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Increase free memory on win98


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Cause I dont have systray or desktop on the liteshell panel I cannt see the icon for unplug USB devices (for example unplug safely my USB memory stick)...

Anyone know a command line for run/open that window?

Try this :

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

I have ME so I don't know for sure if it woks on 98.

Also you can try to reduce to the minimum the file and directory caches. I don't know where the setting is exactly located right now but CacheBooster can do it for you.


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Not sure this one will help though.

But clean your registry as much as you can from anything useless there is in it, MRU keys especially and have the "Don't remember explorer settings" checked in Folder Options and disable all autocomplete features as it all this takes registry space, hence memory. Well look around that type of stuff.

Edited by eidenk
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Lowering the values of namecache, pathcache will also free more memory,

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ FS Templates\ Server]

NameCache = a9 0a 00 00 (Will store 2729 filenames)

PathCache = 40 00 00 00 (Will store 64 folders)

With regard to

About the Vcache currently Im using:

MinFileCache = 2048

MaxFileCache = 8192

I tried disabling Vcache but didnt find so much difference

You will notice the difference after time when your free memory gets consumed and windows is unable to clear the filecache because the minfilecache has been set (the size set here cannot be freed best set this to zero), then the system will start to hit your swapfile, too high a value in maxfilecache can also cause low memory issues.

Edited by oscardog
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Try this :

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

I have ME so I don't know for sure if it woks on 98.

OUch.. seems not work here..

Anyone tried run that line on win98?

Its a pity cause I tested "traymodule" and it dont show the USB device icon for extract ;O

Also you can try to reduce to the minimum the file and directory caches. I don't know where the setting is exactly located right now but CacheBooster can do it for you.


Guys this have been the best trick I have tested today... I installed the program and applied the "power user" preset settigs.

My system had 18 of 32ram free before.. but after apply these settings and reboot I have 22 of 32 ram free now!!!!

Lowering the values of namecache, pathcache will also free more memory,

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ FS Templates\ Server]

NameCache = a9 0a 00 00 (Will store 2729 filenames)

PathCache = 40 00 00 00 (Will store 64 folders)

also thanks for the tip.. I checked and seems that 98lite add that value by default

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My system had 18 of 32ram free before.. but after apply these settings and reboot I have 22 of 32 ram free now!!!!

Thats because you have lowered your maxfilecache by 4 meg

With regard to

About the Vcache currently Im using:

MinFileCache = 2048

MaxFileCache = 8192 <-- this will have been lowered by cachebooster

try also minfilecache at zero so windows can adjust itself if memory becomes too low


Lowering the values of namecache, pathcache will also free more memory,

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ FS Templates\ Server]

NameCache = a9 0a 00 00 (Will store 2729 filenames)

PathCache = 40 00 00 00 (Will store 64 folders)

also thanks for the tip.. I checked and seems that 98lite add that value by default

Try altering these values, it was just an example, cachebooster will alter these values for you as well

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32Mb is more than adequate for 98se; for quite some time, I used a Pentium 233MMX machine with that amount of RAM, and only slightly modified 98se install. I even had wallpaper and the standard 98se shell. Resources free upon bootup was somewhere around 97-98%. I remember opening 20+ MP3s at once with ActiveMovie and playing them all at the same time - the result didn't sound good, but the system showed no noticeable decrease in performance and I remember editing a large bitmap image at the same time.

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