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My computer is going from F1 to SNAIL :(


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I have a computer with windows xp pro sp2 installed.

And computer starts-up really really slow like 4-5 min and in startup i only have: Nod32, Skype, Messanger and NOTHING else except those svchost and other files. All un-important services are shut down (indexing services, Help & support,...) And i have updated anti-virus program.

And It still works as a SNAIL.... I have crap cleaner installed, Diskepper 2007,... all important performance based programs.... I have turned off any wallpapers, any Visual Candy, everything,...

AND IT STILL WORKS LIKE A SnAiL....... Our computers in school are 800mhz and they work better with WIN XP SP2

i dunno what's wrong the windows installed on my system are not old like 8 months or something like that.

I was wondering what could be wrong... (could there be something wrong in BIOS? or are services that i turned off responsible for slow computer, or maybe GPU drivers which are 3rd party (nvidia NGO), i suspect that .NET frameworks 3.0 to be a really big load of crap for windows im i correct?, i just dunno i tried boot vis, everything) and can anyone tell me what is option S.M.A.R.T. in bios ?

Please help i dunno what else is there to do...... I just dunno :no:

Please if anyone has any opinion please tell...........

p.s. My rig:

Pentium 4 2.6 HT

1024 MB DDR

6600 GT

Msi mobo intel based

Edited by m16si
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Do simple testing first.

While in the system, start up task manager and see what application, if any, is eating up processing time. Also, boot into safe mode and see if the system is still running slow. Lastly, run chkdsk /scannow and see if you have any bad sectors.

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Yes chkdsk found errors but not bad sectors i thnk because the HDD is not very old its seagate barracuda 250GB

But it found several "bad index entries" and it says it says chkdsk cannot continue scanning in read-only mode whatever that means !

Please help

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What is the process loading the computer so much? A few wrong indexes cannot be causing this.

If the proccess is svchost.exe or something similar, google for it. I remember I had a similar problem once and Google really helped.

If it's not a process it's very likely that your registry is messed up. RegSupreme helped me many times in such situations. Since your windows is 8 months old, it is much likely this to be the cause.

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Lastly, run chkdsk /scannow and see if you have any bad sectors.

That would be chkdsk C: /r


Woops, thinking about sfc. But yea, I shoulda prolly said to run chkdsk /X. Or you can run it straight from windows. In My Computer, right-click the HDD that's giving you trouble, click Properties. Click the Tools tab and select Check Now in the Error Checking section. Select both boxes and click ok. It will tell you that it can't check it because the HDD is being used but that it will do it at next reboot. Reboot now if you want. Let chkdsk run and fix any issues.

At this point, you can use a registry "fixer" but be careful. Back up anything you can.

Usually when an OS performance drops, it can be a sign of a virus. Run and post up the results from HijackThis and we'll see if we can help.

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I think that you would like back up your essential data to another disk(such as CD or another hard disk).

Then remove OS ,all software and format all partition of your drive.

Reinstall your OS , update drivers, restore your data(in restoring data, you would like use antivirus (Kaspersky (updated lastest) is recommendable) program to check all you data to kill virus make your computer slow)

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Surprised no one has mentioned it [unless my eyes are failing me] but as you mentioned you have an up-to-date AV product, remember to use [a few] different repuatable Anti-Spyware products also just in case i.e. Windows Defender, Spybot - S & D, SpywareBlaster, and Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition.

As they are all free, its worth a try ;)

It only take one small bit of spyware to cling on to 100% cpu usage and slug-mode will take place hehe

Failing any spyware problems, it could be a multitude of H/W problems that you may or may not be able to find out without wiping your HDD [use the tool's from the manufacturer of the HDD first] and installing XP freshly :)

If you still have problems, then its most likely to be faulty hardware.



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