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Everything posted by xper

  1. What username you want? ...and welcome.
  2. rofl, but i like it. guard dogs, lol
  3. Thx Chris. I will check it.
  4. Welcome. btw, I removed your site from "Loads of MSN6 links" (http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=6409) thread. We apologize. Enjoy your stay.
  5. So, no more ping, ping, ping... Kidding Must be something with your ISP. Isn't there website where you can see ISP connection status?
  6. No more war images or links to war images here @ MSFN. Topic closed Thank you
  7. but kaspersky avp did.
  8. I receive 10-20 mails every day with attached viruses but this one is kinda interesting. Screenshot
  9. Happy birthday jerseygirl!!! 34
  10. xper


    OK, take it easy. Run him/her trough whole process guys.
  11. Long time no see BW. btw, nice desktop.
  12. Will be added (maybe) later tonight.
  13. Scratch & Sniff w00t w00t
  14. xper


    Welcome gisteren.
  15. Reuters: Tests indicate Iraq substance not banned arms - Not chemical weapon. Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad has been hit wit U.S missile. Journalist killed. Abu Dhabi office has been hit too. Hotel Palestina where journalists resides has bin hit by U.S thank. David Chater (Sky News) live from Baghdad: It wasn't mistake.
  16. Almost ready but I can't give you any date.
  17. xper


    Welcome David.
  18. CNN and Sky News are not on my TV anymore. They show only one side of war. To much propaganda and censoring.
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