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Everything posted by radix

  1. I didn't try with my language, so I don't know. Ask Aaron Stebner on his blog.
  2. Try: If WinExists("title", "text") Then WinActivate("title", "text") or something EndIf
  3. I guess not. On real machine, I've got "damage partitions" error, but recognize the size of partitions and after a very long format (35 min on 30gb) the message "setup can not continue...". Strange the entire size of hdd recognized by setup was 137gb.
  4. Disable tips on startup: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip\winzip] "ShowTips"="0" Bonus: disable update check [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip\UpdateCheck] "AskFirst"="0" "AutoMode"="0"
  5. Hi, I have some problem when I tried to install Windows 2000 due to HDD type (Seagate 320 gb with sata2). The source is fully up to date, but didn't work (tried in VMWare and real machine). M$ said that the problem is solved since SP3. I also searched the forum, but didn't find a solution.
  6. I'm afraid it still doesn't work. Is the "dt4123.exe" file supposed to instantly delete itself? When running it manually dt4123.exe vaporizes and then the language selection box appears. OK. I will install Windows 2000 and see what happens.
  7. Here you have the script for TTPack (works in Windows XP 64bit too): Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200) ; Executable file name $EXECUTABLE = "TTPack" ; Detect the Operating System type (32 bit or 64 bit) $OS = _OSBit() If $OS = 32 Then ; Installation folder $INSTALLLOCATION = @ProgramFilesDir & "\TTPack" ; Real Lite options ; Media Player (Optional) $MediaPlayer = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe" ; Alternative Browsers' Options ; Plugins' Folder $PluginsFolder = $INSTALLLOCATION & "\Browser\Plugins" ; Components' Folder $ComponentsFolder = $INSTALLLOCATION & "\Browser\Components" ; Start Menu folder $StartMenuFolder = "TTPack" If FileExists($INSTALLLOCATION & "\uninstall.exe") Then MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of TTPack before using this script", 4) Exit EndIf ; Run the installer Run($EXECUTABLE) ; Please select a language. WinWait("Installer Language", "Please select a language.") WinActivate("Installer Language", "Please select a language.") ControlClick("Installer Language", "", "Button1") ; Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard") ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Components WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Choose Components") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Choose Components") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Install Location WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Install Location") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Install Location") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", $INSTALLLOCATION) ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; ReaLite's Options WinWait("TTPack Setup", "ReaLite's Options") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "ReaLite's Options") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", $MediaPlayer) ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Alternative Browsers' Options WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Alternative Browsers' Options") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Alternative Browsers' Options") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", $PluginsFolder) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit2", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit2", $ComponentsFolder) ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Start Menu Folder WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Start Menu Folder") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Start Menu Folder") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", $StartMenuFolder) ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; Installation Complete WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Installation Complete") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Installation Complete") ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard") ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") EndIf If $OS = 64 Then ; Installation folder $INSTALLLOCATION = @HomeDrive & "\Program Files (x86)\TTPack" ; Real Lite options ; Media Player (Optional) $MediaPlayer = @HomeDrive & "\Program Files (x86)\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe" ; Alternative Browsers' Options ; Plugins' Folder $PluginsFolder = $INSTALLLOCATION & "\Browser\Plugins" ; Components' Folder $ComponentsFolder = $INSTALLLOCATION & "\Browser\Components" ; Start Menu folder $StartMenuFolder = "TTPack" If FileExists($INSTALLLOCATION & "\uninstall.exe") Then MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of TTPack before using this script", 4) Exit EndIf ; Run the installer Run($EXECUTABLE) ; Please select a language. WinWait("Installer Language", "Please select a language.") WinActivate("Installer Language", "Please select a language.") ControlClick("Installer Language", "", "Button1") ; Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Welcome to the TTPack Setup Wizard") ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Components WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Choose Components") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Choose Components") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{SPACE}") ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Install Location WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Install Location") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Install Location") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", $INSTALLLOCATION) ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; ReaLite's Options WinWait("TTPack Setup", "ReaLite's Options") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "ReaLite's Options") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup ", "", "Edit1", $MediaPlayer) ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Alternative Browsers' Options WinWait("TTPack Setup", "Alternative Browsers' Options") WinActivate("TTPack Setup", "Alternative Browsers' Options") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", $PluginsFolder) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit2", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit2", $ComponentsFolder) ControlClick("TTPack Setup", "", "Button2") ; Choose Start Menu Folder WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Start Menu Folder") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Choose Start Menu Folder") ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText("TTPack Setup", "", "Edit1", $StartMenuFolder) ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; Installation Complete WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Installation Complete") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Installation Complete") ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") ; Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard WinWait("TTPack Setup ", "Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard") WinActivate("TTPack Setup ", "Completing the TTPack Setup Wizard") ControlClick("TTPack Setup ", "", "Button2") EndIf Func _OSBit() Local $tOS = DllStructCreate("char[256]") Local $aGSWD = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetSystemWow64Directory", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOS), "int", 256) If IsArray($aGSWD) And DllStructGetData($tOS, 1) Then Return 64 Return 32 EndFunc Read it and learn. Cheers.
  8. Use this freeware tool to make snapshots before and after you have made all tweaks. Then use the registry file created.
  9. Hi, ControlClick commands should look like this: ControlClick("Software License Agreement", "", "Button1")
  10. For automated registration, install, register and backup the file %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\WinZip\WinZip.sureg Batch file: @echo off start /wait msiexec.exe /i WINZIP112.MSI INST_QKPICK=0 /qb! /norestart copy .\WinZip.sureg "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\WinZip" /y start /wait regedit.exe /s settings.reg exit For settings check this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nico Mak Computing\
  11. Try to change the Func Adlib on the botom of the script with the next code: Func _Adlib() ; Please select a language. If WinExists("DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.3", "Please select a language.") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.3", "Please select a language.") Send("{ENTER}") EndIf EndFunc Works in Windows XP.
  12. That window is close instantly by a command in Windows XP. The same thing happened in Win2K or not ?
  13. Follow the next steps: - Install AutoIt from here - Edit the atachment file as is described inside it. - Compile the file (r. click on it->compile) and use the .exe like a batch file (run and install). ScreenHunter_5.0_Pro__5.0.733_.au3
  14. First of all you don't need to run with /r switch. Just extract the installer, delete the folder NAM and run setup.exe with /s /SMS switch.
  15. Try the next autoit script: Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,0") WinWait("Date and Time Properties", "&Time") Send("{TAB 9}") Send("{RIGHT 2}") WinWait("Date and Time Properties", "&Update Now") ControlClick("Date and Time Properties", "&Update Now", "Button2") WinWait("Date and Time Properties", "The time has been successfully synchronized with time.windows.com") ControlClick("Date and Time Properties", "&Update Now", "Button3") If it works, then compile and execute when is needed. Edit: works only for updating time.
  16. Check the topic "Install Vista from USB" topic from here.
  17. I said to install with /r switch. This will create an answer file in Windows folder, named setup.iss. Now do right click on tat.exe and Uniextract to subdir, then OK. Copy setup.iss in Disk1 folder, made a batch file with this code inside: @echo off start /wait setup.exe /s exit and make your silent installer and then the add-on. When you use /r switch, if you install in C:\Program Files\Intel Corporation\Thermal Analysis Tool, your silent installer will always install the program in that folder, except if you edit setup.iss and write another path.
  18. Yes. Copy the compiled script in the same folder with installer and make a sfx archive; then place it in svcpack folder and point to it in [AddProgram] section of entries.ini. Or copy the compiled script and the installer file/s in svcpack folder and point to compiled script in [AddProgram] section of entries.ini.
  19. Enable Active Window Tracking: REG.EXE ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "UserPreferencesMask" /t REG_BINARY /d "d1120180" /f>nul Disable Active Window Tracking: REG.EXE ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "UserPreferencesMask" /t REG_BINARY /d "98160380" /f>nul Save the last code in a batch file and run it. Then restart computer.
  20. Try this. You can use demo version only for read those files.
  21. For Screen Hunter use /s switch. @echo off start /wait setupscreenhunter.exe /s exit
  22. Is not your business Kel. I know that, but I use to copy $OEM$ in the source after nLite has finished the job and then made the iso with cdimage.
  23. But for old and new free english version the /s switch doesn't work.
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