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nLite 1.4 beta - Back to the roots


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Unfortunately the WFP/SFC problem still exists. We hardly tested on four different machines with Windows XP Home SP1 and SP2 and XP Pro with SP2. Same problem.

Also we find a bug in tweaks. Added shortcut to Evetnlog viewer (eventvwr.msc) to context menu of My computer doesnt work. Shortcut is created, but error "Access denied" occurs in all our installations.

I can confirm. WPF/SFC problem exists. "Eventlog" - Access denied. nLite 1.4b, ~10 installations, Windows XP Pro Corp SP2 Russian with IE7, WMP11 & all updates.

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As i didn't get a "Noted, - thanks" kinda message from you when i last reported this bug, then i will post it again here, so as to make sure that you will get to see it, if you maybe should have missed it the first time around(of course i should have posted it here in the beta thread in the first place).

When enabling the following tweak in nLite v1.4b :

'Explorer' > 'Preset Places Bar to' > 'C:, D:, E:, Desktop, My Network Places'.

Then after installation the places bar is preset to :

'C:, D:, E:, Desktop, My Recent Documents'.

CU, Martin.

Edited by Martin H
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Hi !

Guess I found the reason for a betabug, mentioned here and in the german-nlite forum.

You will get the error messages "can´t access sfc.dll" or "tcip is in use" during copying the source CD to a folder with nlite, if the window, that contains the folder you are copying the source to, is opened (even if it´s minimized to the taskbar).

As soon as it´s closed, nlite runs as fine as usal.


Sorry !

Was a Problem related to something else !

Either first time testing of Silent.NetMaker or UniversalExtractor.


Edited by AgiHammerklau
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ohhhhhhhhhhhh yes! I need to know too when is coming the new beta/RC/final version, I want to reformat my HD and install xp again with a fresh and new nlited copy.

please remove the WFP thing. thanks :)

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I have just had ago at using the new nlite and after using a few tweaks, removing some components, setting up the unattended installation and integrating IE7 and WMP 11, along with the 3.1 installer.. an on the first login of the new install I got WFP asking for the CD.

I looked at the event viewer and seem that it was trying to restore the build verison back to its original version.

I will get the log information from the event view tonight hopefully, and post it on here.


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I have just had ago at using the new nlite and after using a few tweaks, removing some components, setting up the unattended installation and integrating IE7 and WMP 11, along with the 3.1 installer.. an on the first login of the new install I got WFP asking for the CD.

I looked at the event viewer and seem that it was trying to restore the build verison back to its original version.

I will get the log information from the event view tonight hopefully, and post it on here.


Here is want the event viewer is saying about the problem, its all I could find, if anyone eles has any idea's for me to find more information out let me know and I'll give it a try.

Event Type: Information

Event Source: Application Popup

Event Category: None

Event ID: 26

Date: 14/08/2007

Time: 19:03:34

User: N/A

Computer: XP1


Application popup: Windows File Protection : Possible reasons for this problem:

• You have inserted the wrong CD. (i.e., a different Windows product CD than the version installed)

• The CD-ROM drive in your system is not functioning.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


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Thanks for this new release.

I've been testing it straight with XP x64 SP2, and found a minor bug, I guess.

As I have a localized XP version to pre-configure for a later MUI upgrade (Italian), I'm trying to change the "Program Files" default directories

(x64 has two variables in WINNT.SIF: ProgramFilesDir and ProgramFilesDir(x86)), but v1.4beta only let me changing one.

This "limitation" causes none of them is changed, and after the installation I always get the default dirs:

C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files (x86)

I guess I could modify by hand the WINNT.SIF after nLite creates the ISO image, but would report this event

Thank you again


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NO, you should do it directly before nlite creates the iso. ;)


Do you mean by editing the WINNT.SIF by hand in the AMD64 directory before pressing the "Create ISO" button, but after nLite did all its job ?

Isn't there a way to configure nLite to do that instead post-editing such file by hand ?

Thanks for your answer


P.S.: is there any working nLite guide to slipstream the MUI to change the XP x64 SP2 language in such process ?

Thanks again

Edited by Val3r10
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Thanks for this new release.

I've been testing it straight with XP x64 SP2, and found a minor bug, I guess.


TimeZone pre-hacking doesn't work either


when I specify a network workgroup in nLite, I get a default DOMAIN membership instead.

Again, just a unsolicited beta-testing ... :P


Thank you


Edited by Val3r10
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I have error when I am trying to integrate hotfixes




H-Access to the path 'D:\Temporary\winxp\org\vgx.dll' is denied.

Powiadom autora programu jeśli ten błąd pojawił się niespodziewanie.

Przepisz otrzymany komunikat błędu po angielsku i dołącz plik 'Poprzednia sesja.ini'.







H-Access to the path 'D:\Temporary\winxp\org\vgx.dll' is denied.

Notify author if the error appeare unexpected.

Rewrite this message in english and append 'last session.ini' file





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Hey, iv mayb found a bug, not sure.

Im one of them that still have original xp gold source, and when im doing some integrates, something is not right.

I integrate sp2 eng. As you do normally and thats Ok.

Next Integrate hotfixes/updates.

This is how i added them in nLite and they should be installing in that order, but they dont. Instead nlite choose to install RVMUpdatePack2.1.11.7z 1st then Boooggy_WMP11_Vanilla.7z as 2nd, the rest does get installed correctly.

C:\Documents and Settings\wzr\Skrivebord\Boooggy_WMP11_Vanilla.7z

C:\Documents and Settings\wzr\Skrivebord\RVMUpdatePack2.1.11.7z

C:\Documents and Settings\wzr\Skrivebord\RUPUpdates-

D:\Installation\Microsoft\xp updates\ie7\eng\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe

D:\Installation\Microsoft\xp updates\ie7\eng\IE7-KB929969-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe

D:\Installation\Microsoft\xp updates\ie7\eng\IE7-KB928090-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe

D:\Installation\Microsoft\xp updates\ie7\eng\IE7-WindowsXP-KB933566-x86-ENU.exe

I do this in one process, i dont integrate sp2 first then repacking files and starting up nlite again.

Did it twice to be sure, same result.

Sorry it didnt upload my attachment first time. Here it is.

Edited by wazer
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