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Make a partition/format happen

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I have looked everywhere and cannot find out how to make my xp unattended install automatically re-partition/format my drive.

Everything is great if I install to a formatted machine - but if there is something on the disk or the disk is partitioned, then I am prompted. I want the winnt.sif i put on my cd to just format the disk completely.

Also, I wouldnt mind maybe branding my disk to display something on the setup screens while the install is taking place. Is that possible?

Does anyone have a good link for additional unattended commands?

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Hello; I don´t want to be rude - but I found many excellent things in this forum just by looking at the old posts - especially the pinned one´s at the top :)

I also found a great link http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/ whick answered many of my questions.

So - as they say - most things are "out there" it´s just about finding them.

/ SwedenXp :rolleyes:

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I would like to do the same ie: auto format. I have looked on the link you mentioned.. at lengh as it was my main inspiration.

It doesnt mention formating, only partioning. If they are fine and as required how can we kick in a quick format before anything else occurs ?

many thanks

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This part of the winnt.sif will install XP to a single formatted hard disk and remove any previous partitioning.

   OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\AC97 drivers;Drivers\Nvidia 45.23"


Change your winnt.sif as appropriate.

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Also, I wouldnt mind maybe branding my disk to display something on the setup screens while the install is taking place.  Is that possible?

Check out the guide to customizing your setup screen i wrote, located here.

As SwedenXP said, all you needed to do was look :)

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