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[GUIDE] Integrating Internet Explorer 7

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So I'm confused :unsure:. I'm running XP with IE7. WFP is disabled. I'm simulating RunOnceEx using:

rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess

It doesn't work. I replace iernonce.dll with the IE6 version and it works fine. Next, I replace iernonce.dll with the version from KB928090 and test again. Again it works fine. This is what I expected, since it is an MS fix for this very problem. So again I ask, why all these complicated guides to get IE7 working. Why can't we simply integrate IE7, then integrate KB928090??? Is it a problem with the integration software? I saw just_laze mention on another post something about nLite not modifying iernonce.dll? Does anyone have any more information on that?

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I don't know what the issue is, all I do know is that if you integrate IE7 with nLite and check your system32 folder ierunonce.dl_ will be a version 6 files, not version 7.

If you then integrate KB928090 ierunonce.dl_ is replaced with a version 7 file.

I believe the developer of nLite must have coded it so ierunonce.dl_ isn't replaced during the integration of IE7 as a workaround for the RunOnceEx issue. Integrating KB928090 does indeed break RunOnceEx again and if KB928090 was specifically released to address this issue, then I do not know why the fix doesn't work correct when integrated.

Fingers would point to a problem with the way nLite integrates KB928090 if in your manual replacement you've found the *.dll contained within KB928090 does not break RunOnceEx.


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  • 5 months later...

just_laze, I have been tinkering with your approach (as your approach is by far and away the most straight forward). I would appear that I have succeeded without integrating KB929969. To be clear, I followed every step as you have described EXCEPT I chose not to integrate KB929969 at the all - I consistently get a successful installation and further, I do NOT get told by Windows Update to proceed and install the KB929969 hotfix. I have to conclude that it is not necessary. Can anyone else verify this? If true, your simple, straight forward approach gets simpler and straighter. thx,

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The way I did it is DON'T slipstream IE7....

Instead have it copy to the hard drive during OS install - and it is installed on first OS login via RunOnceEx - restart the system and apply IE7 hotfixes via the RunOnce processes - restart again (if needed adding any other RunOnceEx processes.

Works just fine......

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That's great and 'your' method has always been an alternative to integration and has been known for a several months now but in my opinion integration is always the better option.


Edited by just_laze
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