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Everything posted by Astalavista

  1. I am really sorry dude. You keep posting and posting s*** that is so easy to find out. JUST call them! http://www.newegg.com/app/faq.asp
  2. ahhh.. isn't the default set to 30? or is it 10? hummm well thanks for the heads up.
  3. trickytwista --- added to my blacklisted list of people not to help LOL
  4. I usually just take a bath and all the progs are installed. 3.0 GB should only take at most 1.5 hours. I enjoy my bubble bath with my rubber ducky. LOL
  5. post deleted... i there is enough information found on the forum for you to do what u are asking. u can read...
  6. Greenmachine? why dont we have the same page 10? Anyways here it is http://rapidshare.de/files-en/557577/HotFixes.exe.html now it does not have KB887742 but u can just download that yourself.
  7. hehehe I am always nice. you moved from Holland to Mexico? Well.... u can still get pretty good weed in Mexico. But not ask good as in Holland. LOL! Just curious how much do u charge and hour. Are u using DSL or Cable modem. How much is your monthly to your ISP? What software do u use to monitor how long they are logon? Hummm... just thinking of Mexico i can smell the paella the black one with squid ink. ahhh... yummy! lechon de le che (Roast Pig) heheh the Philippine was a colony of Spain for 400 years so we enjoy Spanish food here as well.
  8. philippines u still work for Asus now? or a CyberCafe owner? I am confussed.
  9. your based in Mexico city now?
  10. which country maybe he might know you. do u attend the conventions and seminars?
  11. He is the distributor of Asus in my country I will forward to him your comment. I am sure he will get a real kick at it. forwarding now. I am sure everyone will find it quite a good laugh. he makes more money in a month that u will ever see if your entire life. LOL shows how much u know.
  12. As i suspected in the first place. I went to my friends shop here in Manila he sells motherboards I asked him about this issue and he said like i said that 99% u will hv to replace the chip. He is the expert in this field since it is his living. New Motherboards will not allow u to flash them with incorrect code. It will reject the bios if it does not the sequence in which it was hard coded with. Vindicated at last!
  13. why is the release date 2004? File Name: WindowsXP-KB887742-x86-ENU.exe Download Size: 447 KB Date Published: 11/22/2004 Version: 887742
  14. why dont u make a cmd and put the code in there then launch the cmd?
  15. use an autoit script. my wifi has a password protection my autoit automatically launches and connects.
  16. Good news everyone The new version will be released next week
  17. ripken why dont u use the 800 and 888 numbers? to ask?
  18. Pinnacle 9.3 Plus Version 1.0 PLS pm me if u encounter any bugs.
  19. good work. I shrunk my nero to 20mb
  20. there is a website that u can go to and they update the list every month. i dont remember where i got it.
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