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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Why do not you give a correct link right away? This forum is there to help each other. Following a link to the latest Adminpak for Windows Server 2003: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=6315 Incidentally, for the two files certutil.exe and certadm.dll not necessarily the Adminpak must be installed, with 7zip open the msi file and extract the two files.
    2 points
  2. JohnRichardTLH: I installed the July 11th updates on my Vista x64 system. I got a Does Not Apply message from the KB4339854 update, but everything else seems to run without causing any difficulties. Microsoft has reissued many or all of these patches, but looking at the later versions, at last for X64, I see the same files with the same hash codes, so I suspect they haven't changed at all, but have simply been given new issue dates to agree with the patches for Win 7 thru 10 which were altered. Of course, you should double check since you've got an x86 system, but I'd be surprised if any difference shows up there either. So, you're safe, methinks. On to August!
    1 point
  3. From December 2018, I will no longer be a beta-tester. As result, I have not been included in the talks about the development of Avast 2019, but Avast 2018 will be the latest version supported by Windows XP. Avast 2018 will receive security updates and bug-fixes, but XP users won't get the chance to upgrade to Avast 2019 and future versions. Which means that, even though Avast is an already really complete Antivirus, new features won't be included in the XP version. This is not something new, as all the older version of Avast still receive security updates, that's why Windows 98 users can still install Avast and get definitions updates on a former version of the Antivirus. The XP beta program is gonna end soon and the 18.x.x is gonna reach a stable version soon and will be updated to fix all the bug. The same applies to Vista.
    1 point
  4. Thank you for fixing it for older OSes (especially Vista)! Added to the list. You can link to its Sourceforge page now. The author accepted my modifications and the program is now at version
    1 point
  5. I don't check frequently what's going on in the Insiders, but one of those builds fixed the Explorer crash that occurs when trying to invoke the classic interface for managing file associations. You're redirected to user non-friendly version in the Settings app either way. I've got a bad feeling one will need full blown shell replacement in the future if MS keeps deprecating useful stuff. There's a number of useful extensions that integrate well with Explorer and it'd be shame to throw it all away. I won't hold my breath for the next stable build to feel any less of a beta test. Speaking of which, you're supposed to have those goodies running. I've noticed with how things are out of the box on build 17134, the checkbox in Settings app that keeps some things quiet if you turn it off turns itself back on each time you login. And you never know what will break next. Here's another. This was supposedly 1709 issue. Under the title, 1803 is mentioned as well. But the text in the body only mentions build 16299 (aka. version 1709). On the other hand, this little function never behaved 100% accordingly to documentation (on older Windows versions as well). Passing empty string to it doesn't do what it says it does.
    1 point
  6. Beta channel for Adobe Flash Player was updated to on July 26, and is confirmed working on Windows 2000. https://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer.html Mozilla Firefox (NPAPI): https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/install_flash_player.exe Internet Explorer: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/install_flash_player_ax.exe Uninstaller: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/uninstall_flash_player.exe For best results, I recommend Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, the Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Security Rollup Package (SRP), the Windows 2000 UURollup, and Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2. Many sites no longer work or are broken after upgrading to Internet Explorer 6 so I do not recommend it!
    1 point
  7. Blind chicken also finds sometimes a grain! The following code for a batch file, which also allows a cleanup: @echo off (FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "AppData"') DO SET "UserAppData=%%b") >NUL 2>&1 SET "CryptnetUrlCache1=%UserAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\Content" SET "CryptnetUrlCache2=%UserAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\MetaData" DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache1%\*" >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache2%\*" >NUL 2>&1 (FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKU\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "AppData"') DO SET "SystemAppData=%%b") >NUL 2>&1 SET "CryptnetUrlCache3=%SystemAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\Content" SET "CryptnetUrlCache4=%SystemAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\MetaData" DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache3%\*" >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache4%\*" >NUL 2>&1 (FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "AppData"') DO SET "LocalAppData=%%b") >NUL 2>&1 SET "CryptnetUrlCache5=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\Content" SET "CryptnetUrlCache6=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\MetaData" DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache5%\*" >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache6%\*" >NUL 2>&1 (FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKU\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "AppData"') DO SET "NetworkAppData=%%b") >NUL 2>&1 SET "CryptnetUrlCache7=%NetworkAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\Content" SET "CryptnetUrlCache8=%NetworkAppData%\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\MetaData" DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache7%\*" >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q /A "%CryptnetUrlCache8%\*" >NUL 2>&1
    1 point
  8. So just replacing bitmap while keeping same layout is just boring. What about putting Beta boot screen into retail? cross post from betaarchive: I think I found the position that sets progress bar and scrolling bar: NTOSKRNL.EXE 5.0.2195.7376, CHT, 1,691,648 bytes File Date: Thursday, 18 February, 2010, 20:17:26 SHA256: 86356E3BB6DB3E873AE8C881358233F5CD142EC2CEDF34D7B007B427CE085394 .text:0041D14A loc_41D14A: ; CODE XREF: sub_41CFF6+14Aj .text:0041D14A push 1B5h .text:0041D14F push 112h .text:0041D154 call sub_41CDAC .text:0041D159 push offset loc_41D1F4 .text:0041D15E mov dword_476070, 1A0h .text:0041D168 mov dword_47606C, esi .text:0041D16E mov dword_476000, 280h .text:0041D178 mov dword_475F40, 0Ah .text:0041D182 call InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter Y = 0x1B5=437, X = 0x112=274 is progress bar starting location Y= dword_476070 = 0x1A0 = 416 X = dword_47606C = esi = 0 W = dword_476000 = 0x280 = 640 H = dword_475F40 = 0x0A = 10 is scrolling bar location. but there is difficulty on setting dword_47606C, since "mov dword_47606C, esi" is 4-bytes shorter than others. -- so hacking around it is working! (VA)0x41d14a: 68 b5 01 00 00 push 0x1b5 e9 6d 29 04 00 jmp 0x45fac1 be a0 00 00 00 mov esi, 0xa0 /* it is 0x41D154 here */ (VA)0x45fac1: 68 21 01 00 00 push 0x121 e8 e1 d2 fb ff call 0x41CDAC e9 84 d6 fb ff jmp 0x41D154 that splits call to sub_41CDAC into half, pushing X value goes to 15-bytes spaces at 0x45FAC1, call 0x41CDAC can jumps back to 0x41D154 for making a space to set ESI. Thanks http://shell-storm.org/online/Online-Assembler-and-Disassembler/ for a flexible-enough online assembler.
    1 point
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