be located in root folder of Office 2007 CD and updates will be installed during installation of Office 2007. Cheers
  7. mara-

    i386 directory

    You need XP disc to do anything, you can NOT use only i386 folder. Cheers
  8. Very nice program for writing tag's: Mp3tag
  9. mara-

    nLite 1.4(.1) - - ->

    @Legas2 I see that you are new here, but everybody know here that is not possible to integrate into X64 Windows if you are under x86. You need to have installed x64 to be able to integrate x64 updates and vice-versa. Cheers
  10. ninguno, It's not yet possible. I'll add it my next version. I'm still exploring to see can this be integrated directly. If not I'm going to make this possible to install silently. Cheers
  11. bsalem, I think there is no way to slipstream this, I can only make this to be silently installed using setup_h.exe created by my slipstreamer. And what about KB943552? I posted in first post registry info for that update (so Window Update does not complain), or your language is not on the list for this hotfix. If not, tell me which language of Office you use so I can make registry info for you. And you could help me. Maybe you can find registry info for KB943452. Cheers
  12. It's not true. Problem with SFC does not exist, I'm 100% positive and I tested a lot of times. God knows what are you doing. With final version you don't need to replace anything. Cheers
  13. First you need nLite. nLite have page named Hotfixes. You will add all hotfixes on that page (except those which I point that needs to be installed via RunOnce). You will add drivers using page in nLite named Drivers. Before that you need to extract nVidia package to some folder using 7-zip or some other program and then to add it from that folder. And about Ryan things: Ryan packages contain all post SP2 updates, but he did not update his packs almost 3 months or more. So I add to this list his packs and updates that are published after his pack. I hope that you understand now, if not ask again what did not you understand. Cheers
  14. Windows Malicious Software Removal Tools 1.35 (November) Website: microsoft.com File Size: 8.2 MB (8.574.902 Bytes) MD5: 877b4efe4d57eae661be1ce5b07a2d7f Mirror: Rapidshare
  15. Thank you Lions for informations, I'll add registry info in first post soon. Edit: Very nice. I did not read whole text when I posted this, but now I did, and this is great news. I'll try to add hotfix info today, since this one solve problem with uninstalling. Edit2: Can anyone of affected with this problem post registry info for this update. I need just one language and I'll modify it for other languages. Since English is not affected I can not post keys for affected versions. Cheers
  16. Lusitano's idea is very good. I think that nobody will mind if you upload to rapidshare or megashere. There is also mihd.net which have no limitation at all. Cheers
  17. I just tested and I don't have problems with RunOnce when 939653 is integrated. Can you give me and example of what do you add to RunOnce. Cheers
  18. That is some Microsoft bug. It's not problem with my tool. Take a look here. People have same problem there. Cheers
  19. I suggest you to put this on RyanVM forum, since RUPUpdates- is created by one of member there who don't guaranty that his update pack will work with nLite. Cheers
  20. Not sure, but I think that this problem will be solved if you integrate latest hotfixes for IE7. And you should upload your preset so we could take a look. Cheers
  21. @gods If you ask for registry keys, I will make it today and upload it in the first post. Second question I did not understand. You can not convert admin to normal and it's not necessary. Fourth: Look here. Cheers
  22. Hi I need to prevent WMP11 to disable plug-ins when it's not closed correctly. Is this possible and if it is, how can I do it? Tnx in advance for help. Cheers
  23. Check out [url="http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?wiafbdrv"]here[/url]. And Google is your friend... Cheers
  24. In your preset I noticed that you integrate a lot of drivers and some of it are not for xp (you are integrating for win95, win98, winnt, win2000, win2003), so maybe that cause a problem. Also, maybe you are integrating 64 bit drivers into 32 bit XP. And, nLite 1.4 Final is out, maybe you should upgrade. Cheers
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