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Thanks for the heads up regarding possible file corruption between 98SE and XP. :thumbup I have been moving files back and forth between both systems since I first installed XP in mid 2006, and have had no problem, but I expect that is because when I am installing drivers and patches and such from a USB drive, it is a USB drive onto which I have copied my "upgrade" partition, a 20Gb partition which holds all the drivers and patches I have downloaded for everything I have ever had since the days of DOS and Win3.1 - a driver for a Number Nine Imagine ISA card? I still have such! Never erase anything!

The other method I use is to create an extended partition on a clean drive and then copy the "upgrade" partition into it

Consequently, since the problem appears to only occur when files are moved individually, instead of moving the whole folder or copying the whole drive with Partition Commander, I appear to have unknowingly avoided the problem!

I recently added a removable 2.5" IDE cartridge drive to my desktop so I can copy the desktop partitions to my notebook drives. Funny, but it is the first IDE drive I have ever had in a desktop - went straight from the old XT/AT MFM drives to SCSI - Still got a 5 1/4" 80Mb SCSI around on the shelf somewhere - don't know what I'd use it for as I don't own any boats! :lol:

as i use 2-Sandisk Cruzer Flashdrives to load all updates to newly installed 98SE"OEM/CDROM" HDD(But flash is usually FAT32 Formatted also :whistle: )As long as proper drivers get loaded you can unload/download directly to 98SE HDD/Partition?hopefully

I use a SD card adapter which acts as a flash drive and is not much larger than the usual flash drives. I have been able to format < 2Gb drives as Fat16. I have two flavors of this device, a USB 1.1 standard device for which I have 98SE drivers and a USB 2.0 device which will also take the new SD HC format which allows over 2Gb cards. Unfortunately, there were no 98SE drivers issued for it. Of course > 2Gb flash drives HAVE to be formatted Fat32.

FYI, the Flash manufacturers were making > 2Gb SD cards before the HC standard was implemented. If you can find a > 2Gb SD card which is NOT HC compliant, you may be able to get it to work in some devices which were only designed to take flash cards made to the original SD specs, allowing you to use a 4Gb card in them. IIRC there were no SD cards larger than 4Gb made to the non-HC specs. These are gradually disappearing from the supply chain, and even a couple months ago, I had to work to find some.

The main reason I upgraded to XP was to achieve better compatibility with current USB devices, especially drives. The main reason I am downgrading as many of my computers as possible to 98SE is XP is truly Windows EXtra Problems.


Addendium :o

I just remembered HOW I got an SD card to format as Fat16. I put it in my camera and used the camera's format function to format the SD card, then I put it in the USB SD adapter. Most cameras can't read Fat32 if they don't have the capacity for the newer HD HC cards. IIRC, even if they DO have the capacity to read the HD HC cards, they will still format SD cards <2Gb as Fat16 for backwards compatibility with older cameras.

Posted (edited)

Hi soporific,

Here is some update information to get things rolling!

> Maximus Decim Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Component Update 2.4 (MDIE6CU)

*Windows Script Update 5.6

*917344 - JScript Security Update

*944338 - Unofficial Windows Script Security Update

*951066 - Unofficial Outloook Express Cumutative Security Update

*956390 - Unofficial Internet Explorer Cumulative Security Update (with uninstall)

*905495 - Unofficial Security Update (MSIEFTP)

*885258 - Security Update (PROCTEXE)

*816362 - Security Update (MSHTA)

*938464 - Unofficial Security Update (VGX)

*906216 - Unofficial Security Update (DHTML+TRIEDIT)

*920670 - Unofficial Security Update (HLINK)

*918439 - Security Update (ART Image Rendering)

*816093 - JVM 3810 Security Update

*908519 - Web fonts update

*824220 - Unofficial Security Update (IMGUTIL)

*886677 - Unofficial Security Update (MLANG)

*896156 - Unofficial Security Update (MSHTMLED)

*893627 - Hotfix for Bug with Group Policies Not Applied in IE6sp1

*956391 - Unofficial ActiveX Kill Bits (AKB) Security Vulnerability Fix

*Unofficial DirectX Media (DXM) 6.0 Update

*Last Windows Roots Update

*Windows Update

*Advanced options

These updates are replaced in AP December 2007 by MDIE6CU 2.4:

*917344 - JScript Security Update

*905495 - Unofficial Security Update (MSIEFTP)

*885258 - Security Update (PROCTEXE)

*816362 - Security Update (MSHTA)

*920670 - Unofficial Security Update (HLINK)

*918439 - Security Update (ART Image Rendering)

*816093 - JVM 3810 Security Update

*908519 - Web fonts update

*824220 - Unofficial Security Update (IMGUTIL)

*886677 - Unofficial Security Update (MLANG)

*896156 - Unofficial Security Update (MSHTMLED)

*893627 - Hotfix for Bug with Group Policies Not Applied in IE6sp1

*DXM9X - Unofficial DirectX Media (DXM) 6.0 Update

*ROOTSUPD Last Windows Roots Update

These updates are superceeded in AP December 2007 by MDIE6CU 2.4:

*938127 - Unofficial Security Update (VGX)

*891781 - Unofficial Security Update (DHTML)

*939653 - Unofficial Internet Explorer Cumulative Security Update

*923694 - Unofficial Outloook Express Cumutative Security Update

> Maximus Decim Data Access Component Update 1.4 (MDDACU)

MDAC 2.8sp1 (include MSXML 3.0sp7)

Jet 4.0sp8 (837001)

Jet 4.0 Repl (321076)

MSXML 4.0 SP2 + 887606

2 files Jet 3.5sp3 (msjet35.dll, msrepl35.dll)

2 files MDAC 2.5sp3 (vfpodbc.dll, drvvft.chm - Visual FoxPro Driver)

XMLinst 3.0

3 files IE6sp1 + 832414(msxml.dll, msxmld.dll, msxmlr.dll - MSXML 2.5sp3)

MSXML 2.6sp2 + 887606

KB911562 - Update for MDAC ver.2.8sp1

KB870669 - Security update for MDAC

Unofficial updates:

KB927779 - Update for MDAC ver.2.8sp1

KB925051 - Update for Jet 4.0sp8

KB924191 - Update for MSXML 3.0sp7

KB936181 - Update for MSXML 4.0sp2

These updates are replaced in AP December 2007 by MDDACU 1.4:

MDAC281 - MDAC 2.8sp1 (include MSXML 3.0sp7)

Jet 4.0sp8 (837001)

KB927779 - Update for MDAC ver.2.8sp1

KB924191 - Update for MSXML 3.0sp7

These updates are superceeded in AP December 2007 by MDDACU 1.4:

*927978 - Update for MSXML 4.0sp2

> 954430 (MS08-069 955218) Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 SP2 Security Update

> 951072 August 2008 Cumulative Daylight Saving Time (DST) Time Zone Updates

> 941029 VBVM60 + MSVBVM60.DLL 6.0.9802 from XP SP3

> 938464 (MS08-052 954593) GDI+ 5.1.3102.5581 Remote Code Execution Security Update

> 933873 Unofficial Windows Scripting Engines (MSE) 5.7

> 331485 BROWSELC.DLL 6.0.2800.1146 Update

> Root Certificates Update October 23 2008

> 835732 MS04-011 329115 MS02-050 323172 MS02-048 W2KSP4 128-bit SSL Encryption Security Update

> 918118 (MS07-013) Unofficial Rich Text (RTF) Edit Controls Security Vulnerability Fix

> 272991 Unofficial Networking Errors VNETBIOS.VXD 4.90.3001 Fix

> 301453 Multicast Packets With TTL=0 TCP-IP Errors

> Adobe Flash Player

Also Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.3.05 for Windows 98SE is worth a look at too.

This list is in no way complete, but is a start.

Edited by RetroOS
Posted (edited)

latest change log:


December 2008


update: kb954430 - MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update

update: MDGx's Updates for WMP from XP & ME (Nov 08)

update: RootsUpd - Root Certificate Update (Oct '08)

update: kb956390 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 6 sp1

update: DX_Media - Unofficial DirectX Media Update for IE 6 sp1 (Oct 08)

update: KernelEx 0.36 (manual installs folder)

update: SCR579x - Unofficial Microsoft Scripting Engines v5.7

update: kb951072 - Unofficial Daylight Saving Time Zone Updates (Aug '08)

update: kb951066 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Outlook Express 6 sp1

update: kb938464 - Hotfix for Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language

Hi soporific,

Here is some update information to get things rolling!


This list is in no way complete, but is a start.

That's really good info mate. Any idea where i can grab anything on '906216' from?

:thumbup Optional Adobe Flash 9.0.151 works on 98SE (even on a 64mb/Ram PentiumI/166mhz) :sneaky:

links are always good. Thanks to RetroOS for providing this in the other thread. Cheers

Edited by soporific

Hi Sop. Thanks again for all your efforts. Ever since installing the previous version of Auto Patcher for Win98SE, my computer has never run better. It's only a P3 600, 256 megs, Radeon 7000 32 meg, ultra lite cable internet but I can run so much on it (eg: Open Office, the Gimp, webcam, usb keys) which I am sure is not possible without AP. Our previous exchange of emails has been very re-assuring to me, will enjoy the new AP extras when they come. Be well, Ken.

:sneaky: @pixturesk-Rad7000 has a great driver at Ati.com <6-2wme_dd_cp_30314> ,just for 98SE O.S.'s (i Too have a PIII-500/256mbRam) *Note:Used Add/RemoveProgramReplacementTool when i got 900+mb total for Java1.5.016JDK Update after installed;this may vary depending on the MoBo it's installed on??? :thumbup
Posted (edited)

latest change log:


December 2008


added: kb925051 - Unofficial Jet 4.0 SP8 Fix

update: kb954430 - MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update

update: MDGx's Updates for WMP from XP & ME (Nov 08)

update: RootsUpd - Root Certificate Update (Oct '08)

update: kb956390 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 6 sp1

update: DX_Media - Unofficial DirectX Media Update for IE 6 sp1 (Oct 08)

update: KernelEx 0.36 (manual installs folder)

update: SCR579x - Unofficial Microsoft Scripting Engines v5.7

update: kb951072 - Unofficial Daylight Saving Time Zone Updates (Aug '08)

update: kb951066 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Outlook Express 6 sp1

update: kb938464 - Hotfix for Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language

added: Internet Explorer ActiveX Kill Bits Security Fix (this update is inside kb956390 so no .exe file will be included but the code still checks for it)

update: Flash 9.0.151 player & plugin for IE

update: 7-Zip 4.62

update: Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment 6 update 7

update: Crypt9x - Unofficial 128-bit SSL Encryption Security Fixes

update: WIA11 - Unofficial Windows Image Acquisition v1.1 (was Twain98)

removed: Windows Update Fix 1.22 (reason: Windows Update is a joke so why encourage people to visit)

NOTE: regarding any hotfixes that Maximus Decim includes in his update packs, unless the hotfix exists as a stand-alone hotfix i won't be including it in AutoPatcher. If you feel that there is an important update that needs to be included, please bug MDGx to have a look at the update and to make one for us all. He's the best person to make up the hotfix, my previous attempts leave a lot to be desired.

ALSO NOTE: -- the above change log is pretty much it ... i have included all the new updates i know about. If you think there's more, say something NOW or wait until after xmas.

Edited by soporific

Thanks thydreamwalker, was unable to locate that Radeon 7000 SE driver on the ATI site. I am not much of a techie, so I am reluctant to play with new drivers because my Radeon 7000 is working so well. My theory is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!). Just want to get Sop's new AP update before I Norton Ghost my "C" drive again.


That's really good info mate. Any idea where i can grab anything on '906216' from?


Hi soporific,

I'm not aware that MDGx has any update for this.

The hotfix can be downloaded (via free request) from the KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/906216/en-us

I expect maximus decim did this to compile his updater.

However, it would need to be compiled into a standalone updater for 9x.


There is an upgrade to the December 2008 version of Auto-Patcher for Windows 98se available from this link:


something that is new with this release is an improved installer -- this installer will upgrade your December 2007 program files to the December 2008 release exactly. Previously, obsolete updates were left behind -- which is a bit messy. Not anymore! So you don't need to get the full version to get the exact program files, just install over the 2007 ones and you'll have exactly what you would have if you had grabbed the full version.

here is the final change-log:


December 2008


added: kb925051 - Unofficial Jet 4.0 SP8 Fix

update: kb938464 - Hotfix for Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language

update: kb951066 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Outlook Express 6 sp1

update: kb951072 - Unofficial Daylight Saving Time Zone Updates (Aug '08)

update: kb954430 - MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update

update: kb956390 - Unofficial Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 6 sp1

update: 7-Zip 4.62

update: Crypt9x - Unofficial 128-bit SSL Encryption Security Fixes

update: DX_Media - Unofficial DirectX Media Update for IE 6 sp1 (Oct 08)

update: KernelEx 0.36 (manual installs folder)

update: Flash 9.0.151 player & plugin for IE

added: Internet Explorer ActiveX Kill Bits Security Fix (this update is inside kb956390 so no .exe file will be included but the code still checks for it)

update: MDGx's Updates for WMP from XP & ME (Nov 08)

update: OleLibUp - OLE Automation Libraries Update (OLEPRO32.DLL 5.0.4530.0)

update: RootsUpd - Root Certificate Update (Nov '08)

update: SCR579x - Unofficial Microsoft Scripting Engines v5.7

update: Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment 6 update 7

update: WIA11 - Unofficial Windows Image Acquisition v1.1 (was Twain98)

update: VBVM60 - Unofficial Visual Basic 6.0 sp6 update (

removed: Windows Update Fix 1.22 (reason: Windows Update is a joke so why encourage people to visit)

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