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Everything posted by radix

  1. Don't forget to check Record Window Text in Recorder. Use just the send keys not mouse clicks (TAB to move, Space to check buttons and click the buttons, ENTER to click the buttons, ALT+F4 to close some explorer windows opened by installer at the end of installation. Anyway I tried to record an installation progress for CamStudio 2.0 and the script needs to be edited to work properly. Is better to learn some functions and made the script yourself. Control functions is more reliable than Send keystrokes.
  2. Download and install Scite. Use %programfiles%\AutoIt3\SciTE\ScriptWriter\AU3Record.exe for recording. I don't use recording.
  3. For chemistry software: Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200) ; Executable file name $EXECUTABLE = "chemsk11.exe" $title = "ACD/Labs Software Setup Wizard v11.01" ; Installation folder $INSTALLLOCATION = @ProgramFilesDir & "\ACDFREE11" If FileExists($INSTALLLOCATION & "\CHEMSK.EXE") Then MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of ACD/Labs before using this script", 4) Exit EndIf ; Run the installer Run($EXECUTABLE) ; Welcome to the ACD/Labs Software Setup Wizard WinWait($title, "ACD/Labs Software, v11.00, Build: Dec/17/2007") WinActivate($title, "ACD/Labs Software, v11.00, Build: Dec/17/2007") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn3") ; End-User License Agreement WinWait($title, "I &accept the terms in the License Agreement") WinActivate($title, "I &accept the terms in the License Agreement") ControlCommand($title, "", "TRadioButton2", "Check", "") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn2") ; Custom Setup of ACD/Labs Software Components WinWait($title, "&Details...") WinActivate($title, "&Details...") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn3") ; Programs Folder of Start Menu WinWait($title, "Create icons for &all users") WinActivate($title, "Create icons for &all users") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn3") ; ACD/Labs Software Optional Setup WinWait($title, "Clear &All") WinActivate($title, "Clear &All") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn4") ; Ready to Start Installation WinWait($title, "&Install") WinActivate($title, "&Install") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn2") ; Ready to Start Installation WinWait($title, "&Finish") WinActivate($title, "&Finish") ControlCommand($title, "", "TCheckBox2", "UnCheck", "") ControlClick($title, "", "TBitBtn3")
  4. Try the easy way: Make a folder called $Progs inside of $OEM$ dir and put your applications there (each of them inside a folder, like in Program Files when are installed.) Create $OEM$\$$\system32 and copy Shortcut.exe file from link provided in my previous post inside. Add the commands to create shortcuts for your applications in Unattended->RunOnce section of nLite. Examples: shortcut.exe /f:"%userprofile%\Desktop\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%userprofile%\Start Menu\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%allusersprofile%\Desktop\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1 shortcut.exe /f:"%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\NetMeter.lnk" /a:c /t:"%programfiles%\NetMeter\NetMeter.exe" /w:"%programfiles%\NetMeter" /r:1
  5. You can create shortcut by using a vbs script or Shortcut.exe.
  6. That Ceedo came with Lexar JumpDrive Lightining 4GB.
  7. Generally, you need to export some registry keys which contain registration information and maybe other settings in a .reg file. Then add to your batch file a command like this: start /wait regedit.exe /s settings.reg after installation command.
  8. Congratulations for the first thousand man.
  9. Maybe need some switches. Like /verysilent.
  10. I used Inno not ISTool and works fine with ConvertXtoDVD. I have 2GB RAM too. Compilation need about 200-300 MB of memory in our case.
  11. Or Compression=lzma/ultra64 SolidCompression=yes in [setup] section of .iss file and use Inno to compile.
  12. Use WinINSTALL LE 2003 for snapshot the system before and after installation.
  13. The original build (SP0) from 2001.
  14. If you can't install without IE toolbar, try to uninstall it after.
  15. It doesn't unpack with innounp 0.20.
  16. Thx artbio for your effort, but my code from post #109 works just fine. Thanks again. Hope that CEOCEo's next script will be perfect.
  17. Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0 Web Site: http://www.virtualbox.org/ Description: VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0 32 bit MD5: D849124511A55F7131C83E2908F0A7C7 MediaFire RapidShare Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0 64 bit MD5: F16BFB53341EE1312820D288D0765C70 MediaFire RapidShare
  18. I tried that months ago and doesn't work. It works only with taskkill command applied to NMIndexingService.exe and NMIndexStoreSvr.exe. NMBgMonitor.exe was deleted with the original code provided by CEoCEo.
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