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Everything posted by Jazkal

  1. I replaced all 7, if it was a lowercase "i", then I replaced it with LC, and if it was uppercase, I replaced it with UC. Didn't test if it was really required or not.
  2. I ran my tests using WinPE, trying to make a multi-boot CD with the following: WinPE x86 WinPE x64 BartPE w\ XPE x86 I used the only two allowed renamed folders of i683 and 83i6 for the x86 versions. Both of these worked great, no problems at all. On the x64 version however, I renamed AMD64 to DMA64 and I didn't see the corupt NTLDR error message (which in and of itself looks promising). But I did get this error message on boot: "The entry "ntoskrnl.exe" in the [sourceDisksFiles] section of the INF file is corrupt or missing. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit." I tried editing the txtsetup.sif file in the dma64 folder, changing the "\amd64" entries under the [sourceDisksNames.amd64] section to "\dma64". But that didn't work.
  3. Anyone been able to get this to work in WinPE 2005 with Win2k3 SP1 as the source. I've tried both the dll registration and the import of the reg entries, not working with either.
  4. would this work for the "amd64" entries also? If your not sure, i'll test it come monday.
  5. When you boot from the WinPE CD, can you access the drive on the SATA controller? Have you installed the drivers for the SATA controller in your WinPE image?
  6. Have you tried the Altiris support forums? Seems they could help you out more over there. But maybe someone here is using WinPE with Altiris.
  7. Anyone seen anything like this for VS.Net unattended install from CD\DVD?
  8. The only thing I know of would be a DOS floppy with ntfsdos on it.
  9. Doesn't surprise me. I know from discussions inside MS, that the x64 OS trees are unified pretty much. Lots of files do one thing in XP, and something different in 2k3. There will be at least 1, if not 2 hotfixes in the near future that will have an updated version of SETUPLDR.BIN, It'll be intresting to see what other changes come along with it.
  10. Try turning of the PowerNow or Cool n' Quiet settings in the BIOS. I've seen ASUS boards that have issues with that and newer versions of Windows for some reason.
  11. I leave the startnet.cmd window in the background behind my HTA app. And my reboot button closes the HTA, and sends "exit" to the CMD window, then WinPE reboots. Here is the HTA code for the reboot button I'm using: Sub reboot_onclick() Ret = Msgbox("Are you sure you wish to reboot the PC?", vbYesNo) If ret = vbNo then Exit Sub End if Do Do While Counter < 5 Counter = Counter + 1 If Counter = 6 Then Check = False Exit Do End If with createobject("wscript.shell") .AppActivate ("X") .sendkeys "exit" .sendkeys "~" self.close end with Loop Loop Until Check = False End sub
  12. I have no idea what your trying to do with WMI, just don't understand. I do know that sysprep has a mechanisim for updating the HAL, I suggest you read up on that. As far as I know you can't change the types of HAL, meaning you can't go from ACPI to a non-ACPI HAL. You can go from multiproc to single proc via sysprep method.
  13. What version of the drivers are they? If I have that, I can call Dell and get the ones I need. EDIT: just clarifing, these are 64bit or 32bit drivers?
  14. which means pe based wont work <{POST_SNAPBACK}> using winnt.exe in Dos won't work, correct. But you can use winnt32.exe in a command line on winpe. I've done it, i know it can be done.
  15. Are the drivers publicly available? Or do you have to call in and get them? If I need to call, what drivers should I ask for?
  16. you won't add the inf file anywhere. You need to open the dospe INF file, and find the files listed in it, and copy them over to the correct folders. Then you need to mount the registry hive, and add the registry changes in the INF to the WinPE registry branch. Then close the registry hive and rebuild the ISO. Then see if it works. EDIT: This procedure might work with 32bit winpe, but will not work with 64bit winpe
  17. I would try adding the files and reg entries manually before you build the ISO. Just open up the dospe INF file, and look at the list of files, and reg entries.
  18. WinPE needs to be built on the matching version of windows. You would need WinPE 1.6 to build on Win2k3 SP1.
  19. Been there, done that. Expect a fix from Dell in about 18 months. I don't mean to rag on them, just haven't had good experiences with Dell fixing issues. Maybe they will be better in the future, could happen.
  20. Here is my build. It took me a while to get this image to work on all the hardware I have to support, but it does now. Well, minus the 64bit/broadcom issue. mkimg.cmd %OSSOURCE% %PESOURCE% /WMI /NOWF %PESOURCE%\winbom.ini (changes) [WinPE.Net] IPConfig = DHCP StartNet = Yes WinPEFirewall = Off %PESOURCE%\I386\system32\startnet.cmd (changes) factory -winpe call OC.bat netcfg -v -winpe ipconfig /renew ping -n 8 DNSServer net use z: %MAPDRIVE1% net use y: %MAPDRIVE2% BuildOptionalComponents.vbs /S:%OSSOURCE% /D:%PESOURCE% /HTA /Q drvinst.exe /inf:%DRIVERINF% %PESOURCE% /q Load Reg hives, make changes, unload reg hives oscdimg.exe -betfsboot.com -o -n %PESOURCE% %DRIVE%\%ISONAME%
  21. I have used both the Dell and Broadcom updated driver without issues. I know that when I didn't use the updated driver, I had issues with getting the broadcom nics to work.
  22. hmmm. I'm not seeing any issues now with 32bit. the only issue with 64bit I have is when WinPE is loaded via the RamDisk (ie with RIS or PXE) on a broadcom nic. I'll write up my build instructions, and see what you are doing different. It'll take me about an hour or so, I'm putting out a fire right now.
  23. Are you seeing these problems on 32bit and 64bit, or just 64bit?
  24. That is strange. If after you switch over to the final bits, it still doesn't work, I'll give you my step by steps to reproduce my image.
  25. buddha - sorry, I can't give you a case number, work rules and all. ChrisBaksa - I have seen this on Dell 2650's and 6850's (2850's have Intel nics). I get around the this by doing an ipconfig /renew and pinging a server I know is there, then I can map my drives and pull down files as needed. This is on WinPE2k5 on Dell 2650, 2850, 6650 and 6850.
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