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Windows Vista Service Tweak Guide


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Does not your Protected Storage service start up after every startup?

Mine does, even when I set it to disabled, it set itself to Manual and starts.

I guess, that I could not login to GTalk, because it uses SSL login and I guess, that it just needs Cryptographic Services. Do not know about Protected Storage, but since both those start even when they are disabled, I will rather leave them alone, I do not want to mess up my Windows, 5 setups today were enough for me, I need a break. :)

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Does not your Protected Storage service start up after every startup?

Mine does, even when I set it to disabled, it set itself to Manual and starts.

I guess, that I could not login to GTalk, because it uses SSL login and I guess, that it just needs Cryptographic Services. Do not know about Protected Storage, but since both those start even when they are disabled, I will rather leave them alone, I do not want to mess up my Windows, 5 setups today were enough for me, I need a break. :)

Mine doesn't. It's disabled and it stays that way.

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What effect does Protected Storage have? I have it disabled and it's OK without it.

This is used for Windows Mail amongst others along with Secure Accounts Manager.

I keep themes enabled, because Aero interface improves performance and appearance and it only costs some extra memory usage. If you have 1GB or more and a decent processor I suggest to keep it enabled.

WMI is one of those services that I do ot want to disable. I do not like disabling services, which can costs me a lot of time figuring out why an applictaioon wil not install/start. If it could be used/required and it start when set to manual, then I just let it be.

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What effect does Protected Storage have? I have it disabled and it's OK without it.

This is used for Windows Mail amongst others along with Secure Accounts Manager.

I keep themes enabled, because Aero interface improves performance and appearance and it only costs some extra memory usage. If you have 1GB or more and a decent processor I suggest to keep it enabled.

WMI is one of those services that I do ot want to disable. I do not like disabling services, which can costs me a lot of time figuring out why an applictaioon wil not install/start. If it could be used/required and it start when set to manual, then I just let it be.

I understand, but keep in mind that some services may automatically start even if they don't need to.

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Score one for the haters!

I'm a loyal tweaker myself. And I still believe in tweaking. (My biggest disapointment in Vista is in how much control they've taken away and oversimplified, like defragging. Sure streamline the GUI, but give up an advanced tab to get back to those controls.) But I turned off all the services recomended and have some funny behavior now. The control panel won't open anymore. And in the start menu my documents folder and others still cascade, but 'control panel' says it's empty.

What did I do? I'm going through and turning things back on to try to fix it now. But I can't go to a restore point short of moving files from DOS.

I'm sure I turned off just one service too many. Anybody have an idea which needle I need in that haystack?



(Yes, I feel foolish. And you can say "I told you so.")

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Software Licensing service enables Control Panel, but you can leave it disabled and enable only if you need access to the control panel, UAC does not need this one.

By the way, I have also restored a few services. I have found out, that I can get Vista on its knees and get RAM footprint about 180 MB, but at that point, Windows is almost unusable and it looks disgusting. So I have 16 services running right now, RAM usage is about 300 MB and everything works just fine, including UAC and Aero.

Edited by TheTOM_SK
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Thanks again.

I found that I need to keep "DHCP Client" to keep my internet connection since I'm on a local network. And I have to keep "Network Store Interface Service" or else it kills "DHCP Client."

And I was blocked from turning off "Security Accounts Manager" which is running even though I have it set as disabled. "Task Scheduler" is similarly protected although I can't even change its setting. And it being unkillable seems to keep "Windows Event Log" from being turned off.

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Yeah, I need 4 services to be able to set up my internet as well, but I enable them only, when my IP changes, I have set up my IP and DNS servers manually.

The unkillable services can be disabled via mmc thanks to security template.

You can download this template and extract it to your documents folder, then:

Start - Run - mmc - file - add/remove snap-in - Security Configuration and Analysis - right click on it - open database - type - 0 - computer will create 0.sdb - to insert template - open - 0.inf - right click on Security Configuration and Analysis - Analyze computer Now - open tree - system services - set up services at will - right click on Security Configuration and Analysis - configure computer now - service will be done.

Warning: disabling needed services can result in unusable Windows or other software! I take no responsibility, if you end up with messed up Windows! Proceed at own risk! Simply put, just DO NOT disable services: DCOM, RPC & Plug and Play!

Edited by TheTOM_SK
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