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NVidia drivers 82.69


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Setup was unable to write ...


The installation will be terminated

After the next reboot I got a message implicating kernel32. Another thing I have noticed is that the nVidia desktop manager no longer appears in the systray?
Fixed install error dialog box [again ;-(].

Please download the driver 1 more time [14.5 MB]:


This time everything should work ok, including the NVidia Desktop Manager in systray.

The INF AddReg section error was actually [similar to the 1st error] non-essential, because setup couldn't "understand" why the INF had 2 empty sections one after the other without any rows to separate them, something like:



instead of:



No matter, the installation was completing 100% anyway [both times], even if you were seeing that error dialog box.


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Setup was unable to write ...


The installation will be terminated

After the next reboot I got a message implicating kernel32. Another thing I have noticed is that the nVidia desktop manager no longer appears in the systray?
Fixed install error dialog box [again ;-(].

Please download the driver 1 more time [14.5 MB]:




I testing this "build" /6600 GeForge, OK. No error. thx!

Edited by Philco
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Thanks Tihiy for submitting those terrific widescreen drivers. Even more thanks to the author!

It works perfectly and it's just in time for my new 16/10 flatscreen :yes:

PS: MDGx, your pack failed to install (invalid command)

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PS: MDGx, your pack failed to install (invalid command)
I have tested this last [fixed] driver on 2 computers, and worked great both times.

I have not seen any errors.

Please download again, and test [14.5 MB]:


Please be more specific, can you post here the entire error dialog box, eventually a screen shot?

BTW, the installer [setup.exe] was made by InstallShield, the same company who makes M$ installer [MSI], and is meant to be installed on English language OSes.

Is it possible that the error might be specific to a language other than English?

What you can also try:


NV8259 /C /Q /T:C:\TEMP

to extract all files to C:\TEMP .

Then right-click on Desktop -> Properties -> Settings tab -> Advanced button -> Adapter tab -> Change button -> check "Specify the location of the driver (Advanced)" -> check "Display a list of drivers in a specific location, so you can select the driver you want" -> Have disk button -> browse to C:\TEMP -> double-click on NVAGP.INF -> OK button.

See if you still get that error.

If you do get any error, please post here the exact dialog box or screen shot.


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Please be more specific, can you post here the entire error dialog box, eventually a screen shot?
When you'll answer my PM... !!!

Seriously, I'm getting tired of waiting for a reply...

Basically the error was about an invalid parameter. I didn't spend time to figure out where the error came from since the original 82.69 worked. I'll still try to install manually if you want but just not right now since I've had trouble trying to use DVI display (windows fails to start half the time and chooses unsupported frequencies...) and everything seems to work fine since two reboots.

I don't believe the error can be language specific since it says invalid command. Do you think it worth the effort to change the language value in the setup.ini or even mod the executable just in case ?

Edited by glocK_94
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Please be more specific, can you post here the entire error dialog box, eventually a screen shot?
When you'll answer my PM... !!!

Seriously, I'm getting tired of waiting for a reply...

Basically the error was about an invalid parameter. I didn't spend time to figure out where the error came from since the original 82.69 worked. I'll still try to install manually if you want but just not right now since I've had trouble trying to use DVI display (windows fails to start half the time and chooses unsupported frequencies...) and everything seems to work fine since two reboots.

I don't believe the error can be language specific since it says invalid command. Do you think it worth the effort to change the language value in the setup.ini or even mod the executable just in case ?

Did you mean the PM about your win9xforever logo?

I have answered it, and have removed the logo, as you requested.

I have been busy, that's why I haven't answered your PM sooner, ok?

About the tweaked NVidia driver:

About the invalid command error:

please post the screen shot of the error when you have time to install the tweaked driver.

I don't think the invalid command is related to a specific language either.

I would have to see the screen shot of that error.

About unsupported frequencies:

Please find out which frequencies are actually supported by your monitor, and eventually post them here when you have time.

Then you could [on your computer] edit NVAGP.INF [installed by the tweaked driver] found in C:\WINDOWS\INF with Notepad and modify the appropriate [NVxxMOD] AddReg section that contains the frequencies for your NVidia card and delete the unsupported ones. Save your file, and then reboot.

Eventually you could recompile the driver using your modded INF. If you want to do this, I can send you the SED file to make it easier.


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I had a s***ty day and overeacted...(not better today, I'm afraid). Anyway, sorry about that. :angel:

Thanks for the new drivers.

However, I keep having problems with my flatscreen in DVI. Everything is fine in VGA but I can't use the 4/3 scaling option from Nvidia pannel when I use it. It's only avaible throught DVI.

But using DVI makes windows refuse to boot (windows protection error... WTF, for a screen?) !

Unfortunatly, no drivers seems to help and my XP second boot just got f**** ** by SP2 so it won't boot anymore...

Ok. Your 2nd version of 82.69 failed to install with the following error:

(setup was unable to write the following registry value:
The installation will be terminated

Once unpacked and modded, it installed even while displaying the error.

Your last (well not anymore) drivers refused to install, telling me my PID was not a supported device (what the hell? I got a 6200. It IS in the *.inf)...

I even went back to the older 81.98, adding my resolution (1440x900) manually in the registry, which makes it work in VGA but not in DVI...

I tested my 16/10 screen with my other rig, (got 98 too) on a fx5600 and it works in DVI...

So I'm thinking:

- maybe I should restore Windows from before the new screen and try directly on DVI

- maybe my 6200 has a crappy DVI port since my x800gt and my fx5600 both display fine in DVI

- maybe find a way to maintain the correct ratio for 4/3 games while using VGA (but I haven't found any...)

Any ideas?

EDIT : I'll try your new pack right now.

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hello MDGx,

thanks for win9x version of the nvdia driver (NV8269.EXE), but got a installation problem.

system: win98se german, 1gb ram, nforce 3 board, Geforce 5700 AGP, uSP2.1, nvidia driver 53.06

-> tried to install NV8269.EXE -> stops in process with message 'setup was unable to read the following registry value: system\currentcontrolset\services\class\display000\default\mode Installation will be terminated'

-> failed installation DiD NOT remove all remainings, uninstall entry remains with a 'pci managment driver'??? (AGP driver? PCIEXPRess driver?)

-> removed all GFX drivers per uninstall and remainings by hand, registrycleaner, set GFX to 'standard pci driver'

-> tried again to install NV8269.EXE -> failed again , removed again all stuff and installed 53.06 :/


Please download again and install this 5-28-2007 revised driver [14.5 MB]:


Then please post in this forum:


any errors you may encounter during install [hopefully there won't be any ;)].

Thanks for your feedback.

Best wishes.

thanks, mdgx, problems are solved now! :)

one question on your registrytweaks:

your version:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Global\OpenGL]


from coolbits 2.0:




which version works, both?


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The last version of your drivers repack worked ! It even started in DVI with the help of driver cleaner!

Unfortunatly, the scale function does not work for me whatever I try. Well... it does reduce lower resolutions but still uses a 16/10 ratio... :wacko:

It finally crashed anyway while testing dos games... So that's a no go. My 6200 probably has a fake DVI port!

I think I'll just plug back my good old CRT (which I hope still works :unsure: ) through a DVI adapter and use it for older 4/3 games.

The flat screen will stay on VGA... Anyway, that's just my computer giving me troubles. It has nothing to do with your drivers.

-> In fact, your repack of 82.69 now work 100%. Thanks MDGx! :thumbup

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The last release of driver's repack worked like a charm on my EVGA 6600GT.

The previous ones didn't, thought - error message + unable to install when skipped.


Edited by tonich
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Why the hell you use these drivers when you have a 6-series geforce? The only reason and sense of this driver is to make 7- and even 8-series work on 9x. So does anybody have in fact a 7- or 8-series that works because of these? That's the interesting part here.

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Why the hell you use these drivers when you have a 6-series geforce? The only reason and sense of this driver is to make 7- and even 8-series work on 9x. So does anybody have in fact a 7- or 8-series that works because of these? That's the interesting part here.

Because, the hell I was eager to have a try at their compatibility over 6-series!

You know, the more feedbacks, the better overall performance.

Cheers! :hello:

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