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Everything posted by FoxHound

  1. I am a proud and new memeber of this fourm I found it while I was Looking for Pathces for Windows 98 SE(Yes I am a Windows 98 User)I am desperatley searching for all the tweaks patches(you know the good stuff) to rev my SE Back to Life. Bye the way I am very interested in this Ultimate Edition....Please send me info at birudagmawi@hot mail.com
  2. I would be more than happy to support Windows 98 SE,you see my PC is good but my Video Card is only good for 800x600 Resolution so Windows XP is out.But I like Windows 98 Se,its fast and clean.I will do what ever I can to help Windows 9x Systems live on to the next 10 years tops.As long as there are some kind of patches and fixes,windows 98 is very powerfull
  3. With all the Hype about the Booting of Windows 95/98/ME Support, many people are racing to make Unofficial updates and Packs.But Why won't anyone care enough to update Windows Skins and Shell. and NO REVOLUTIONS PACK IS BAD.It realy messed up my sytem. Isn't there any way to make Windows 98 Look like Windows XP,you know that pretty blue taskbar and such not Just Icon Changes? The Closest I got to making a Windows XP Looking Skin is Revolutions Pack but that made all my icons 256 color and when I tried to change Windows Theme It Crashed. P.S. That Cosmic..Cosmetic Toolbox Thing Didn't Work On my Windows 98 SE, That Extreme Xp ting Only Slowed My System to a Grinding Halt.I don't mean Look Alikes of Windows XP But the Exact Skin of the Windows XP OS system
  4. I think big fans of Windows 9x should team up and make serive packs and tweak tools For the OS's kind of like an open source project.Make a software and add a plugin cabability and send into the internet.Anyone who gives a heck should create little addons to make it bigger and better.Everyone is so focused into donation. Instead of one Group creating SP's for WIn9x everyone who wants to could,thus cutting down costst to a possible $0!!!!...Its Just an Idea and might not be a good one
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