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make a nlited windows xp bootable on a usb memory stick?


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Has anyone been able to make a nlited windows xp bootable on a usb memory stick so that windows xp was able to install from it just you would with a cd rom drive, and if so can tell me how it was done in detail after creating the iso with nlite, as I would like to be able to do this as well.

I'm sure others would be interested as well in doing this as it would save time burning to cd especially when one is making and testing several nlited windows installs.

Thanks :)

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  • 2 months later...
It's almost impossible because of el torito CDROM standarts.

FYI, the El-Torito Cd-Rom standard is not even used on normal XP setup CD's that use the no-emulation mode.

Has anyone been able to make a nlited windows xp bootable on a usb memory stick so that windows xp was able to install from it just you would with a cd rom drive, and if so can tell me how it was done in detail after creating the iso with nlite, as I would like to be able to do this as well.

It is perfectly possible, see this thread and links therein:


the proposed deal is still valid ;)

I'm now looking into XP embedded (XPE). Has anyone made a bootable USB stick with it?

Yes, it has been done, search for posts by Sfiorito in this board and on the MP3CAR one:


most of the info is there.

Also, for your interest it has also been done with normal full XP (NOT BartPE, which is what every other search for XP bootable from USB will give you as results):




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jaclaz, any chance of putting it all together in one resource? :o

If you are referring to the "boot install from USB", as said:

I won't do it all by myself, besides the reasons expressed in the referenced post because:

1) Generally speaking, I tend to be really :P lazy if not adequately stimulated and supported

2) From experience coming from previously written tutorials I tend to be either extremely verbose, boring to death people who already have a good knowledge of the working of Operating Systems, or too much concise, assuming as obvious and thus omitting intermediate steps, creating "blanks" that a newbie won't be able to fill in by himself

If you are referring to the "boot XP from USB stick", the matter is not yet enough consolidated, some new ideas come out of that thread on a daily or weekly base and though there are in this moment several tutorials, check this:


noone yet has proven to be the "universal" solution one would expect

Besides, I lack at the moment the time to perform alone such a task, being involved in several other projects, that have a higher priority in my mental schedule, like the evolution of Grub4dos and Openbuilder and this one:




I have lately found that the amount of "leechers" between members, both here and on the 911CD forum is increasing or however so it is the lack of appropriate reports and feedback from people.

On a project like this where most of the "tricky" part is supporting and testing on different hardware, reports and feedback, besides (possibly constructive) criticism, is essential.



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if your rant was aimed at me directly, i was simply suggeting you'd be a good person (well better than me due to my lack of experience in the topic) to write a 'booting from usb to install xp' guide

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No, rest assured, nothing personal :) or against anyone in particular, just expressing my feelings about recent experiences on the forii. (please, do notice the elegance of the Latin form of the plural ;) )


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  • 9 months later...

I know i probably shouldn't answer to that thread, since it will move it upward in the threads list, but i'm too trying to make a "XP install from USB", and so found this thread.

Thanks go to Jaclaz for the links given, which are a gold mine, if not a diamonds one.

(please, do notice the elegance of the Latin form of the plural ;) )

Though your computering knowledge seems to be far away from mine, i must add that you still have to work on your latin skills... The plural of "forum" is "fora", not "forii", since "forum" is neutral. "forii" would be the plural of "forius" ; don't know whether this word makes any sense though.

It was just to add something (almost) interesting. Thanks again to you, Jaclaz !


essaion (a please-forgive-my-english-since-i'm-french guy)

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I know i probably shouldn't answer to that thread, since it will move it upward in the threads list, but i'm too trying to make a "XP install from USB", and so found this thread.

Thanks go to Jaclaz for the links given, which are a gold mine, if not a diamonds one.

(please, do notice the elegance of the Latin form of the plural ;) )

Though your computering knowledge seems to be far away from mine, i must add that you still have to work on your latin skills... The plural of "forum" is "fora", not "forii", since "forum" is neutral. "forii" would be the plural of "forius" ; don't know whether this word makes any sense though.

It was just to add something (almost) interesting. Thanks again to you, Jaclaz !


essaion (a please-forgive-my-english-since-i'm-french guy)

My Latin is actually VERY rusty.

Point taken, thanks! :)


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