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[GUIDE] Integrating Internet Explorer 7

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Integrating Internet Explorer 7 should be the last thing you do.

Before reading any further, download the following:

  1. Install and open nLite, click next
  2. Point it to your source and click next x 3
  3. Select Hotfixes and Update Packs and click next
  4. Click insert and locate Internet Explorer 7 (IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe)
  5. Click next to begin the integration process
  6. Once it completes, nLite will exit
  7. Open nLite again and follow steps 1, 2 and 3
  8. Click insert and add both KB929969 and KB928090 (the order is unimportant)
  9. Click next to begin integration
  10. That's it, you're all done.

If you're a RunOnceEx user, the above will break RunOnceEx. In order to fix it, download the attached zipped file and replace the existing IERNONCE.DL_ in your I386 directory after completing the above steps.

This will result in update KB928090 and KB929969 showing in Windows Update, to resolve this I copy iernonce.dll from KB928090 to '$OEM$\$$\System32\ie7\' and run the following batch file after installation completes and the machine reboots (there are various ways to automate the execution of this code):

@echo off

REM Replacing old iernonce.dll with latest version
REM ---------------------------------------------------------
regsvr32 /s /u iernonce.dll
DEL "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\iernonce.dll"
XCOPY "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ie7\iernonce.dll" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\"
regsvr32 /s /i iernonce.dll
RD /S /Q %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ie7\


The above code replaces the older iernonce.dll that fixes RunOnceEx with the newer version found in KB928090.

Another side effect of integrating Internet Explorer 7 is the loss of the 'Show Desktop' icon on all user accounts not created during setup. To restore this icon, execute the following:

regsvr32 /s /n /i:U shell32

In some cases you will need to log off and back in again before the 'Show Desktop' icon reappears.



Edited by just_laze
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To restore the show desktop icon:


regsvr32 /s /n /i:U shell32

Looks like, it didnt work for me after RunOnceEx

nLite will ask if you'd like to replace certain files:

Integrate Ryan's pack and IE7 at the same time. You get a prompt keep the newer file (because IE7 uses an older version of a file).you need to hit NO for browseui.dl_, shdocvw.dl_, and shlwapi.dl_.

That screen/prompt doesnt appear to me

Edited by 2forza
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hi, just_laze.

My XP is now IE7 integrated along with all the hotfixes, and installs perfecly.

But to do that, i had to give up using RunOnceEx.

I don´t use RyanVM Update Pack, since i´m brazilian and the pack is only in english.

So i preffer to download all the updates from MS site, and integrate them and IE 7 with nLite.

Then to install my apps, i use XPlode. I think it´s way better than RunOnceEx, besides it has awsome interface and its much simplier to mantain the list of apps, since it uses XML technology.

This is what i did to have my UXP DVD the way i want, and (at least as long as i used xp) i was having no problems at all.

If ppl would like, i could make a XPlode tutorial for those who have no idea at all on how to use XPlode. But i really recommend it.

Edited by gugutz
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Since my original post (where hopefully I managed to hide most of my frustration) I've integrated IE7 and the 3 available hotfixes.

I integrated Ryan's v2.16 pack first, IE7 in a separate process and finally the hotfixes in yet again, another separate process.

My RunOnceEx works without problems? I guess I got lucky - that or nLite's developer has implemented a fix?

I've tested my installation on my virtual machine twice without any problems.

laze :-)

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The hotfixes required are:




The desktop icon is no longer created for new user accounts, but the account my installation auto-logs in to still has the desktop icon.

laze :-)

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The hotfixes required are:




The desktop icon is no longer created for new user accounts, but the account my installation auto-logs in to still has the desktop icon.

laze :-)


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Let me clarify, the account I create from within cmdlines.txt is not effected. Any account created once the installation of Windows is complete will be missing the "Show Desktop" icon.

The above method of restoring the "Show Desktop" icon has been proven to work.


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Hmm stil cant integrate IE7

this is what i did

1. Integrated the latest RyanVM Pack with nLite

2. Integrated Direct X 9.0c with nLite

3. Integrated WMP11 with nLite

4. Integrated Internet Explorer 7 with nLite

5. Integrated the three hotfixes with nLite

6. Added my Applications ($oem$)

7. Integrated Driverpacks(.net)

All I get after Virtualmachine.. is Internet Explorer with a IE6 interface...

So what did you do?:P

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This is what i did:

Integrate Windows Media Player with WMP11 Integrator, the Slipstreamer made by Carle (You cand find it here, in another post)

Integrate Internet Explorer 7 with nlite (Only IE Explore NO Hotfixes).

Then integrate all the hotfixes with nlite.

Integrate another time IE7, because if not, you will get an error when you launch IE7.

--> Im'm here and it works very well <--

And then I am wondering about integrate de three Ie7 hotfixes in RunonceEx.

I don't test the last step but i'm sure it will work. I will post when i finish the test.


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Any account created once the installation of Windows is complete will be missing the "Show Desktop" icon.
This sounds rather enticing to me. :rolleyes:

No kidding, I loathe this darn "Show Desktop" crap that M$ imposes on every newly created account.

It's enormously vexing having to manually delete these shortcuts, quite a needless job!

Is there a reliable way to prevent this annoying behaviour, i.e. the automatic creation of such shortcuts?

Something similar to the following, perhaps, just reversed:

regsvr32 /n /i:U shell32

Any suggestions?

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Is there a reliable way to prevent this annoying behaviour, i.e. the automatic creation of such shortcuts?

Something similar to the following, perhaps, just reversed:

regsvr32 /n /i:U shell32

Any suggestions?

you dont want to unregister that dll, running the above command does many many things

the Show Desktop command in Quicklaunch is an scf file (SHCmdFile), its a text file containing


and named "Show Desktop.scf"

for existing users it resides @ "Documents and Settings\[uSER]\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

for new users it resides @ "Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

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I use HFSLIP to slipstream updates. then, using nLite, I managed to slipstream IE7 and the 3 hotfixes (928089, 928090, 929969) all in one go. Everything seems to be okay and all IE7 updates are in. The only problem I encountered is after install, I occasionally received "Windows File Protection" dialog boxes...

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