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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. Hi Jaclaz. The SSD is only 32GB in size. The problem is how Lenovo set it up. There's an SSD and a HDD. Windows is installed on the SSD and then the SSD and HDD are combined into 1 virtual disk. I've used the Linux Live CD you recommended and have been able to recover my most important files. Some were 0 KB in size due to the file being spread over both drives. But that's okay. My most important files were luckily still intact. I'm actually typing this from my laptop so I'm up and running again. I really liked the Linux Live CD and I can see myself using that for other occasions in the future. Thanks again for your help, jaclaz. Have a good weekend.
  2. Hello Tripredacus. I'm not that technically inclined in this matter. I did try loading the Intel Chipset drivers into the PE build but the disk was still not seen. The laptop came with Win 7 64 bit. AOMEI PE builder uses Win 10. Do you think that could be the reason its not seeing the SSD? If you have any suggestions what drivers to try I would appreciate that. Although I can access my files I'd like to see if I can get it working with Windows for the sake of understanding this and possible future use. Thank you for your valuable help.
  3. Hey jaclaz! Here's a big KISS for you. Oh man, I'm so happy. Using the Puppy Linux iso I created a bootable USB stick and I am now able to see my files. In fact I've already managed to copy off a folder to the USB stick as a test. I will find my most important files and then I can reimage the laptop. I'm so relieved I can recover my files. Thank you so much for your very valuable help, Jaclaz. Grazie mille! *bear hug*
  4. Hello Jaclaz. Puppy Linux sounds right up my alley. I'm downloading it now. Will give this a go and report back. I salute you.
  5. Hi jaclaz. I very much appreciate your help. It's a laptop with a regular BIOS. I Will try adding the Intel Matrix Storage Manager setup files to the PE build and run it when booted from the USB stick. I have no experience with Linux. Can you point me to a good Linux Live CD?
  6. Hello Jaclaz. I've used the Windows 10 build that one can download through the AOMEI PE builder tool but the laptop comes with Windows 7. I will see if I can add the Matrix Storage Manger and Intel Chipset drivers now. Thank you for your guidance. EDIT: The Intel Matrix Storage Manage is a setup.exe and I can't seem to extract any .inf files. I have added all Intel Chipset drivers and now building a new PE. EDIT 2: I've added the Chipset drivers but it's still not seeing the SSD, unfortunately.
  7. Hello Tripredacus, I've created a Windows PE image with NirSoft's Devmanview and have attached the HTML report. I can see it lists the Samsung SSD but I'm not sure what to look for with regard to the controller. Can you please point me in the right direction? report.html
  8. Thank you jaclaz. In the past I've meticulously downloaded the correct drivers for my laptop, and I have all drivers that came with the laptop. Looking at them I don't see anything that jumps out as a controller for my SSD. I see some Intel drivers that might be useful: - Intel Chipset - Intel Management Engine Interface - Intel Matrix Storage Manager - Intel Turbo Boost Technology Which should I add to the PE build that relate to the SSD controller? I'm now building a new PE with as Tripredacus suggested and hope to have more info on the controller soon.
  9. Thank you kindly for your reply, Tripredacus. The laptop is very old and the Lenovo site doesn't host the drivers or info anymore. I will give your suggestion a go and report back. Thanks again.
  10. Was fiddling with the registry and broke my Win 7 installation (Lenovo y460p). Now I'd like to recover some files before I go back to factory default. I've created a Windows PE bootable USB stick with AOMEI Windows PE Builder and it sees the HDD but doesn't see the SSD. The BIOS says it's a Samsung MMCRE32GEDXP-MVBL1. I've tried to find drivers but the only download I can find is from doubledriver and when I download it the drivers are called doubledriver.exe. That sounds a bit fishy to me. In the past I've collected all drivers for this laptop from the Lenovo site but they don't seem to have any SSD drivers. Does anybody have any advise which drivers I could use? Perhaps some generic drivers? I would very much like to recover a few files from the SSD. Thank you very much.
  11. Dear scripters. Could I pick your brain once more... We have an FTP site where EDIs are pulled in. They then need to be renamed to get the *.EDI extension: ren *.* *.*.edi But amongst those files on the FTP site there are a lot of files with 0 byte size. We'd like for those NOT to be renamed. Or... another way of putting it, rename all files that are larger than 0 bytes. It would also be okay if we move the zero byte files to another folder and then rename whichever files are left. Is there some simple code for this you can assist me with? I salute you. 'nuff
  12. Thank you Gunsmoking man. :-) For now I'm using Yzöwl's script as batch files are slightly less abracadabra to me than VBS is. So far the Batch script seems to work perfectly fine for us. But I have archived your VBS script, nevertheless. Thanks very much. 'nuff
  13. Hi Everybody, Yes, I want to mass rename batch files. The batch will be scheduled to run daily. I know that the files are named TSP1PayStatusddmmyy where ddmmyy is the date. Eg. TSP1PayStatus010512. Usually there is only 1 new file per day, sometimes 2. A software application generates the file but they then need to be renamed on a daily basis so the system can process them correctly, after which they will be automatically removed / deleted. The developers won't correct the application so I need to rename these files manually on a daily basis. It's a quick job but surely this can be automated? I've googled and tried various scripts but none have worked so for. My batch script knowledge is very limited and the scripts I've tried so far are mostly just simple "ren" commands. I'm really looking for a simple batch file and not a utility like "BulkRename" as still will be running on a server and server team can be a bit picky about what's allowed to run on the server. I will give gunsmokingman's VBS script a try because it's nice and small. If not I'll give Yzöwl's batch script an attempt. Thank you all very much for your input, folks. I will test it and allow it to run for a few days and then report back the results. Cheers everybody. Have a good weekend in advance. :-) 'nuff EDIT: Just noticed the VBS script looks for a filename with the specific date in it. I can't replace that date with variables / wildcard characters, can I. For now it seems the batch example provided by Yzöwl works miracles. Thanks!
  14. I have files that need to be renamed via a batch command. The file name is like: TSP1PayStatus010512 The constants are "TSP1PayStatus" followed by the date. I need the "1" between "TSP" and "PayStatus" removed via a batch script so... TSP1PayStatus010512 should become TSPPayStatus010512. Any suggestions? Thanks very much. 'nuff
  15. PE Explorer http://www.heaventools.com/overview.htm
  16. Delete reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OFFICE\11.0\OUTLOOK\Resiliency or try Outlook > Help > About > Disabled items If you see Outex.dll, select it and then click the enable button. Restart Outlook to see if it worked. Good luck.
  17. Start > Run > calc > view > scientific.
  18. Because you ask to quick? ;-) Besides, with a post count of two that must be a serious problem. :-D
  19. You can't get Java from MS anymore. MS was sued by Sun and had to remove their Java downloads. So basically you're now stuck with JRE from Sun. If you search very hard on the Internet you can still find the Java downloads from MS.
  20. Yes you need to point to the folders in your winnt.sif
  21. $OEM$\$1\Drivers
  22. No you don't need to edit your winnt.sif. Yes, all files placed in the $$ folder will be automatically copied to your windows folder.
  23. Put the .SCR files in your $OEM$\$$\SYSTEM32 folder and you should be okay.
  24. I'm currently discussing with Andrew84 about releasing my MSI file with Vista sounds for XP / 2000 I've worked hard and long on this MSI package. It works for unattended installs and doesn't overwrite the current sound scheme. I've also added the WinNT, Win95, and Win98 Sound schemes, all selectable through the Sounds and Devices > Sound schemes. As a bonus I have added some Vista backgrounds and screensavers, and all Desktop Themes for Win95 / 98 / NT / Plus! So the MSI package is rather large, mostly because of the themes.
  25. Hours? Ages you mean! The guy is now working on The Empire Strikes Back... and we should see that around 2010... hopefully.
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