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Posted (edited)

Urie and I studied an oem yesterday and the PID.txt is also in the boot.wim in sources, both

It was also in the root of dvd in sources

####.xrm-ms was in the right place also

This was a real OEM and not one d/l off the internet.

We were looking at it to provide a OEM activation for my VistaUA app and thats done.

EDIT: To get this straight we were looking at a Dell dvd. Others may be different

Edited by maxXPsoft


Thanks, for your feedback maxXP!

Well sooner or later I'll get an OEM DVD. For the moment I'm dependent from ohters information and at least I can't verify, what kind of discs they have exactly.

I will still wait a while before publishing the OEM guide than.

Thanks 'n' regards,



I added the PID into both the boot.wims this time and it didn't activate, Vista is really tricky. I might need all the logos and stuff but I am just testing stuff right now. Only other difference here is i injected 2 cab files as a test where I normally inject the .msu's

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I have a basic question about this portion:

This is the reg tweak that needs to be run first :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="WscNotify Class"

I made a synchronous command for each reg

example :

  cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorUser /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Why can't you simply save the reg values as a .reg file, and run them in your firstlogon.cmd using this:

 regedit /s FILENAME.reg

You are able to import .reg values this way during first logon, right? Is there a problem with importing .reg values this way during the first logon pass?

The reason I ask is because I also want to import these values, but don't want to add individual lines for each key. It will be much easier for me to tweak these values in their own individual .reg file later than to have to comb through the autounattend.xml for each individual line.


Edited by radigast

I'm using setupcomplete folder. Search for it in the WAIK docs.

I apply some tweaks inside a .reg file using a cmd file in this folder.

When FirsLogonCommands is run the tweaks are already applied.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi all,

After reading much guide to installin' apps on Vista, usually there' WPI and the FirstLogonCommand method, which i really have no idea how to use. I've used the RunOnceEx on Windows XP and try to implement that to Windows Vista, so far i tried it on VirtualBox, and it works, quiet the same as it does on Windows XP.

All i did was using the RunOnceEx i used for Windows XP, rename it to SetupComplete.cmd and put it in

"Windows Vista\sources\$OEM$\$$\setup\scripts". It works for me, i guess this is the most simpler way heh.


Edited by notosapien

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