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Posted (edited)

Mst to install just Nero and Nero Tools. NO REBOOOT!!!!!!! This is for NERO

1)Download Nero, run the installer, then browse to C:\Documents and settings\Your Profile\Local Settings\Temp . Find where nero extracted the setup files, then copy them to a different place.

2)Then open a cmd and type

msiexec /a "The path to NeroSuite.msi"

3) Then go to the folder where you did the admin install and leave only these folders:

[FILELOCATION] - You don't need the Nero MediaHome or the Redist Folder



[FILELOCATION]Nero Home Components - only the NT folder





In the nero Core folder delete all .nls and all .txt except for nero.txt, also non english help files, this saves and additional 112 mb.

6)To Install "Path to NeroSuite.msi TRANSFORMS=Nerocore.mst /qb-! /norestart"

7)It is 95.9Mb uncompressed, and the compressed size is 23mb

8)For the serial save this as a reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]
"Serial7_1127858803"="*Put Your Serial Here"

To fix the problem with the demo not making shortcut's:

1) Download XXMKLINK.

2)In order to Add XXMKLINK to your cd copy it to your i386 folder and add this to Dosnet under [Files]


Add this to txtsetup.sif under [sourceDisksFiles]

XXMKLINK.EXE = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0

2)In order to add the shortcut's add this your cleanup.cmd. This is for the tools and nero itself.

If Exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe" md "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra"
If Exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe" md "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools"
XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Nero Burning Rom" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe"
XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero CDSpeed" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\CDSpeed.exe"
XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero DriveSpeed" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\DriveSpeed.exe"
XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero InfoTool" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\InfoTool.exe"

The format for XXMKLINK is "The Link to create" "The File to Link to"

Guide for making MST

1)In order to to make the .mst download AdminStudio trial, the password is utopia05 (Mod's the password is standard and not a serial). Install

2)Open FLEXnet AdminStudio 7

3)Then go to the tab Assistant

4)Select the .msi created by the admin install, then hit start

5)Then in the windows select under Customization option, select create a mst file. Then name the file.

6)Hit Customize

7)In the Window that opens you should see a list, Expand organization folder, then click on the setup design

8) Select a Feature if you do not want to install a feature, simply hit del, and say yes to the dialog box.

9)Hit save.

10)Install by Nero.msi TRANSFORMS=NAMe OF MST.MST /qb /norestart

How to remove Nero Scout:

1)With your .mst or your edited .msi

2)Go to organization>setup design.

3)Delete all reference to NeroMediaLibary97E5875A

4)Go the direct editor and search and delete all references to NeroMediaLibary.

5)Now delete any other component that you want.

6)Now all you haver to leave in the [FILELOCATION]Nero Home Components\NT folder is NeroFileDialog.dll, NMSearch.dll and MediaLibraryNSE.dll.

The Nerocore.mst has only the basics, the Nerocover.mst has the basics and Nero Cover Designer. Neither one has nero scout, and both have the titles Nero Ultra Edition. The mst are for the english version.



Edited by keytotime


great guide :thumbup

i havent tried it yet though ;)

is it possible to keep more than just nero and nero tools? how would i have to modify your guide to achieve that?

do i have to change the mst?

or just leave the folders?

Posted (edited)

For me work this



@echo off


Nero.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /norestart /qb-!

REGEDIT /S Nero7.reg


I did compres Nero7 and I get 97MB



RunProgram="startx /wait nero7.cmd"



copy /b 7zs.sfx + config.txt + Nero7.7z Nero7.exe

After decomres Nero7Demo 100MB I get 344MB nex I did 7-zip file Nero7.exe I get 97MB For me thih is exelant

Edited by Yurek3
Posted (edited)

can you please make a guide on creating mst-files?

another thing: with the demo-version (a.k.a. upgrade-version) the /a does not work as it only includes nero core and some extras but the msi wants to have the cabs for all other things.

anyone figured out how to do that now? (yes of course you can copy over the other cab-files, but i want a admin-installpoint for what is in the upgrade-package only)

Edited by eirogge
Posted (edited)

dont know why but nero 7 says me at install the following:


Dll can't be loaded:

Modul not found

but the file is there! whats wrong? how to fix that? nero7 make atfer that all changes back!


bei mir funktioniert die Admin-installation damit zwar mit dem kleinen fehler hier aber egal!

Edited by Sereby
Posted (edited)

i tried copying the 7012 files over the old ones, hoping that they would be compatible, but even after that the installer asks for a cab file that isnt there.

and ive got another problem, when i use your guide, and the mst you posted, with the 7000 version, the installation doesnt even start. it quits before doing anything. but i guess thats because the mst you published only works with the newer version of nero.

Edited by what3v3r
can you please make a guide on creating mst-files?

another thing: with the demo-version (a.k.a. upgrade-version) the /a does not work as it only includes nero core and some extras but the msi wants to have the cabs for all other things.

anyone figured out how to do that now? (yes of course you can copy over the other cab-files, but i want a admin-installpoint for what is in the upgrade-package only)

The mst guide is already there, and you need the retail version, not the demo

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