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hi all i want like an advertisemnt system i duno it's name really so icalled it advertisment system it like go to any site and u must go through three steps each sstep u have to press on a button tht open windows for an advertisment and then go to next step autoatically till u reach to the page u want ? hope tht u got wht i mean i WANT TO KNOW HOW I MAKE IT plz?

i also hate sites like this.

Lie ripken i will tell you that this can be done in php too. Its down to you now.

lol, php too. but thats too "advanced" for someone who doesnt even know javascript.


PHP's not that advanced. It's pretty similar, actually. It really isn't that hard to learn either.

@emadhamdy2002: Sites that force you into clicking ads usually go against the advertising site's terms of services. Also... They're EXTREMELY annoying.

Posted (edited)

I can garantee that forcing people to click on Google's ads will get your AdSense account closed for sure as it's very clearly stated in the AdSense terms that doing so goes against their policies.

Edited by jcarle
PHP's not that advanced. It's pretty similar, actually. It really isn't that hard to learn either.

@emadhamdy2002: Sites that force you into clicking ads usually go against the advertising site's terms of services. Also... They're EXTREMELY annoying.

i said "advanced". i meant that for someone such as him who doesnt know any coding, that it would be advanced. it is also advanced to any html only writer. i taught PHP to myself and it was easy considering i already have a strong knowledge of JAVA.


I think his point was that PHP isn't any more complicated than JS. I actually started with PHP and am now learning JS... usually the other way than what many people might do.

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