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Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)

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The error message is a Standard click through Windows one. File is referred to is start_me.

DOS box has no message in it just hangs.

Also can't use DOS box from start menu gives a similar message insufficient memory.

Rest of windows seems to work OK so far

Tried various vcache settings in the system.ini file with no effect so far.

I will try the out of memory fix next.

Edited by niknak
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I will try the out of memory fix next.

i think i've encountered the problem you are having ... see if you can set a video aperture size in BIOS -- set it as low as possible. If you can even start a DOS box, then you don't have any memory left, because your system thinks it needs to assign heaps of memory which can be caused by a big video aperture size, but i also had this happen on a system with 1Gb RAM, i had to lower the MaxPhysPage value in SYSTEM.INI to 39999 -- there could also be a 'switch' in BIOS that changes the way your system handles memory. This is less likely because you should have had problems installing the OS if the switch was in the wrong place. Still, you should check.

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I have a couple of interesting lines in my I_Result.log after updating with the AP October Full release. (This was installed after fully uninstalling the August Full release - I never tried the September update.)

14:42:56 ++ the Internet Explorer module was started
14:43:03 -- update installed: HTMLHelp - Unofficial HTML Help Update
14:43:05 -- was not installed: Unofficial MSXML 3.0 SP7 Update (kb924191)

14:43:06 -- superceeded: -- kb925672 (MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update)
File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msxml4.dll
Current: 4.20.9848.0
Attempted: 4.20.9839.0

AFAICS, the 4.20.9848.0 version was installed by the August AutoPatcher, so I'm wondering why October Full is trying to install 4.20.9839.0. (Thinking perhaps the later version was removed from October Full for some reason.)

Same question for this:

14:51:58 ++ the Visual Basic Runtimes module was started
14:51:58 -- set to by-pass -- VBRUN100 - Visual Basic 1.0 Runtimes
14:51:58 -- set to by-pass -- VBRUN200 - Visual Basic 2.0 Runtimes
14:51:59 -- set to by-pass -- VBRUN300 - Visual Basic 3.0 Runtimes
14:51:59 -- set to by-pass -- VBRUN400 - Visual Basic 4.0 Runtimes (16 & 32 bit)
14:52:00 -- set to by-pass -- VBRUN500 - Visual Basic 5.0 sp3 Runtime Files

14:52:01 -- superceeded: -- VBRUN600 (Official Visual Basic 6.0 sp6 Runtime Files)
File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msvbvm60.dll

Again, the later version seems to have been installed by AP August Full.

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my dear sir, please check the change log again.

:blushing: Checked the change log... Sorry... Just being lazy I suppose...


14:43:06 -- superceeded: -- kb925672 (MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update)

File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msxml4.dll

Current: 4.20.9848.0

Attempted: 4.20.9839.0


14:52:01 -- superceeded: -- VBRUN600 (Official Visual Basic 6.0 sp6 Runtime Files)

File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msvbvm60.dll




billygoat, msxml4.dll versions higher than 4.20.9841.0 (kb927978) have problems in Windows 9x.

Remove msxml4 from Add/Remove Programs, then delete msxml4.dll from \WINDOWS\SYSTEM and run Auto-Patcher again.

The official Visual Basic 6 files are older than the unofficial update so do not worry about that one.

soporific, the December 2007 Microsoft Root Certificates Update has been released.

Edited by RetroOS
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14:43:06 -- superceeded: -- kb925672 (MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update)

File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msxml4.dll

Current: 4.20.9848.0

Attempted: 4.20.9839.0


14:52:01 -- superceeded: -- VBRUN600 (Official Visual Basic 6.0 sp6 Runtime Files)

File: C:\WINDOWS\system\msvbvm60.dll




billygoat, msxml4.dll versions higher than 4.20.9841.0 (kb927978) have problems in Windows 9x.

Remove msxml4 from Add/Remove Programs, then delete msxml4.dll from \WINDOWS\SYSTEM and run Auto-Patcher again.

The official Visual Basic 6 files are older than the unofficial update so do not worry about that one.

Thanks, RetroOS. Interesting about the msxml4.dll. I was thinking that AP ought to handle it, in that case. (Since I'm assuming the newer one came from AP August Full.)

Likewise, if there's a benefit (or no worry) to the newer msvbvm60.dll, why did it appear in the August AP but seems to have been removed in AP October Full?

(I haven't actually checked the packages for these versions, so I might be wrong about the origin. But I've been keeping backups of each update stage and that's what it looks like at first glance.)

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NEWS - Jan 23:

* December 2007 release candidate 1 is now available. If there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this release, in a week it will be renamed to FINAL and released to the world via the 2 mirrors AP has.

* download link

Size: 288 MB

MD5: 816109F0E169474BC37DB88C09EEDD66

* change log

* module contents

- the only change in the last day was the addition of Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 SP1

- thanks to all post, comments, suggestions, etc, yada, and so on. Boo hiss to everyone else!

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Likewise, if there's a benefit (or no worry) to the newer msvbvm60.dll, why did it appear in the August AP but seems to have been removed in AP October Full?


billygoat, there are both the official and the unofficial VB 6 updates.

If they were both selected in August AP, then the files will be at the unofficial versions.

When you run the October AP, the official update says that the msvbvm60.dll file is newer.

This is correct because it is the unofficial version.

There are many updates in AP that have both the official and the unofficial and even some official updates that have some newer files in other official updates...

You will get the same newer file message for some others as well.

soporific, that's a rocking list of updates this time around!

Small error in your change log...


new: kb927978 - MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update


removed: kb925672 - MSXML 4.0 SP2 Update (replaced by kb941833) < should say replaced by kb927978 (above)


Rock on soporock! :D

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Small error in your change log...

Rock on soporock! :D

Cheers for that. As a bonus for all those who download the RC and test it out, you will have access to a special update that will convert your copy to the final edition. I don't expect it to be large in size but there's already a change to the change_log (thanks Retrobuddy) so i'll already be releasing something.

The upgrade from the full October release will be available within 24 hours - i hope.

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Hi Soporific

The Vcache fix did not solve my problem. Still locked out of the DOS box(es). Interestingly with all vcache settings remarked out in system.ini when booted the system was using 1022MB RAM and appeared OK except for the DOS box problem.

Re PM My bios does not have the common references to the the video card. AGP overclock setting is the only one and that is at default. I also checked the manual and it only mentions the AGP overclock setting.

This problem is somewhat galling.

I will wait for the new version of AP the try it on a clean install but literally a section at a time.

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WOOHOO! New Website... lookin' good! :thumbup

Downloaded RC from it and will test first opportunity. ;)

edit - and still awesome download speed...

how fast did it come down, what speeds were you getting? I never get to test this out, i can't justify wasting so much bandwidth!


I've added a cool new little feature: an installation counter for your module choices. This will make it much easier to avoid being paranoid that you have the right choices selected. It does add a few seconds to navigation around the module choices, but the benefits vastly outweigh the small hit in performance.

If you're keen to try it out, download the attachment, and overwrite (back up the old one first!) the one in your program directory (in the CODE folder). It only works with the December 2007 release. I really got a kick out of using it, i hope you do too.


Edited by soporific
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@ niknak: the setting referred to by soporific is usually called 'AGP aperture size'. If you have an AWARD BIOS, you may try to press CTRL + F1 once in the main BIOS screen - it offers advanced options. However, the aforementioned option should be a standard one, so chances to find it using that trick are slim. Worth trying, though.

@ soporific: a few months ago, I was banging my head on the walls because Yahoo Messenger 8.x was crashing while trying to listen to voice messages. After uninstalling a sh!tload of applications, I found the culprit as being MSXML 4.0. Dunno which version it was, as I've been performing bulk uninstalls at the time, trying to fix the issue. I was just thinking if anyone could test the current MSXML version included with Auto-Patcher against Y!M 8.0 and/or Y!M 8.1.

On another note: any news on the GUI?

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Hi Soporific. I just put this question on your "good Soporific" website as well.

You were of great help with my installation of AP August 2007 Full + the September 2007 update, as well as RP7.11. As you may recall, I am the non computer generation, non techie guy to whom you gave much valuable counsel. When you release AP December 2007 Final, can I just install it over my “above” current installations? Will it have any problematic effect on RP7.11? Or, since everything is functioning exceptionally well, shall I just be content with what I currently have, forgetting about AP December 2007 Final + future updates? Thanks, all the best, Ken.

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