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Server to run on less ram


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i have a stripped down Server 2003 os running on about 50meg of ram

its great but i wasnt the one who stripped it and the problem is its missing the Computer Management,

Disk Management component meaning i cant add a hard drive to it :} (because server os want hd's labeled for it to show in my computer) it would be nice to add this in the iso if anyone knows which files

anyway im new to nlite and i was wondering which services i can remove to get the less amount of ram usage but also to be able to run my programs

programs i use


file sharing (networking to local computers)

battlefield 2 (game)

windowsblinds eclix deluxe theme

thanks in advance :thumbup


Edited by burnabycomputer
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heres a good one for you

disable themes and have it look like win98

its should help on saving some memory as well there

PS... maybe im the only one thats feels this way

servers are there to do there job of servering data / what it is

they dont need to have a nice looking them and wallpaper ;)

but maybe its just me

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heres a good one for you

disable themes and have it look like win98

its should help on saving some memory as well there

PS... maybe im the only one thats feels this way

servers are there to do there job of servering data / what it is

they dont need to have a nice looking them and wallpaper ;)

but maybe its just me

Maybe he wants to cut out the other unnecessary Services besides his theme. Just search MSFN for Services, there's been several threads detailing them.

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yeah what Jeremy said

also server 2003 has better memory mangement and kernel

ive made it into a workstation

i want to cut every service except ones needs to file share on a network

run dns & XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html



ive seen several sites about services to cut but i guess i have to go thru a trial and error to which ones exactly ill post my findings in the future ;)

theme =




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