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Everything posted by piotrhn

  1. DnsFree ok. next. PROGRAMS Mozilla Thunderbird 60.8.0: kernel32: GetProcessIdOfThread <-Vista API shell32: SHQueryUserNotificationState, SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow, SHGetStockIconInfo<-Vista, 7, & Vista API's uxtheme: UpdatePanningFeedback, BeginPanningFeedback, EndPanningFeedback<-Win7 API's Blender 2.80: kernel32: CreateEventExA <-Vista API Inkscape 0.92.4: iphlpapi: CancelMibChangeNotify2, GetIpForwardTable2, NotifyRouteChange2 <-Vista API'S
  2. Please add new APIS, if its possible: GAMES Northgard Relics kernel32: DebugBreakProcess <-XP/2003 function Car Mechanic Simulator 2015, The Forest dnsapi: DnsFree <-XP/2003 function PROGRAMS FileZilla FTP Client v. 3.43: kernel32: GetQueuedCompletionStatus, ReOpenFile, SetFileCompletionNotificationModes <-XP/2003 and Vista APIs
  3. Can you INTEGRATE KB979683 (hal, ntoskrnl.....), to KB935839? Thanks for updating Win2000. You're the best
  4. what tool are you using to patching DLL's?
  5. missing API: build:1515 ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority KeBoostCurrentThread MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache NtQueryOleDirectoryFile PoQueryPowerSequence PoRequestPowerChange PoSetDeviceIdleDetection RtlFindFirstRunSet RtlFindLongestRunSet You can drop these API's to NT5
  6. ntoskrnl from nt5 alpha/beta ins compatible ;/ missing API's
  7. Can we customize One-Core-Api(XP/2003) for 2000?
  8. Hi, Can somebody explain how configure & compile One-Core-Api? Video is unavailable
  9. Please use fcwin2k.exe(blackwingcat), and set compatiiblity to WinXP SP3 or higher and ICQ v10. works ok on Win2000. blackwingcat: Can you add fcwin2k to your package to default install??
  10. What progress with you extension. Do you bought FX-5500? Does anybody on MSFN/forum have hardware compatible to run setup NT4 on real hardware??
  11. What progress with you extension, Can we expect release in JUNE?
  12. Does somebody know how customize Engine of KEX to insert new section before ".rsrsc"
  13. Hi, OBS-Studio 18.0.1 + plugins needs some functions to run on 2k. LIBCEF.DLL: KERNEL32.DLL:InitOnceBeginInitialize, InitOnceComplete, TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive, SleepConditionVariableSRW, PowerCreateRequest, PowerSetRequest, PowerClearRequest SHELL32.DLL:SHOpenWithDialog, SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow CFGMGR32.DLL:CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW SETUPAPI.DLL:SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW POWRPROF.DLL:PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx Please try add some STUBS. Thanks for extending 2k.
  14. Hi, blackwingcat How run calibre v2.83 on Win2000? Error: python function terminated unexpectedly calibre requires Widows Vista****. Thanks.
  15. Hi, How write in assemebler instruction call to resource in other DLL not exported function. I want call from dll to dll procedure. call "FunctionName" ex. call SetLastError RtlSetSecurityObjectEx: push ebp mov ebp,esp push [ebp+1Ch] push [ebp+18h] push 00000001h push [ebp+14h] push [ebp+10h] push [ebp+0Ch] push [ebp+08h] push 00000000h call SUB_L77F9B13A How write in assembler cal to SUB_L77F9B13A pop ebp retn 0018h
  16. update file update.inf line: [LatestUpdateCheck23.Section] EqualOp=CheckReg,HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\HotFix\KB3126593",Installed,0x10001,==,1 Display_String="%LatestUpdateFail%" KB3126593 KB3126593-v2 Thanks.
  17. I use English system, used JPN kernel, added EN rosources (MEESSAGES, TXT, DIALOGS)
  18. kernel32 STOP Latest Kernel vJ crash at startup boot Stop: c0000269 {illegal System DLL relocation} kernel32.dll. The relocation occured because the DLL user32.dll occupied an address range reserved for Windows System DLLs. Dropbox Add to kernel32: GetFinalPathNameByHandleA, GetNamedPipeClientProcessId
  19. Please try update kernel, shell, advapi32 to run OneDrive. kernel32 CompareStringOrdinal,FindFirstFileNameW, GetVolumeInformationByHandleW, SetFileInformationByHandle, GetFileInformationByHandleEx, GetUserDefaultLocaleName, LCIDToLocaleName, CreateThreadpoolWait, SetThreadpoolWait, WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks, CloseThreadpoolWait, CreateEventExW, FindNextFileNameW, GetProductInfo, GetUserDefaultLocaleName, WerUnregisterFile, WerRegisterFile advapi32 EventWrite, EventUnregister, EventRegister, EnableTraceEx, RegGetValueW, RegDeleteTreeW, RegSetKeyValueW, RegDeleteKeyExW PDH.DLL PdhAddEnglishCounterW shell32 SHGetKnownFolderPath, SHCreateItemFromParsingName, SHSetKnownFolderPath, SHGetKnownFolderPath ntdll from 8.1/10 Can we use ntdll from 8.1/10 and add missing functions from XP?: CsrNewThread CsrProbeForRead CsrProbeForWrite LdrAccessOutOfProcessResource LdrAlternateResourcesEnabled LdrCreateOutOfProcessImage LdrDestroyOutOfProcessImage LdrFindCreateProcessManifest LdrHotPatchRoutine NtCancelDeviceWakeupRequest NtGetPlugPlayEvent NtRequestDeviceWakeup NtRequestWakeupLatency RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast RtlAddRange RtlAssert2 RtlCheckProcessParameters RtlConvertUiListToApiList RtlCopyRangeList RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast RtlDeleteOwnersRanges RtlDeleteRange RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide RtlExtendHeap RtlFindRang RtlFreeRangeList RtlFreeUserThreadStack RtlGetFirstRange RtlGetNextRange RtlInitializeRangeList RtlInitializeStackTraceDataBase RtlInvertRangeList RtlIsRangeAvailable RtlMergeRangeLists RtlSetUnicodeCallouts RtlUsageHeap ZwCancelDeviceWakeupRequest ZwGetPlugPlayEvent ZwRequestDeviceWakeup ZwRequestWakeupLatency _tolower _toupper
  20. Hi, rpcrt4 rpcrt4.dll is incompatibile with 2003 crash at starup BSOD missing function: I_RpcBindingIsServerLocal I manually replaced dll. rprcrt4: I_RpcBindingIsServerLocal OneDrive needs comctl32: 380 (17C) 381 (17D) wevtapi From VISTA is incompatible.
  21. Hi blackwingcat Can you update win2000 to run OneDrive win32app. Here is list of missing functions: ETWlog.dll ADVAPI32.DLL: EventProviderEnabled, EventProviderEnabled LOGGINGPLATFORM.DLL KERNEL32.DLL: WerUnregisterFile, WerRegisterFile REMOTEACCESS.DLL KERNEL32.DLL: GetThreadUILanguage SHELL32.DLL: SHCreateItemFromIDList, SHGetKnownFolderIDList FILESYNCCLIENT.DLL COMCTL32.DLL: 380 (0x17C) KERNEL32.DLL: UnregisterApplicationRestart, WerRegisterFile, CompareStringOrdinal, CreateEventExW ADVAPI32.DLL: RegDeleteKeyExW, RegDeleteTreeW, RegSetKeyValueW SHELL32.DLL: AssocCreateForClasses, SHSetKnownFolderPath SYNCENGINE.DLL KERNEL32.DLL: CompareStringOrdinal, FindFirstFileNameW, GetVolumeInformationByHandleW, CreateThreadpoolWait, SetThreadpoolWait, WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks, CloseThreadpoolWait, CreateEventExW, FindNextFileNameW ADVAPI32.DLL: EnableTraceEx, RegDeleteTreeW, RegSetKeyValueW, RegDeleteKeyExW SHELL32.DLL: SHSetKnownFolderPath PDH.DLL: PdhAddEnglishCounterW FILESYNCSHELL.DLL KERNEL32.DLL: CompareStringOrdinal, UnregisterApplicationRestart, WerRegisterFile ADVAPI32.DLL: RegDeleteTreeW, RegSetKeyValueW, RegDeleteKeyExW SHELL32.DLL: SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject, SHSetKnownFolderPath, AssocCreateForClasses Most of these functions are missing on XP & 2003.
  22. Hi, App: "mspaint.exe Paint", crash at startup when try create a new document/picture. When trying edit or save existing works ok. There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation. Close some programs, and then try again. Thanks.
  23. WinZip 20 crash after run when try to use a menu. Setup doesn't work after fix with fcwin2k, now missing functions: UnInstall32.exe ADVAPI32.DLL RegDeleteKeyValueW VCCORLIB140.DLL KERNEL32.DLL CreateEventExW TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive TryAcquireSRWLockShared OLE32.DLL CoGetApartmentType
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