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Several 8.1 languages are available on my repository.

If your language isnt there, and Adobe has it available,

post about it here and I'll do a Lite version of it also.


Posted (edited)

instead of bugging you on such a extreme fast release as other people do :P i just wanted to say: THANK YOU =)

keep up your essential work!

Edit: just installed the german version and all working fine as expected

thx again

Edited by BigRandalo
8.1 extreme soon?
just installed the german version and all working fine as expected ... thx again
You're welcome, and thanks for posting that it worked. I cannot test versions other than english.
This is better because you killed the splash screen Thanx
You're welcome also. (killed 2 splash screens actually) :thumbup



thanks shark.

keep up the good work with adobe reader.


Foxit is great but it has problems opening files with security info, digital signatures, etc. if you use it to open average pdf files you are well with it. if not, use adobe reader/reader lite....

Posted (edited)

Hello Shark,

I tried downloading from yr [Main Repository] link at the bottom of yr post, i'm redirected to picbook and get the message "Page Not Found". And when i click on [Repository Mirror] link, i'm redirected to sharkfiles and get the message "Forbiden. You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server."

May you please let me know what is the new "Shark's file Repository" site address. In fact, Its a while i didn't vist it.



Edited by Shark007
remove URL's
where can finde 8.1 lite german ?
There are links in my signature to my repositories where the files are distributed.
both sites are down :(
I maintain quite agressive htaccess files in an attempt at keeping leechers at bay. Your ISP must have made it ot my block list. :angry:


May you please let me know what is the new "Shark's file Repository" site address. In fact, Its a while i didn't vist it.
The sites are functioning fine, your ISP has also made my blocklist :angry:

In the past year I have had 3 sites shut down by leechers overwhelming download limits.

These repositories are donated by extremely kind MSFN users

who DO NOT expect to have to pay extra for going over GB limits.

Any site direct linking to my files has their entire ISP added to the block list.

I am currently uploading all 8.1 files to a free file server... URL's soon.


May you please let me know what is the new "Shark's file Repository" site address. In fact, Its a while i didn't vist it.
The sites are functioning fine, your ISP has also made my blocklist :angry:


TNX Shark for yr quick answer ;)

I'ts not ISP blocklist. Right now i test again the picbook connexion... It works.

I :wub: Shark's file Repository :wub:

TNX again


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