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Everything posted by iceangel89

  1. when i install an OS (XP 64 bit SP2) on another partition, the drive letter can be other thing like G:\ so when i run sysprep, the Driver letter links are wrong eg. normally sysprep -bmsd will give links like C:\... but when the drive letter is G:\, the links will be G:\... i think this wont work if i install the syspreped image on C:\ right?
  2. i have some errors when i try to integrate WMP11 x64 and IE7 x64 into Windows XP x64 SP2. for IE7 i get errors like: for WMP11 i get unhanded exception: WMP11Slipstreamer v0.991 Detected source: Windows™ XP Professional x64 SP2 Epsilon.IO.Archival+ArchiveProcessException: An error occurred while extracting files from "System.Byte[]" ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'E:\XP PRO x64 SP2 CORP\amd64\wmp11temp\hotfixExtractTemp223390881\wpdmtphw.inf' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) at System.IO.File.OpenFile(String path, FileAccess access, SafeFileHandle& handle) at System.IO.File.SetCreationTimeUtc(String path, DateTime creationTimeUtc) at System.IO.File.SetCreationTime(String path, DateTime creationTime) at Epsilon.IO.Compression.CabDecompressor.decompInstance_NotifyCloseFile(Object sender, NotifyEventArgs e) at Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.OnNotifyCloseFile(NotifyEventArgs e) at Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.NotifyCallback(FdiNotificationType fdint, FdiNotification fdin) at Mischel.CabDotNet.CabSdk.FdiCopy(IntPtr hfdi, String cabinetName, String cabinetPath, Int32 flags, FdiNotifyDelegate fnNotify, FdiDecryptDelegate fnDecrypt, IntPtr userData) at Mischel.CabDotNet.CabSdk.FdiCopy(IntPtr hfdi, String cabinetName, String cabinetPath, FdiNotifyDelegate fnNotify, FdiDecryptDelegate fnDecrypt, Object userData) at Mischel.CabDotNet.DcmpRoutine.ExtractFiles(String cabinetFullPath) at Epsilon.IO.Compression.CabDecompressor.ExtractFiles(String destFolder) at Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetExtract(Byte[] data, String destinationFolder) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Epsilon.IO.Archival.throwArchiveException(String archiveName, ArchiveProcessOperation opType, Exception innerException) at Epsilon.IO.Archival.NativeCabinetExtract(Byte[] data, String destinationFolder) at WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.NativeExtractHotfix(String hotfixInstaller, String destinationPath) at WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.ExtractWMP11Installer() at WMP11Slipstreamer.MainGUI.workerMethod(Object addonSettings) Deleting "E:\XP PRO x64 SP2 CORP\amd64\wmp11temp"... Done! The source being modified has not been damaged. All changes have been successfully reverted. do i also need a x64 computer to integrate these?
  3. i get BSoD of ntfs.sys when i, click next after the browse for vista source screen. is it my fault? i am using Win XP 32 bit Pro SP2 and opening Vista SP1 x64
  4. iceangel89


    i noticed that my Windows XP Professional SP2 licence provided by my school cannot be used by the XP source i already have? it only works with the image provided by the school. is there a difference in this XP sources? like normal retail vs VLK or corporate or OEM?
  5. What drivers should i update regularly? for performance? GPU? Intel INF will it make a diff? what abt sound?
  6. so it shld solve my problem of needing Mass Storage drivers, can some1 mirror it? in sites that i can dl from? not rapidshare and megaupload kind... or where can i find the drivers at least?
  7. since DriverPacks dont work on 64 bit XP or Vista, can some1 tell me how can i make a "universal" disc or at least 1 that can install. meaning i can pass the install without needing to press F6 to install a driver? means i need to know what MassStorage controller i am using and the driver i need. will this work? http://www.msfn.org/board/RAID-Slipstreame...x64-t85842.html it says RAID slipstreamer. but on my laptop, according to the BIOS, i am using ACHI? will it still work? it the link will work, can some1 mirror it? i cant seem to dl from rapidshare! my specs http://acer.com.sg/products/aspire5920G/psp_aspire5920G.asp Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T9300 (2.5GHz, 800MHz FSB, 6MB L2 cache), supporting Intel® Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel® EM64T) Intel® 965PM Express chipset i tried 64 bit Floppy Config Utility for Intel Matrix Storage Manager from intel but it didn't seem to work. btw, i used nLite to integrate it the line from LAST_SESSION.ini E:\DRIVERS\XP64\_Extracted\64 bit Floppy Config Utility for Intel Matrix Storage Manager\IAAHCI.INF,iaStor_ICH8M it gave me a list of ... dunno what its called ... and i just selected the 1 with ICH8M cos it said mobile and when using Unknown Device Identifier, it showed me many entries with ICH8M in it. HELP ME... what else am i missing? 64 bit Floppy Config Utility for Intel Matrix Storage Manager shld be the right 1 isn't it? am i missing Intel INF? will that help?
  8. is there a reason y i need a 64 bit OS to slipstream a 64 bit SP? that troublesome...
  9. so is the latest SP for XP x64 SP2 or SP3? no SP3 for XP x64? any1 knows it it will be out soon?
  10. this is funny.. LOL but why is there a GetKeyPress b4 BSOD()?
  11. mmm... some how with my very very bad initial interview, i got to go to Microsoft for an interview to enter MSP... but nt quite confident abt it... zzz... i am more of the quiet kind so bad at interviews and presentations... any1 is a MSP? whats the interview abt... have a rough idea whats it tho... anyway i need a recent technology to talk abt, i was thinking XNA cos i like games but guess thats not a technology... then what abt silverlight? mmm ... maybe i don't need a microsoft technology? then what other tech is out recently? Adobe Spry? guess Microsoft wont be too happy... ? and whats Group Dynamics Play ? any advice?
  12. mmm... then just talking about performance alone, XP wins Vista right? and 32bit and 64bits are abt the same? i read 32 or 64 bits don't provide much difference but maybe thats a year or 2 ago, what abt now? for me, i tested Vista x86 and Vista x64 with PCMark05 and 3DMark06 didnt seem to give much difference... Vista 64bits - Processor 5.4 - Memory(RAM) 5.1 + Graphics 4.8 - Gaming Graphics 5.3 - Primary Hard Disk 5.3 - PCMark Vantage x64 3807 PCMarks - 3DMark06 3943 3DMarks - Performance Test 6.1 539.3 Vista 32bits - Processor 5.4 - Memory(RAM) 5.1 + Graphics 4.8 - Gaming Graphics 5.3 - Primary Hard Disk 5.3 - PCMark Vantage x86 3895 - PCMark05 6077 PCMarks - 3DMark06 3940 3DMarks XP 32bits - PCMark05 5476 PCMarks - 3DMark06 4130 3DMarks as for compatibilities, i guess XP64 will be fine?
  13. i am trying to compare XP and Vista, 32 bits and 64bits. and see which is best. what can i use? 3DMark06 PCMark05 PCMark Vantage what else?
  14. lol... nvm 1 thing i noticed abt my results of testing XP x86 vs Vista x86 vs Vista x64 XP x86 done quite well! x64 didn't seem to produce any noticeable difference... wonder if XP x64 would be better than x86 XP? guess so, comparing Vista64 and Vista32 Vista 64bits - Processor 5.4 - Memory(RAM) 5.1 + Graphics 4.8 - Gaming Graphics 5.3 - Primary Hard Disk 5.3 - PCMark Vantage x64 3807 PCMarks - 3DMark06 3943 3DMarks - Performance Test 6.1 539.3 - PCMark05 - cant seem to run completely Vista 32bits - Processor 5.4 - Memory(RAM) 5.1 + Graphics 4.8 - Gaming Graphics 5.3 - Primary Hard Disk 5.3 - PCMark Vantage x86 3895 - PCMark05 6077 PCMarks - 3DMark06 3940 3DMarks XP 32bits - PCMark05 5476 PCMarks - 3DMark06 4130 3DMarks tho i only ran the benchmarks once... the other times i did not record the results... Vista seems much much slower than XP ... even tho the benchmarks dont quite show that? DX10 didn't help much too... guess for now XP will be the best choice still... zzz
  15. huh? its a 45nm laptop CPU penryn
  16. ok. so COMODO is still better than Vista Firewall i guess? Thanks
  17. i read in many places Vista's Firewall is good but hard to configure true? i am using COMODO Firewall Pro 3 but its annoying... with lots of messages just like Vista... if i use Vista Firewall, with minimal config (just say i may not know how to configure it, haven't tried) will it provide similar security with CFP3 with default settings? anyway if there are too many prompts, users will just allow everything and security may be compromised anyways...
  18. even if they don't provide OEM media, ppl will still obtain it somehow... thats a sad truth
  19. but the backup is for OEM versions of Vista only? and i didn't know i can ask for the install media from OEMs... but i can use the MSDNAA 1... its Vista Business 32 bits < zzz i was hoping for 64bits, my lappy has 4GB RAM...
  20. mmm... but won't this mean that technique can be considered warez too? cos if the Vista install is OEM, no install DVD will be provided, ... i think... ok then tho. if only OEMs dont install a whole load of crap in their distributions but ... the license will be legal anyway? it came with my Computer! ... but the reason why i post here is because i was hoping there was a legal way to get install media. actually the media should be made free and the license is the thing that should be paid for. Vista has strong protection and is hard to crack anyway... i think... so the media should be made free to the public... my opinion... GOOD THING!!! i found out my school's MSDNAA has Vista for DL... so i think i can use it, without the OEM backup and stuff! by the way, i read Vista can be activated only 3 times? true? cos if i were to use vLite and something goes wrong then i need to reinstall and reactivate again, tho i can wait 30 days to see if the vLite build is good b4 i activate.
  21. so remove COMODO Anti-Virus, OK. its annoying anyway. what abt CFP3? this version is annoying too... but is it good, for security? dont use nLite? why is nLite bad? OK use DownThemAll! as my Download Manager, it does not have malware i suppose. but does the Firefox extension has stop/resume capabilities? how do i make sense of this? and are from NVIDIA drivers, neros etc looks safe to me? thanks
  22. i have an acer & HP computers that both came with Vista but without the install DVD. is there anywhere i can DL Vista (to vLite) and use my activated OEM stuff to install Vista?
  23. i am talking abt GeForce 8600M GT for a laptop. supposedly supported but gives me a BSOD so i think it does not work... its abt the nv4_disp or something like that... the BSOD i use (12/5/2007) according to device manager
  24. thanks. i got the results: Full Image: Unknown "threats"?: do i Fix checked? what do u think? something like O4 - HKUS\.DEFAULT\..\RunOnce: [nltide_2] regsvr32 /s /n /i:U shell32 (User 'Default user') seems like nLite? ... mmm... but i didn't install nLite, but this XP is nLited
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