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OEMScan - Automated Multi Manufacture Pre-Activation Utility

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Well, let's start simple; attach your oemscan.ini file. Are you using a modified sfc_os.dll file? Try installing using an unmodified XP cd and then running oemscan.exe. If it crashes again post the crash address. See if oemscan.exe crashes in dry run mode "oemscan.exe /d"

I am using your oemscan.ini with no modifications. no I am not using any modifications to the system. how would I figure out the crash address? the only thing special over a standard OEM install, is call a batch file to install windows updates. but I have tried with those disabled as well, and I think I stated before that it's been working perfectly, other then these few machines.

When the crash dialog appears you have two options. You can send a crash report or see what’s in the crash report. Click on see what’s in the crash report you should get a box with a bunch of memory addresses/dumps and dll files.. That’s the data I need.



While debugging v1.3 I commented a line of code that caused OEMSCAN to fail if it couldn't disable Windows File Protection that was present in v1.2.1. I uncommented the line and released v1.3.1, lets see if that fixes the issue you were having. Other then that there is nothing special in this release.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for all of your work on this xeqhter. I have been following this thread and I think I'm a bit confused as how to properly impliment this.

#1. I understand I need to get the bios files repository over on rapidshare.de . My question is how do I properly go about configuring oemscan with these files?

I guess what I'm asking is I currently have been able to do a single pre-activation very easily by replacing the oembios files + the other needed files in the I386 directory. With the multi-oem pre-activation how do I go about replacing them correctly in the setup?

#2. I did notice that siginet was kind enough to include several RVM Intergrator .7z add-ons to allow for easiler intergration.

What I'm asking is once these are intergrated into the CD I notice that there is an SVCPACK folder. How do I go about configuring the cd to auto accept the proper royalty key etc? I have done a slipstreamed update with SVCPACK in the past, but am I missing something as far as the setup goes? Do I need a special call function or script for this to work properly?

Basically if someone could just type out a very rough set of steps (do this, then then, then this etc.) it would help me alot. Sorry for any confusion on my part of this.

#3. I noticed that currently oemscan does not include an Acer folder for Acer hardware. What would be required to add this functionality?

I don't need alot of help on this one but a few simple directions would be very benifcial. Once I get this working properly I'd love to write a guide for MSFN on the detailed steps to creating one of these disks correctly.

Again thank you for your help inadvance.


Edited by SSX4life
Posted (edited)


Back again.....

I have used the dvd that I made on several different Pc's(HP,DELL), and they all worked fine.

That was for the WinXp home edition.

So I made the same thing for WinXp pro.

I have read this; http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx.

As far as I understad it, I can use this key for Windows XP Professional.

The OEMBIOS files are the same for Pro and Home..?, I have read something about that :angel

Now I have a DELL PC that I have tried it on.It came with PRO pre. instaled.

I have tried the MS key, the sticker key....but only the key that followed the org. cd works????!! in the



When winNt.sif prompts for key that's the one I enter, but it say's "Not Valid Key"

Can someone help me???

Edited by Floppy
Posted (edited)

SLP Keys are special CD Keys which are issued to Royalty OEM Manufactures. These CD Keys are REQUIRED for activation using the OEMBIOS Method. SLP CD Key’s ARE NOT COA Sticker keys on the side of the computer.

SLP CD Keys won’t activate unless you have a Royalty OEM Motherboard & OEMBIOS file set that match the motherboard.

SLP keys aren’t locked to the oembios files. You can use a dell slp key on a gateway system. You MUST use a Pro SLP key with a XP Pro installation and a Home SLP key with a XP Home installation. Some discussion was raised that Microsoft in the future could match the manufactures issued slp keys to the system however some manufactures use other manufactures keys so I think its unlikely. Some people have written scripts to go along with OEMSCAN which change the cd key for each oembios set. I don’t know anything about them, so don’t ask. Giving out SLP CD Keys appears to be against forum rules so don’t ask.

Oembios file sets aren’t dependent on the version of XP your installing. The same file set will work on Pro or Home. Royalty OEM’s inject a string into the bios, the OEMBIOS.DAT file tells Windows the string and string location in the bios. No you can’t mix and match different OEMBIOS parts, all four files must be from the same set. The OEMBIOS.DAT file is encrypted, “some” people have tools which can decrypt the file this is how they know the SLP strings. Don’t ask for the tools you won’t get them. OEMBIOS File sets are identified by the CRC32 hash of the oembios.cat file. Rapid share is deleting unpopular files from Bazalel’s repository. You can copy the 4 oembios files (oembios.bin, .cat, .sig, .dat) from a factory installed copy of XP to get that OEM's FileSet if you can't find it.

To add a set to oemscan, acer for example.

Create a directory in the same directory oemscan.exe resides and name it Acer. Download 717B6EF3.RAR from Bazalel’s repository and extract its contents to the Acer directory. Open oemscan.ini in notepad and add the following.



That’s it.

'AcerSystem ,AcerSystem ' is a comma separated list of SLP Strings that Windows activation checks. Two instances of AcerSystem means there are two memory addresses that Windows XP Checks. Refer to http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...mp;#entry534097 for a list of SLP strings and CRC’s. No you don't have to create Multiple entries for AcerSystem, just one for each unique name.

You can run OEMSCAN.EXE any time during setup, be it from cmdlines.txt, svcpack.inf, or RunOnceEx. You can even run it after XP has installed. Auto Accept Royalty Keys? I use winnt.sif and have one static SLP key for Pro & Home.

Edited by xehqter
Posted (edited)


Giving out SLP CD Keys appears to be against forum rules so don’t ask.

I did NOT ask for any SLP CD Keys. Iam doing this the legal way.

My understanding was that the key on the MS site was a key that you could use during a PRO SLP instal.

BUT that you neede a "genuin" (my language is realy bad,I know) key for activation.

I have a leagal WinXp PRO CD with KEY, and I thought that I could make that work the same way as I did with the WinXp Home. And that I could use the OEMBIOS files from Home on Pro, but that I need the Pro SLP key to get it ACTIVATED.

Edited by Floppy

Back again.....

I have used the dvd that I made on several different Pc's(HP,DELL), and they all worked fine.

That was for the WinXp home edition.

So I made the same thing for WinXp pro.

I have read this; http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx.

As far as I understad it, I can use this key for Windows XP Professional.

The OEMBIOS files are the same for Pro and Home..?, I have read something about that :angel

Now I have a DELL PC that I have tried it on.It came with PRO pre. instaled.

I have tried the MS key, the sticker key....but only the key that followed the org. cd works????!! in the



When winNt.sif prompts for key that's the one I enter, but it say's "Not Valid Key"

Can someone help me???

You need to use an OEM CD for your source files. If you Don't have an OEM CD you need to use the sutupp.ini from an OEM CD.

You need to use an OEM CD for your source files. If you Don't have an OEM CD you need to use the sutupp.ini from an OEM CD.

Thanks Bezalel :)

I will do some more work on this. :sneaky:

I did NOT ask for any SLP CD Keys. Iam doing this the legal way.

Sorry, I thought you were asking for a XP Home SLP key. Windows XP will install with SLP CD Keys but won’t activate a non Royalty (Motherboard & Oembios) system, I can see why the admin’s don’t want us to publish the keys, but it makes it allot easier to say, Just use this key for home, and this key for pro.

To correct Bezalel’s typo, you need to use the setupp.ini from an OEM CD.

Posted (edited)


Sorry, I thought you were asking for a XP Home SLP key. Windows XP will install with SLP CD Keys but won’t activate a non Royalty (Motherboard & Oembios) system, I can see why the admin’s don’t want us to publish the keys, but it makes it allot easier to say, Just use this key for home, and this key for pro.

I use winnt.sif and have one static SLP key for Pro & Home.

It's ok :yes:

I will trie to achieve static SLP key for Pro & Home. :ph34r:

I do have the SLP key for home, but not for pro.....


Unlocking WinXP's setupp.ini

Thank's, that helped.


You might find this Microsoft article enlightening:

hmmm, I have read that one a few times :yes: , thanks.

And I found this one; http://wiki.djlizard.net/Product_IDs

Edited by Floppy

:thumbupWinXp Pro WORKING :thumbup

In the oemscan.ini;

[Dell Computer]

[Dell Inc]

Will oemscan.exe see the diffrence between "Dell Computer" and "Dell Inc"?

Or will it "trig" on "Dell" and that's it?

( I know it will use the same OEMBIOS files in this setup)


Yup it will see the difference...as clearly stated by xehqter it will scan the OEMSCAN.INI for the exact phrase you enclosed inside the brackets []


Posted (edited)
Yup it will see the difference...as clearly stated by xehqter it will scan the OEMSCAN.INI for the exact phrase you enclosed inside the brackets []


Nice :hello:


SLP keys aren’t locked to the oembios files.

Aha, it took a while befor I got that part

Edited by Floppy

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