mikesw Posted July 13, 2008 Posted July 13, 2008 (edited) Ok let me clarify the problem:1. The light red color is because the folder you selected is the I386 folder itself, wmp11slipstreamer is looking for its parent folder, in your case you need to select: (H:\VRMPVOL_EN), this will make the light red colour go away and it will also re-enable the integrate button (it gets disabled when prerequisites are not satisfied).2. The "windows - no disk" is happening because Windows is trying to access your ZIP drive for some reason. When you choose a drive and press OK or type manually into the box, I try to access the path to see if it has an I386 folder, but it shouldn't do this in the Select folder dialog unless you specifically mouse over it or some buggy AV is trying to overzealously scan the drive (and still thinks it has media in it).In any case, I am not doing anything besides calling the standard Windows functions to display that dialog in my program, I don't know why its happening to you and I don't have a ZIP drive to try.But in any case, if you look at point number 1, you will be able to get past the issue and continue.about (1). But doesn't it say in the text above the box that contains the directory to the OS source to make sure to include I386? OK, I interpreted the "(must contain a "i386" folder)" to mean, that I had to include the I386 in the WIN OS directory path. The correct meaning is that the Windows OS source tree had to have an I386 folder in the directory tree.about (2), In all my cases, I hit the button on the side that causes the popup box and displays the list of drives to select where the OS is at. Thus, when you call the MSoft standard functions, is it possible that they internally scan for all drives on ones PC before displaying a list of drives to select. Hence, when they get to the ZIP drive an exception will be generated like I'm getting. Note: This exception is the same problem I'm having when IOBIT Defrag scans for drives, display a list for one to select for defragging. In this case, an exception is generated since my zip drive doesn't have a disk. Software Suggestion: When MSoft windows functions are called to scan for a drive list and an exception is generated, couldn't your software handle/trap on this exception, and then just ignore it? Thus, the drive causing the problem is ignored with the rest being displayed? In the case of an exception being generated for every drive should the drive (if there is only one in the computer) or drives be bad or don't exist, the exception(s) would be grouped together and it is at this point a popup box would display , not an exception, but a friendly message saying "NO drives found". In the end, all software "exceptions" will be handled for gracefully.....Question: Do you you have a list of the exception codes and their return values that you could post or reference here? The reason I ask, is that besides WMP11 Slip streamer and IOBIT Defrag, Acronis Trueimage and Echo have this problem due to my zip drive not having a disk inserted in it. WMP11 Slip Streamer and IOBIT generate annoying popup box exceptions, whereas Acronis Trueimage and Echo on startup,, scan the drives and write a Bad disk block error to the application event log. They've had this since v8 and haven't fixed it either. Edited July 13, 2008 by mikesw
mikesw Posted July 13, 2008 Posted July 13, 2008 KB941569 contains wmp 11 related file so sp3 doesnt update that .......so this fix is not obsolete.the installer shows version if u keep your cursor over it.also u can check the md5 hash.Here is MSoft's response to an email that I sent them. They will update the KB article and download page for Windows XP SP2 to includein the Supported OS section, the addition of SP3, so that it is clear that this patch applies to both SP2 and SP3. The actual security pgdid specify for WmP 11 that it was for SP2 and SP3.Hello,Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service. I appreciate you for waiting patiently for a reply from us.We have received reply from our colleagues. According to them this is an update that was released in 2007. The x86 XP family will need to be updated and also XP SP3 will need to be added to the supported operating systems. The download team will be updating this page next weekI hope the above information is helpful to you and appreciate your patience. If you have any further concerns, please write back to us.Thank you.RaginMicrosoft Customer Service RepresentativeIf you have any feedback about your Online Customer
n7Epsilon Posted July 13, 2008 Posted July 13, 2008 Unfortunately this error is not generated by WMP11Slipstreamer, it is generated by Windows itself outside of my control, so I can't do anything about it unfortunately (and so can't most apps that scan all drives).Meanwhile apps that do trap this error don't try to display that dialog box (Windows scans the drives by itself when you open the dialog box outside of the calling app's control). So I cannot fix this.This is an issue also with old style floppy drives and legacy removable drives.
mikesw Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 This is an issue also with old style floppy drives and legacy removable drives.I have a floppy drive in the computer too with no disk inserted.If all removable drives such as floppies, zips and powered down drives (i.e a spare swap drive in raid)have this problem, I wonder why CD/DVD drives without a disk inserted aren't generating exceptionsbut seemed to be ignored when they display the list of drives to select from in the dialog box?Is Msofts software smart enough to ignore these as special cases?
n7Epsilon Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Because optical drives (CD / DVD) communicate using a special command set (the ATAPI inteface) over the IDE / SATA bus and there is a way for the optical drive's firmware to notify the operating system when there is inserted media or not.But old drives that communicate via fdd interface don't work properly with this design because they have no way of notifying the operating system, instead they depend upon checking to see if there is media or not by trying to access drive directly (also there is supposed to be mechnical way of detecting thise case IIRC) and then Windows is supposed to consider the drive failing to read as no media detected...Sometimes this doesn't work, so you see this exception, MS doesn't try to fix because floppy drives / ZIP drives today are a thing of the past.
mikesw Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 What about a Windows Media Player v9.x slipstreamer for those of us that have Win 2K Proand not XP? Is it hard to modify WMP11 slip tool so that it can slip 9.x into the Win2K OS becauseWMP10 and WMP11 will not install under Win2K? One could just slip WMP9 or WMP10 only intothe XP os if one doesn't like WMP11. Thus, could WMP11 be modified to do either Win2K or XPfor these older WMPlayers?BTW, after removing I386 from my directory path and ignoring the exceptions by hitting cancel,I was able to slip WMP11 into Win XP Pro SP3 without any problem on a running WIn 2K Pro machine.I haven't tried installing this slipped XP Pro SP3 with WMP11 on a spare machine yet.
boooggy Posted July 15, 2008 Author Posted July 15, 2008 new version
boooggy Posted July 16, 2008 Author Posted July 16, 2008 new version changelog http://www.boooggy.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14
mikesw Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 Thanks n7Epsilon, I've played around this weekend on it.I booted into safe mode and no exceptions get generated for any software including iobit defrag which I can runin safe mode without any problem. I wonder what safe mode does differently vs. running windows normally?http://www.consumingexperience.com/2007/11...processing.htmlhttp://forums.cpututorials.com/viewtopic.p...&view=printhttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;330137There seems to be two different types of exceptions for No Disk generated. With other slight variations on the numbers."Windows - no disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c" for Floppy Drive errors it seems"Windows - no disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c" for Zip Drive errors it seemsPer a post on a RU site....started to appear in April 2007 after some Windows update patch. This is caused by the way windows treats removable drives like USB card readers or ZIP drives and how it does error reporting. It's also can be considered as an indication of flaw in design of some programs.per consumerexperience site....This isn't a fix, just a workaround, but if changing your drive letters doesn't work try always having a disk or card in all your removable media drives i.e. floppy drive, CD or DVD drive, all your card reader slots. Or try the software fixes or "last resort" registry edit, below.I changed my drive letters around and it didn't fix the problem.Most of the internet posts point to uninstalling any hardware that has a removable media. CD/DVD, floppy, USB, Zip etc.Also it can occur during startup (startup programs), uninstalling apps or installing them i.e. virus checkers, MSoft s/w products,third party software, freeware, and MSoft updates - just about anything from the posts I've seen on the net. Some people uninstalland reinstall, some just disable the software i.e. startup, some just delete the software altogether, some just uninstall/reinstall all the removablemedia drivers, some remove the icon for the s/w in the systray, etc until something works.Make the annoying error message disappear based on a MVP article. See KB281345 and it does mention Zip drives too. Registry fix.http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009...icle.asp?ID=593Presently, this is what I have to do to get IOBIT defrag v5.0.1 not to complain since nothing worked except put a disk in the Zip drive all the time.I do have a newer quicktime installed which some say causes problems. I could uninstall it and see if IOBIT starts working. See info below.Using Windows Defrag doesn't cause errors. Here's a post about JKDefrag doing it. http://www.kessels.com/forum/index.php?topic=904.0On Oracles webite a post: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jsp...2&tstart=-1The problem is most commonly associated with quicktime or even Itunes if that is installed.With Quictime you need to clear the "recent" cache.Ultimate fix is to put floppies disks or zip disks in the drive all the time if all else fails or do the KB281345 registry fix way. The solution to WMP11 all versions is to uninstall the floppy, zip and cd/dvd drivers then reboot and let windows detect the hardware andreinstall the drivers. After doing this wmp11 slipper didn't complain anymore. Now onto why IOBITDefrag complains....
BikinDutchman Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 If all removable drives such as floppies, zips and powered down drives (i.e a spare swap drive in raid)have this problem, I wonder why CD/DVD drives without a disk inserted aren't generating exceptionsbut seemed to be ignored when they display the list of drives to select from in the dialog box?Is Msofts software smart enough to ignore these as special cases? I had similar issues and some succes with setting:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows ErrorMode 2This redirects error messages to the event queue and does not pause execution.The default ErrorMode value is 0 and it is best that is stays there. The above tweak is a last resort.
mikesw Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 If all removable drives such as floppies, zips and powered down drives (i.e a spare swap drive in raid)have this problem, I wonder why CD/DVD drives without a disk inserted aren't generating exceptionsbut seemed to be ignored when they display the list of drives to select from in the dialog box?Is Msofts software smart enough to ignore these as special cases? I had similar issues and some succes with setting:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows ErrorMode 2This redirects error messages to the event queue and does not pause execution.The default ErrorMode value is 0 and it is best that is stays there. The above tweak is a last resort.Thanks. after searching the internet for the cause and the fix, I posted the history, AND solution about two postsdown from yours. I came across this registry fix too. Thus, by me uninstalling the floppy,zip and cd driversand rebooting, WMP11 problem went away. However, the IOBIT defrag didn't. At the rate IObit scans for hardware drivesuntil one actually starts analyzing/defragging, this error message being redirected to the system event logwill put hundress of these error messages into the log. It doesn't generate exceptions if I'm in safe mode though????JkDefrag, MSoft defrag are able to detect the Zip drive containing a disk or not. If a disk is inserted, both programswill display it and analyze/defrag it. If a disk is not in the drive, neither program displays the drive for it to beselected for defragging/analyzing. In the case of IOBIT, when a disk is in the drive, there are no exceptionsand when out of the drive exceptions are generated for each drive scan. In either case, IOBIT doesn't displaythe drive when there is a disk in the drive. So I can't defrag the zip drive. I presume IOBIT has a logic errorin the code and should display the drive when the disk is present.
BikinDutchman Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 dutchmani looked into this issue and found out that slipstreamer works just fine with wmp 11 x64 and hotfixes.the issue u had is cause u integrated kb939209 via nlite and not with slipstreamer. as far as i see nlite overwrites qasf.dll x64 version with x32 version.thx for reporting i will get in touch with nuhi to solve this problem.nLite 1.4.8: solved
Geej Posted July 27, 2008 Posted July 27, 2008 BugReportI'm using HFSlip, trying to integrate with XPSP3. Running WMP slipstreamer v1.3.4.2 with all 14 hotfixes.Encounter bug while "reading setup files...".WMP11Slipstreamer v1.3.4.2Detected source: Windows™ XP Professional SP3Hotfixes:WindowsXP-KB941569-x86-ENU.EXEwindowsmedia11-kb928788-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb929399-v2-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb929773-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb932390-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb933547-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb935551-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb935552-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb939209-x86-intl.exeWindowsMedia11-KB939683-x86-ENU.exewindowsmedia11-kb944882-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb945381-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb946665-x86-intl.exewindowsmedia11-kb950478-x86-intl.exeSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not copy or extract a file from "D:\Test hfslip178 part2\SOURCE\i386" to "D:\Test hfslip178 part2\SOURCE\i386\wmp11temp"File name: 'SVCPACK.INF' at Epsilon.Slipstreamers.SlipstreamerBase.CopyOrExpandFromArch(String filename, String destinationFolder, Boolean ignoreIfNotExist) at Epsilon.Slipstreamers.WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.PrepareForParse() at Epsilon.Slipstreamers.WMP11Slipstreamer.Backend.Slipstream() at Epsilon.Slipstreamers.WMP11Slipstreamer.MainForm.WorkerMethod(Object workerParam)Deleting "D:\Test hfslip178 part2\SOURCE\i386\wmp11temp"... Done!The source being modified has not been damaged.All changes have been successfully reverted.Any help would be greatly appreciated
n7Epsilon Posted July 27, 2008 Posted July 27, 2008 Solution: Copy over a svcpack.in_ from a fresh xp sp3 source to your source.The error is occurring because somewhere in your build process something is deleting svcpack.inf. WMP11Slipstreamer expects to find one in order to modify it. I will make it create a new one if not found in next version.
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