soporific Posted May 3, 2007 Author Posted May 3, 2007 (edited) OK, the big news is i'm now making my final run towards a v1.96 release. There's been enough feedback about needed changes for me to be able to release a substantially different version to 1.95 to make it Windows Update and the reported hotfixes that are 'missing' from your computer: OK, first, you should be using the menu option within Auto-Patcher to access Windows Update. Why? Because of the info that is contained within that option that answers most of the current outstanding questions about this. Briton, i don't think you've used that menu option yet in AP. Please do so ASAP just so you can read what's there. If you have further questions, then ask. Second, with every passing month, WU becomes more irrelevant. Anyone who's used the site more than a few times knows what WU is going to say about what's missing. And we also know it's never going to ever change again while we can access the **** thing. So after countless times using AP to patch a test Win98 machine, i think v1.95 gets them all installed, and the 2 reported updates still missing are definitely accounted for. So the moral of this point is: lets just forget about WU shall we? It's going to be a hard habit to break, but break it we the 10 to 20 reboots the program goes through before finishing: yes, i will add messages about the fact that the program reboots so often. I am, however, going to try to cut them down a bit more. I can do the entire contents of AP in just 4 reboots when i do it with the UBCD but that's different. But i reckon i could maybe cut them down by half. So, i'm on the case. I'll also see if I can't make the change from 'Network logon' to 'Primary logon' by code as well --- if anyone knows how, please say something and save me some the Control Panel tweak: i like it!! But as i said, it's a tweak and so needs to be packaged as such. I can put it on my list of things to do, but if someone else wants to knock this one over, be my guest. Scratch that, i've totall cheated by just copying all the shortcuts from my test machine and packaging them into a sfx file that extracts to %windir%\STARTM~1\Control Panel which does exactly the same job. Still its a hack so if someone can do better, be my TweakUI help files: -- yep i'm responsible for them missing, it's because it's not fully unattended the way it comes out of the box. Now i have super INF making powers, i will restore the missing files, solve the non-silent problem, and save the world from capitalism. No sweat. Seriously, i will at least get the help files back, and i've just about got capitalism licked, but i was probably off my rocker about actually getting TweakUI to just silently a help file for AP: --- i think i'd try to make it a GUI interface before trying for a nice GUI help file. Still, not a bad idea.there's no more "re:"s --- if i missed something, speak up. Edited May 3, 2007 by soporific
Kelsenellenelvian Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Yeah I gotta question: Can you write up a tiny tut on combining this and your boot disk to get the optimal functionality?
soporific Posted May 3, 2007 Author Posted May 3, 2007 (edited) Yeah I gotta question: Can you write up a tiny tut on combining this and your boot disk to get the optimal functionality?The following is already in the latest version of the UBCD - (autopatch.txt in the root directory) but here it is in all its glory... the next version of Auto-Patcher will actually be substantially different, the following is for v1.95 files. You will also want to include the Win98toME Standalone hotfix that i've created (see the thread for it) - it belongs in [List15]PS - let me say that watching Windows 98 setup 'swallow' all the updates you apply with this method really made me amazed that it took them all. Especially when desktop1.bat is running (this is after the desktop loads for the first time) ... it does soooo many, especially if you also pack in 3rd party apps like i do .. then it finally reboots (about 15 mins later!) and then the reboot goes on forever to the point you think something is wrong, but no, finally the desktop loads and then desktop2.bat runs and it does it all over again !! And then its all finished. I installed Auto-Patcher and ran the report and all the updates were found. The first time i checked i was amazed. I was certain that the OS had simply been overwhelmed by all the updates that it didn't do some. I now look at Windows 98 with a little more respect than i did before. This is what made me realise than i was probably being over-cautious with all the reboots in Auto-Patcher. Hence my pledge to cut the number in half.Instructions on how to use all the files from Auto-Patcher to make your perfect re-installation CD.1) copy the following list of files into the appropriate directory: (see appendix below)* [list 1] files go into \copyover\directx* [list 2] " " \copyover\hotfixes* [list 3] " " \copyover\IEsetup* [list 4] " " \copyover\INF* [list 5] " " \copyover\registry* [list 6] " " \copyover\switchls* [list 7] " " \copyover\mdac* [list 8] " " \copyover\wmp* [list 9] " " \install1\hotfixes* [list 10] " " \install1\registry* [list 11] " " \install1\switchls* [list 12] " " \install2\hotfixes* [list 13] " " \install2\INF* [list 14] " " \install2\registry* [list 15] " " \install2\switchls2) that's it. You can now delete any files you don't wish to install and then test your CD out!APPENDIX[list 1] - all files from the directx folder in auto-patcher go here EXCEPT d3dx9_32.exeApr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.cabApr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cabApr2006_MDX1_x86.cabApr2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cabApr2006_XACT_x86.cabApr2006_xinput_x86.cabAug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cabAUG2006_XACT_x86.cabAUG2006_xinput_x86.cabBDA.cabDec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cabDEC2006_d3dx10_00_x86.cabDEC2006_d3dx9_32_x86.cabDEC2006_XACT_x86.cabDirectX.cabD[list 2]2-4-date.exe98UPDSYS.exeHHUPD.EXEIE_Audio.exeinstmsia.exeKB837001.exeq236926.exeq237493.exeq238453.exeq239696.exeq239887.exeq240075.exeq240896.exeq241052.exeq241084.exeq242193.exeq245065.exeq245682.exeq245729.exeq249146.exeq249635.exeq249824.exeq250514.exeq250876.exeq253697.exeq253711.exeq257360.exeq257821.exeq258680.exeq258765.exeq259253.exeq260067.exeq262232.exeq269239.exeq269601.exeq271701.exeq273017.exeq273727.exeq273991.exeq274113.exeq274175.exeq274370.exeq275873.exeq276602.exeq277628.exeq278033.exeq278368.exeq280448.exeq283032.exeq288550.exeq290831.exeq293197.exeq295629.exeq306453.exeq307004.exeq308349.exeq309081.exeq310695.exeq311561.exeq315575.exeq318307.exeq319571.exeq321467.exeq323172.exeq323255.exeq323708.exeRootCUp.exeRUNHELP.EXETelnetUp.exeTTFext.exevbr50sp3.exe[list 3] - this is all the files from the IE6sp1 folder in Auto-PatcherADVAUTH.CABAOLSUPP.CABBRANDING.CABCRLUPD.CABFILELIST.DATFONTCORE.CABFONTSUP.CABGSETUP95.CABHELPCONT.CABHHUPD.CABICWCON.CABIE6SETUP.EXEIE_EXTRA.CABIE_S1.CABIE_S2.CABIE_S3.CABIE_S4.CABIE_S5.CABIE_S6.CABIEDATA.CABIEDOM.CABIEEXINST.CABIELPKAD.CABIELPKAR.CABIELPKIW.CABIELPKJA.CABIELPKKO.CABIELPKPE.CABIELPKTH.CABIELPKVI.CABIELPKZHC.CABIELPKZHT.CABIESETUP.DIRIESETUP.INIJAAIME.CABKOAIME.CABMAILNEWS.CABMOBILE95.CABMPCDCS.CABMPLAYER2.CABOAINST.CABREADME.CABreadme.txtSCAIME.CABSCR56EN.CABSETUPW95.CABSWFLASH.CABTCAIME.CABTS95.CABUSP10.CABVGX.CABWAB.CAB[list 4]LogoDisa.inf[list 5]q273017.reg[list 6]Aspi46.exed3dx9_32.exeNetwTool.exeq285189.exeUnicows.exeVBRun100.exeVBRun200.exeVBRun300.exe[list 7]MDAC281.EXE[list 8]CODECS9x.exeMPLAY9.EXE[list 9]48BITLBA.EXE98TShoot.exeADDREMOV.EXEDXMedia6.exeFDSKFRMT.exeKB811630.exeKB816362.exeKB817885.exeKB823559.exeKB824220.exekb837009.exekb886677.exeKB888113.exeKB891122.exeKB891781.exeKB893627.exeKB896156.exeKB908519.exekb911564.exeKB913433.exeKB916281.exeKB917344.exeKB917734.exekb918144.exeKB918439.exeKB918547.exekb924191.exekb925672.msikb926247.exekb927779.exeNPUpdW98.exeOLEUP.EXEq243199.exeq269388.exeq272137.exeq272621.exeq313829.exerbupdate.exeRichEd9x.exeSCANFRAG.EXESERVIC9X.EXETTFPAK.EXEU891711.EXEvbr60sp6.exe[list 10]KB870669.regKB873374.reg[list 11]EuroTool.exeMPLegacy.exeq314941.exeq329048.exeVBRun400.exe[list 12]KB816093.exekb891711.exeKB904706.exeKB920670.exekb923689.exekb928090.exekb929969.exeq322656.exeq329115.exeUCopy2GB.exeUCRYPT9X.EXEUn918547.exeUSHELL98.exeVBRun6C2.exeW98MP10.EXE[list 13]DOSHERE.INF[list 14]q269388.regq273017.reg[list 15]KB905495.exekb923694.exekb931836.exeNUSB31.exeq322656U.exeq323455.exeTWEAKUI.exeVBRun6C1.exeSubMix8c:question: were you saying that we couldn't use long file names right the way thru AutoPatcher code without pulling it from a text file? The way to pass long filenames in variables, you just put them in quotes, and then strip the quotes off when they are imported into the next bat file. .. i set it up to do this, i just wasn't grabbing the long version. Thanks for pushing that code until i accepted it. It looks much nicer having the full path without any sign of the ugliness of a squiggle character with a 1 after it. Edited May 3, 2007 by soporific
submix8c Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 soporific :SubMix8c:question: were you saying that we couldn't use long file names...Perhaps there was an "oddity" in the "4DOS" version I was "working on" (a previous AP version) that caused passed variables to come out wrong ("long path"); perhaps it was simply a "bug" in the previous (now fixed...). It's just a vague memory now, as the latest AP seems to be ok. Will address 4DOS some other time via direct PM (STILL, in my opinion, a wonderful tool), since I prefer to "mod" a stable/nearly-unchanging version. Will wait for v1.96. (I may be "fixated" on this since it has been a long time since I have coded; Mainframe programming languages and scripts are SO much easier to code, including ye olde Assembly Language).ALL: DO NOT bother your heads with "4DOS"; irrelevant for your purpose unless you are interested in using it... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!re: Windows Update and the reported hotfixes...Ok, agreed. However, this will mean that IF you desire a stable, fully-patched Win98SE... "Watch This Space" (including MGDx's/et-al's "Unofficial Patches". It appears that any "fixes" post-July-2006 will NOT appear in WU (although the "unofficial" DO work; ref. the latest "unofficial" DX9 and IE6SP1-Cumulative), so utilizing it is probably no more than an exercise in confirming what AP (and any "unofficial") have provided; may as well DELETE WU from the START menu (since it doesn't work ennyhoo!).Continuing...Preliminary test of AP Full vs Lite versions appears to be consistent (re: "Not In Lite Version"), including the Install results (per the "default" installs). I had first run a Report to check against the previous Lite "Default Install", then did a Full "Default Install".Results: DX9 was "upgraded", WMP7 Legacy Files were installed, and TTFPAK was installed. Methinks I have the gist of the difference 'twixt Default/Master-Menu and Full/Menu-1 (consistent methodology for both Full and Lite versions).However, Unicows just REFUSES to install! I think this was pointed out somewhere else in this thread and a proposed "fix" suggested (renames, then copy, etc etc). Maybe Windows is USING these files and will not let you just "overwrite" them (kinda like XP and the "dllcache" deal...).I have included a tweaks section...I have noticed that many "default" installs might be categorized as "optional" (e.g. ADDREMOV). In my definition of "default", it should ONLY include that which is NECESSARY for a Fully Patched installation (i.e. a truly Lite version, including 98->ME stability), no frills at all. How small then (example: if you do NOT use MSN Messenger or do NOT desire to get "MS Evaluation Software", then you have no need for .NET Framework)? Shoot me (metaphorically speaking, of course) for suggesting such an idea...MDGx :Reference to "who did this patch?" was to ADDREMOV... now I know. AND apparently at least one other "fix" was done by an anonymous doner (B. Gates???). Just uncomfortable with not knowing, that's all... Guess I should spend more time in the Complete-List and your Hotfix-Patches threads.Maybe links/references directly in an "AP Help" function would clarify (later, of course, after the GOOD work is done). This way, anyone in the "outer worlds" would also know who to credit this stuff to...
LL028 Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 (edited) Hi Folks I'm trying to follow the instructions for Release 4.5 UBCD and wonder is there a file named autopatcher v1.6 ready for download yet. I'm quickly losing confidence that I'm going to get it right the first time, or 2nd etc. Since my hard drive is empty anyway, can I just transfer everything there and somehow pretend it is a CD similar to the circumstance where people put the W98SE right onto their hard drive to install. Then I won't feel bad about wasting CDs.Lorraine Edited May 4, 2007 by LL028
submix8c Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 (edited) LL028 :edit: This has been edited for content (now irrelevant)...Not so sure it can be done with an "empty" HDD so it "looks" like a CD-ROM... (remainder truncated) OR (simpler).... just get some CD-RW's; they can be re-formatted and re-written up to (theoretically) 99 times! If you have a CD-burner, it had BETTER be able to burn RW's, or else it must be an ancient prototype!! No such thing as AP-v1.6; you must mean v1.96 (not ready yet). AP-v1.95 PR2 is good enough for your intent... use it's contents with confidence. (p.s. you must install it just be able to copy the required UBCD files PER UBCD INSTRUCTIONS.) The "Lite" version will probably be sufficient...(p.s.-p.s. Maybe start a new "help me, I'm new at this" thread...)OOPS, my bad, you already have a thread: How do I... Stay in that thread from now on; Any takers? the lady needs help... could take a while...Go BACK to here (UBCD main page) and re-read the instructions. You do NOT need a second CD-rom in primary computer; follow "un-zipped" instructions, then my above suggestions/comments Edited May 4, 2007 by submix8c
briton Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 (edited) Briton, i don't think you've used that menu option yet in AP. Please do so ASAP just so you can read what's there.Got it. Sorry!So the moral of this point is: lets just forget about WU shall we? It's going to be a hard habit to break, but break it we must.Hear! Hear! (I HAD broken the habit - this site made me try it again lol)So, i'm on the case. I'll also see if I can't make the change from 'Network logon' to 'Primary logon' by code as well --- if anyone knows how, please say something and save me some time.TweakUI does it so there is a simple reg tweak. I'll check if there is an easier way.EDIT: As far as I can see, when you switch the Primary Logon from "Client for Microsoft Networks" to "Windows Logon" the following change is made in the Registry:HKLM\Network\Logon"PrimaryProvider"="Microsoft Network"changed to:"PrimaryProvider"=""I can't tell if there is any other change - any ideas anyone? It being Win98SE and not Vista or XP, it wouldn't surprise me if it were that simple!END EDIT!packaging them into a sfx file that extracts to %windir%\STARTM~1\Control Panel which does exactly the same job. Still its a hack so if someone can do better, be my guest.Sounds OK to a help file for AP: --- i think i'd try to make it a GUI interface before trying for a nice GUI help file. Still, not a bad idea.My C++ skills are elsewhere or I would leap in. But I can test if someone starts the ball rolling and comment on source. Edited May 4, 2007 by briton
briton Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Then I won't fee bad about wasting CDs.USB Stick or CD R/W seem to be good ways to do this stuff. Every time I decide to reinstall Win98SE, I find the hardware has changed so much I need to put some new drivers on the CD anyway (I make my own not having been converted to any of the universally brilliant CDs yet lol).Just an idea. (A CD R/W lasts a LONG time if you look after it - I have one Linux type CD R/W which I can see through which still works OK - although I have actually replaced it now lol)My 1GB Boot USB Stick keeps getting rewritten from hard disk for all sorts of installs but it can be tricky getting it to work for some CD type things.
submix8c Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 (edited) LL08 / briton :JEEZ, briton, ya beat me to it! The lady just has a few communication/comprehension issues beyond that.. Well, looks like she has all da-help she needs! (also ref. her thread/topic to see where the confusion lay; see above)And I just wanna know... how do I get rid of that insulting "Newbie" thingy below my avatar? "fruityloops" don't gots it! Edited May 4, 2007 by submix8c
soporific Posted May 5, 2007 Author Posted May 5, 2007 ALL: DO NOT bother your heads with "4DOS"; irrelevant for your purpose unless you are interested in using it... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!SubMix8c, i made all the changes to the code as i said i would, but it looks like there's gotta be quite a bit more. I had to fix quite a few things just to get to the first menu, and these were all by-pass hacks. I had turned off the 4DOS message in the first bat file, but i've turned it back on! You're going to have to present a fait accompli type solution for me to 'officially' support it. I would love to support 4DOS but i have bigger fish to fry and too many cooks aint going to spoil this broth so your welcome to step up to the stove anytime.... just leave all the analogies to me Ok, agreed. However, this will mean that IF you desire a stable, fully-patched Win98SE... "Watch This Space" (including MGDx's/et-al's "Unofficial Patches". It appears that any "fixes" post-July-2006 will NOT appear in WU (although the "unofficial" DO work; ref. the latest "unofficial" DX9 and IE6SP1-Cumulative), so utilizing it is probably no more than an exercise in confirming what AP (and any "unofficial") have provided; may as well DELETE WU from the START menu (since it doesn't work ennyhoo!).No, it's better to leave it in for all those who aren't conscious of the need to NOT visit WU. Just the info that is included is reason to keep it in for the medium term.However, Unicows just REFUSES to install! I think this was pointed out somewhere else in this thread and a proposed "fix" suggested (renames, then copy, etc etc). Maybe Windows is USING these files and will not let you just "overwrite" them (kinda like XP and the "dllcache" deal...).Yep you're right, it's a very poor install method to hope to overwrite files in use. I will put my new found INF knowledge to good use and make a proper one. If MDGx hasn't already beat me to it. The last time i looked he hadn't.I have noticed that many "default" installs might be categorized as "optional" (e.g. ADDREMOV). In my definition of "default", it should ONLY include that which is NECESSARY for a Fully Patched installation (i.e. a truly Lite version, including 98->ME stability), no frills at all. How small then (example: if you do NOT use MSN Messenger or do NOT desire to get "MS Evaluation Software", then you have no need for .NET Framework)? Shoot me (metaphorically speaking, of course) for suggesting such an idea...Can you be more specific with your suggestions about what should be optional? You can't have enough flexibility with a project like this so i agree but please stick your neck out some more and suggest a list of candidates to be moved to optional status. We all promise not to succumb to temptation to cut it off. I'm trying to follow the instructions for Release 4.5 UBCD and wonder is there a file named autopatcher v1.6 ready for download yet. Yep i think you mean 1.96 -- and the newbie mixer avatar dude is right, v1.95 files are all you need to make the ultimate re-installation CD.And I just wanna know... how do I get rid of that insulting "Newbie" thingy below my avatar? "fruityloops" don't gots it!Haha... We all had to go thru that stage ... so suffer!! ... OK i'll be good and let you know that if you go to 'My Controls' - Edit Profile Information and and some text to 'Custom member title' it will replace 'Newbie' until such time as you have posted enough posts to be able to let your real status show. I think you lose it at 50. But then you'll be 'junior' which will suit you much better !! geez i crack myself up ...
submix8c Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 (edited) soporific :I'll try to keep this short (for once... kinda...).-- 4DOS: Yep, a "handful" more "fixes" (it's simply due to the method you used). I already have a handle (kinda) on them. If you have already "fixed" those "basic" things I mentioned, I will take it from here (v1.96?). As I had said, I was nearly there when AP started mushrooming+repairs. Besides, I like the "structured programming" functionality.-- "delete WU": just being a facetious smart-axx -- Unicows: went nuts for a while until I discovered that since I use MS Virtual PC and the VPC Add-ons, it was installed and being used. Was simply going to "uninstall" then apply Unicows (which is "one-version-newer"), then re-install. Got your fix; haven't tried it yet, plan on repeating Lite/Full testing sequence again with ALL selected to install. Got the ADDREMOV fix, even though "outdated"(?). Remembering to rename DX9SETUP to DXSETUP (why not make install setup just like Full version; no mods to DX9 .BAT module?).-- Optional vs Necessary: Soon, VERY soon; will probably do a final AP (using Full), de-selecting what I consider to be "optional" and will just ship the results. This for Loading the first "give-away" PC.-- Have downloaded latest UBCD; would like to try it, installing only "necessary", and provide it, a free firewall, a free anti-virus, and AP (on same CD) to the recipients of said PC's. I'd rather not be bothered by them to "fix" their own silly crashes (me no support free PC). Will continue this subject on that thread.I think you lose it at 50. But then you'll be 'junior' ...I thought I had already lost it when I turned 55, and me having another b-day just this month! How ironic!!! (like my new Custom Title?)Gimmee v1.96 so's I can play with 4DOS and "run from the CD"!!! I'm gamey; since the Shop has left me with little to do except stay home and wait for parts/paint, may as well "play" on the 'puter! I am anticipating that it will be pretty stable. WHEN I am successful I'll just send you what I modded. Who knows, this project and UBCD may even merge (kinda what you intended?)!edit for LL028: O crud, I just realized if 2nd PC has an older CD-ROM, it may not read CD-RW's. U need a solution if that is the case; will check your original post thread occasionally to see where you're at, 'k? (p.s. don't bother ripping the other cards out; they are supported by Win98se) Edited May 5, 2007 by submix8c
briton Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 (edited) I think you lose it at 50. But then you'll be 'junior' ...I thought I had already lost it when I turned 55, and me having another b-day just this month! How ironic!!! (like my new Custom Title?)Me too but I am ahead of you in the race to oblivion! (I lost it so long ago I forgot what it was.)edit for LL028: O crud, I just realized if 2nd PC has an older CD-ROM, it may not read CD-RW's. U need a solution if that is the case; will check your original post thread occasionally to see where you're at, 'k? (p.s. don't bother ripping the other cards out; they are supported by Win98se)Hmmm! Unless you put an old one in, if the PC doesn't have a diskette drive it is either too old to worry about or it had a new enough CD burner lol See? If we don't get enough information, we have tp make an a** out of U and ME don't we?Oh, Windows Update off the Start Menu? Yeah, it is way too obvious - who needs that flashing at them every time they want to click something. I always delete it and use the Internet Explorer | Tools | Windows Update link, but chaqu'un a son gout. You know one of the really losing things Microsoft did when they moved on to XP? They made it too hard to make the entire Start Menu controllable with the keyboard. I spent YEARS refining my lovely start menu links with letters and numbers so I didn't have to reach for the mouse for anything lol Edited May 5, 2007 by briton
Eck Posted May 6, 2007 Posted May 6, 2007 I just wanted to let you know that for me, Windows 98SE lately has been the most impossible operating system to try to install and use on my computer!In my latest attempt on a clean hard drive I had Partition Magic make a 60GB partition and format it, and I installed 98SE. I made the normal additions to system.ini regarding VCACHE and 386Enhanced having the lines that make things work with a gig of RAM. Rebooted and all seemed well.I installed the Via Hyperions and rebooted to something like "System needs VMM32 and can't find it so put the darned thing in your path will you?"Okay, I figured that possibly the old HP Pavilion bug (this is a home built, not an HP) had hit me so I used Edit to add C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM to the path in autoexec.bat. That used to work during installs on some HP's when getting a similar startup error like that.It still couldn't find it. I tried typing in the whole path instead of using SET PATH=%PATH% followed by ; and the added ones. Still no go. No safe mode, no nothing, which was different as even those HP's boot into safe mode when that sort of error occurs.I noticed that ScanDisk was freezing when trying to run at bootup. Uh oh! So I ran it myself from the command prompt and it reported an error and I let it fix it. No good rebooting again.So I put in my Partition Magic floppy and was greeted with a description like "Bad Partition or MBR" instead of what it was. Actually PM offered to fix the error, but when I let it it reported that there were too many errors to fix.I tried deleting the partition and it did, but then only showed it as Bad again instead of free space. I tried fdisk /mbr from a floppy but that still didn't fix the problem.I'm now typing from Windows Vista, which installed perfectly right from the DVD onto this same hard drive. When installing, I had it remove the partition (which it showed as able to install on and no error about it) and create a new one, format it, then install on the whole drive.When Vista was up I had it schedule a complete CHKDSK on reboot. The drive had absolutely no errors on it and nothing to fix. After installing a zillion programs and all my drivers and stuff I defragged and all went fine. The latest Via Hyperions installed fine too. I used the latest version on Vista, but had used the prior version for 98SE as Via says there are problems with the newer one on anything but Vista. So I had used the right ones for both but 98SE really didn't like them!Weird eh? I had used those Via Hyperions on this board on 98SE and this hard drive many times in the past and never encountered anything like this. For some reason even Partition Magic couldn't work with the drive in the state it was in but Windows Vista treated it like a normal drive with absolutely no difficulties in working with it.I don't get it. 98SE hates me. In VMWare I can run it fine, but not on any motherboard I have natively. I'm cursed!
submix8c Posted May 6, 2007 Posted May 6, 2007 (edited) Eck :Googleye-search yielded interesting reading: where "vmm32.vxd" really comes from. Also gives potential "fix". Apparently, it is "built" based upon REG entries and WININIT.INI entries. Somehow the Via Hyperion driver install must have kaboomed some entries that caused a bad "new vmm32.vxd" to be "built", hence corrupting your HDD upon reboot. I believe you must also get the Via drivers appropriate for your particular chipset/platform (including those necessary for AGP, etc.).Go here for driver selections (read the contents of selections carefully): Win98SE, select ChipSet, then read. It claims that the latest will probably work, but I have used the "older" version on a couple of older Via boards (eg Tyan Trinity 100AT w/MVP3 chipset) and it worked wonderfully. I also installed onto a Compaq Presario 7900 (Socket-A Athlon) from v4.43 and it worked. All depends on whether Video/Sound/etc. are built into the MoBo. Try it next; this will probably depend on the "manufacture date". There is also a "useful information" and "older drivers" selection(s) you can go to.Here is also the installation guide (important read this!): you already did the above (you did not specify the source/version of drivers installed or the particular model of Pavilion)???Also found that some older HP's had a booger in them that was "fixed" by: - changing the boot order to HDD first - removing install CD after first rebootBoth of the above sound rather weak, though.edit : also noted this on MSFN: down it to Halloween (Oct 31 2006 / VIA 6203 on board ethernet?)... it appears that you had been bitten before!Hope this helps... Edited May 6, 2007 by submix8c
briton Posted May 6, 2007 Posted May 6, 2007 I just wanted to let you know that for me, Windows 98SE lately has been the most impossible operating system to try to install and use on my computer!In my latest attempt on a clean hard drive I had Partition Magic make a 60GB partition and format it, and I installed 98SE. I made the normal additions to system.ini regarding VCACHE and 386Enhanced having the lines that make things work with a gig of RAM. Rebooted and all seemed well.Sounds like me before I found this site. I got a variety of similar messages, but whatever I did, they were always different error messages - or it left me hanging. I was one of the lucky ones because the Win98SE partition was ABOVE the 137GB limit so I found out about the problem before wraparound tried to mess with my other partitions.How big is/are your hard disk(s)? If the 60GB partition is on a disk larger than 137GB, you have to do the Enable48bitLBA thing manually from DOS during the installation (or other ways see below). If your disk is 137GB or less, ignore the rest of this! Remember, it is the DISK size, not the partition size.I stopped installing Win98SE direct from CD years ago - I wrote a batchfile which created the C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS path on the empty partition I was installing into and copied all the \Win98\ files to that directory as you probably want them there forever anyway (we aren't chasing our tails on disk space like we used to!) If you do that, you can then install from hard disk and you won't need your CD for any changes you make to Windows later.If you do install from hard disk, you can swap the ESDI_506.PDR file anytime before you start the install and it will be fine. If you don't do that, another way is to insert the hacked ESDI_506.PDR file into the CAB before you write your next installation CD - the problem with that will be if you want to use the CD on a system which has smaller disks than yours. If you don't do either of these, you have to remember to have that file available to DOS and stop the installation into DOS before that final reboot and swap the ESDI_506.PDR file from DOS before rebooting. The time when you must swap it is when the installation program does its final reboot into Windows itself to start the plug and play detection etc.Hope this helps you. If not, I hope it helps someone else
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