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Everything posted by BenoitRen

  1. Same here. Though it's not as good anymore, IMO. With Puppy 2.17 they added eye candy, and it started going slow after extended use. This is because of an OS limit. FAT32's limit is much higher. Because Puppy Linux is not Windows 9x. It's that simple. GNU/Linux in general is not a good alternative to me, because it's a collection of programs instead of an actual operating system. This makes for a lot of flexibility, but the performance isn't as good. Also, it's more oriented at people who have a lot of time to look up commands and read manuals. Because if you have a problem, that's what you'll need to do. Personally, I'm looking to Haiku as a good alternative. I got a nightly on a partition, and it's pretty good, even though it's still in alpha (and no drivers for my hardware, but there is great VESA support).
  2. I edited the EXE, and now the Search dialog won't open anymore. In any case, major version was 0300 and the minor was 0A00. Bad Borland C++. I'd like to get Visual Studio 6 on my PC, but I'm not sure if I can install it without IE. I've already read how to prevent the Java update, in any case.
  3. To claim that the OS didn't have DOS, which to a big amount of nerds looked archaic. In short, to be cool. This is a problem of ignorance and lack of common sense. Permissions won't help. If the user wants to see the dancing rabbits, he will see the dancing rabbits.
  4. I'm pretty sure I'm targeting Win32. Anyway, when I add the flag, it complains about an incomplete expression.
  5. I made a window with Resource Workshop. Problem is that even though the Windows platform target is Win32, it still looks like a Win 3.1 window. Eww. I'm guessing it's because of the compiler, Borland C++ 4.51, because the resource seems fine: #include <resource.h> DLG_SEARCH DIALOG 8, 21, 207, 95 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Zoeken" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" { DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Volgende zoeken", ID_SEARCHNEXT, 135, 22, 63, 14 PUSHBUTTON "Annuleren", ID_CANCEL, 135, 40, 63, 14 LTEXT "&Zoeken naar:", -1, 4, 7, 45, 12 EDITTEXT IDC_SEARCHTEXT, 52, 6, 146, 13, WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "Heel &woord", IDC_FULLWORD, "BorCheck", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 5, 27, 51, 13 CONTROL "&Identieke hoofdletters/kleine letters", IDC_CASESENSITIVE, "BorCheck", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 5, 43, 128, 11 GROUPBOX "Richting", IDC_DIRECTION, 5, 60, 92, 30, BS_GROUPBOX CONTROL "&Omhoog", IDC_SEARCHUP, "BorRadio", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 11, 73, 58, 10 CONTROL "Om&laag", IDC_SEARCHDOWN, "BorRadio", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 54, 73, 39, 10 }
  6. When I tested my function, I never selected the entire range. Next challenge is the Search dialog. I'll probably make it a resource.
  7. Thanks, that worked! And it made it easy to also implement Cut, Paste, Clear and Undo. I also could implement Select All thanks to the experience I got earlier. That'll do for now. I still would like to know where my previous code went wrong, though.
  8. Great... My own application created a looping BSOD. I had to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to get out of it, which rebooted my system. I'm trying to implement the Edit menu. But the way I did it is probably wrong. On MSDN it's totally different. Here's the code: case ID_EDIT_COPY: { HWND hRichEdit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_EDIT); CHARRANGE crSel; SendMessage(hRichEdit, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &crSel); if(crSel.cpMin != crSel.cpMax) { TEXTRANGE trSel; LPSTR pszText; DWORD dwBufferSize = crSel.cpMax - crSel.cpMin + 1; pszText = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwBufferSize); trSel.chrg.cpMin = crSel.cpMin; trSel.chrg.cpMax = crSel.cpMax; trSel.lpstrText = pszText; SendMessage(hRichEdit, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM) &trSel); if(OpenClipboard(hwnd)) { EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, pszText); CloseClipboard(); GlobalFree(pszText); } } break; } What I copy to the clipboard is random garbage. And sometimes it creates the aforementioned BSOD.
  9. My install of Windows 95 wants to have a word with you. I actually did what I said when I had the problem of getting "PROGRAM" in my list. You use double quotes around the path, and double quotes around %1.
  10. You must use double quotes around the path. Then it works fine. Some older programs don't do this, which causes the problem you mention.
  11. Older Indeo codecs? Yeah, I think so. But 5.x isn't one of them.
  12. That's what I get for using SeaMonkey and not Firefox, I guess. Anyway. The EULA (of which you'd better use version 2) does not prohibit anyone from distributing an unmodified official Firefox. Tihiy posted a wrapper for Firefox 3 Beta 5. A wrapper does not modify Firefox.
  13. EULA? Which EULA? This isn't a Microsoft product. Firefox is open-source, for crying out loud! But they do have a trademark. Here is the trademark policy: http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html
  14. You seem to have a gross misunderstanding about this. There's no legal issue with releasing a wrapper that a user then uses to make Firefox 3 run on Win98 SE. That's the user's personal responsibility. There is a legal issue with releasing an unofficial build branded as Firefox. Tihiy did no such thing. He links to the official builds.
  15. I didn't know about that Shift trick. Thanks! You learn something new every day.
  16. Unfortunately, there's no we - that was made by Tihiy alone (as I presume). And who's saying Tihiy is the only capable l33t hax0or here! I can build and edit Mozilla code too! Looks like he's using KernelEx. Hmm. Well, I would help, but I have been missing my development box for weeks now. For some strange reason my motherboard got busted...
  17. You mean it isn't in there? USB can be used in DOS. You just need drivers. I'm not convinced that the drivers offered at the MAME site could work. A lot of unnecesary parameters and several batch programs. It's not that complicated on my end. All you should need is the ctcm program, its configuration file, and possibly some files associated with it. The settings in autoexec.bat should reflect the settings of your card. There is no need to have extra files loaded via config.sys. What exactly do you see when the sound card is supposedly being detected by DOS?
  18. Yes, I guess you're right. They could change something in the code. So? We can just change it back. That's the power of CVS.
  19. I had an adventure getting sound to work 100% properly in DOS about a year ago. I used to have the configuration panel program that detects the settings. I looked for it on the web, and uploaded it. The SoundBlaster having an IRQ of 7 is not much of a problem for 95% of games. However, there are some that have the IRQ of 5 hardcoded in their program. Changing the IRQ through the Configuration Panel of Windows doesn't work too well, especially if you have devices like a printer and network card also installed. In my case the network card was hogging IRQ 5, and I found that the best solution was to just put it in a different PCI slot. You haven't got the drivers with the SoundBlaster card? There are drivers for Windows and DOS, even though Windows has drivers for such cards itself. On exit to DOS, Creative's Plug & Play Manager should kick in. If you boot directly to DOS, you have to activate it manually. This is usually ctcm.exe, and its settings are stored in ctpnp.cfg. Both are in the Windows directory.
  20. You can fool programs into thinking IE is installed with ProTAB.
  21. Opera is highly configurable. Options out the wazoo! Neither do any Mozilla-based web browser. Nonsense. Of course, if you click OK on anything... What? No. Fanatic? :/
  22. Firefox and SeaMonkey are highly configurable by their very nature. They're open-source, and there are a lot of extensions and themes to have them how you like them. It puts just as much extra burden as when you wouldn't be using IE. You're still opening another instance when you open it as a web browser.
  23. Because you shouldn't use IE, or any program that uses it as its engine. It's crap.
  24. IE7 is actually less integrated into the system than previous versions. It was about time.
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