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Everything posted by iceangel89

  1. Can i set all folders to "tile" by default? for XP and more importantly for vista - vista can't seem to remember how folders are to be tiled.
  2. hey, i seem to have problems downloading files with rapid share anyone knows how to fix this? it always say i need the paid version
  3. Hi, between my XP and Vista comp, the way i go about file sharing is type "\\Computername" in my explorer to enter the shared folders of the computer. the computers aren't listed in "My network places" or inaccessible - it says i do not have permissions - when i can enter and access files using \\Computername? how do i fix this? Thanks in advance.
  4. there seems to be quite abit talk on it. but i don't quite get it from their site. Expression Web is like Dreamweaver then the rest? Did anyone try them? hows it? it looks like a nice site http://www.microsoft.com/expression/expres...o/overview.aspx
  5. i seem to always have problems shifting my ASP site across computers. i get the "role manager enabled" error, thing, how do u ppl upload files?
  6. ya , very good, nice although not validated well, it works for me.
  7. i don't seem to have Windows in the Microsoft Dir, do i need to run the .reg file?
  8. icic i also had bad experiences with ZA but didn't get too bad an impression. so Kaspersky? now i am using Avast! AV with COMODO i think i will stay with that for now.
  9. Is it ok to have a DB Structure like this where Hardware from PC comes from a Hardware table? i will have many Foreign Keys in the PC table. eg. ProcessorID - HWID, HDDID - HWID... etc. then to select the item, i can do something like SELECT * FROM Hardware, Category WHERE Hardware.CategoryID = Category.CategoryID AND Category.Title LIKE 'Processor' I hope the code is right i hand typed it
  10. there is Zone Alarm for Vista out already, did anyone try it yet? is it ok? http://www.zonealarm.com/store/content/home.jsp
  11. seems like i was told by a classmate that VS2005 in Vista Cannot debug. i have the same problem, is there a fix to this?
  12. i get this error: Windows ® Installer. V 4.00.6000.0 msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter] Install Options </package | /i> <Product.msi> Installs or configures a product /a <Product.msi> Administrative install - Installs a product on the network /j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transform List>] [/g <Language ID>] Advertises a product - m to all users, u to current user </uninstall | /x> <Product.msi | ProductCode> Uninstalls the product Display Options /quiet Quiet mode, no user interaction /passive Unattended mode - progress bar only /q[n|b|r|f] Sets user interface level n - No UI b - Basic UI r - Reduced UI f - Full UI (default) /help Help information Restart Options /norestart Do not restart after the installation is complete /promptrestart Prompts the user for restart if necessary /forcerestart Always restart the computer after installation Logging Options /l[i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] <LogFile> i - Status messages w - Nonfatal warnings e - All error messages a - Start up of actions r - Action-specific records u - User requests c - Initial UI parameters m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information o - Out-of-disk-space messages p - Terminal properties v - Verbose output x - Extra debugging information + - Append to existing log file ! - Flush each line to the log * - Log all information, except for v and x options /log <LogFile> Equivalent of /l* <LogFile> Update Options /update <Update1.msp>[;Update2.msp] Applies update(s) /uninstall <PatchCodeGuid>[;Update2.msp] /package <Product.msi | ProductCode> Remove update(s) for a product Repair Options /f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode> Repairs a product p - only if file is missing o - if file is missing or an older version is installed (default) e - if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed d - if file is missing or a different version is installed c - if file is missing or checksum does not match the calculated value a - forces all files to be reinstalled u - all required user-specific registry entries (default) m - all required computer-specific registry entries (default) s - all existing shortcuts (default) v - runs from source and recaches local package Setting Public Properties [PROPERTY=PropertyValue] Consult the Windows ® Installer SDK for additional documentation on the command line syntax. Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
  13. icic... didn't know it means the opposite. IrfCore, i mean start a program, like Setup.exe
  14. so it means task manager is just giving me a inaccurate reading of the process? and ya nuhi, seems like i became more interested to learn abt OS and develop automation to run my progs. currently trying a VB app to run progs unattended, like WIHU etc, except since i am learning VB in sch, trying the same thing with VB instead of other progs. lol found that i can easily do that with System.Diagnostic.Process.Start("/Prog.exe")
  15. maybe i need SATA drives, as for errors, it gives an BSOD and restarts so quickly i cant see a thing but if i require drives, wont it prompt me for it? instead of showing a BSOD? ----------------- EDIT ----------------------------- I just saw Microsoft Site about this, guess its something abt the IDE controller on a P965 Chipset. it says http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316401 Does this mean i have to reformat the WHOLE HDD? i will be trying to create a partition marking it active then reboot and see how things go. actually what does ACTIVE mean? something abt which Partition is the boot partiion?
  16. i think most theme creators require their softwares to run the theme, can i create 1 that don't require that? like in a .theme file?
  17. How do i do it? have a shortcut to Hibernate beside Shut down. can i do that?
  18. Is it because the XP is for x86 only? and can't be installed on a x64 PC or is it because i removed something i shouldn't?
  19. i think on all my nLited XPs, this happens. not sure if on non-nLited ones its the same, but did i do something wrong?
  20. After customizing explorer.exe, with resource hacker, can i still use it with another xp, like if i nLite my XP. or is it only for the same softwares, settings? if i edit the explorer.exe file b4 installing any new updates or softwares?
  21. Hi, any comments about this new product/technology? i actually need some help about its applications to education, transportation & recreation. i was thinking that its nothing more than a Large version of a tablet PC and an enhanced version of a desktop? http://www.microsoft.com/surface/ nevertheless i think that its good for education as its more interactive and won't bore students to death. but i can't talk too much about only 1 point, can i? any help? microsoft ppl maybe? how would u promote the product? there is not much info about this product online, so this is making research difficult.
  22. i am sure this is very common thing to do. how do i do it. currently i used the ASP.NET Configuration tool but even when not logged in i can access the folders. this is what my Admin/web.config looks like after editing it after searching for info on this, but its not working. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0"> <location path="~/Admin"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow roles="admin" /> <deny users="*" /> </authorization> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Home/Login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/Default.aspx" /> </authentication> </system.web> </location> </configuration>
  23. re downloading worked
  24. i am currently using WUD for the 1st time, currently DLing updates for my XP. so how do i use the files after the DL, can i use it with nLite? How is the Format of the files? like the many folders found in the Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder? any diff with using the Files in the SoftwareDistribution vs WUD?
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