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nLite RC8 makes bad ISOs


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When it calls makeiso you can actually see the command window open and the options it passes. You can also change the options it passes. I'm not sure why the iso files are not being created properly.

Actually, that was about 10 versions ago. It's since been changed to be invisible by default.

Uhm... thought of maybe using another brand of cd?


Or even checking to see if your burner still works!?

I've already said this, but I'll say it again:

1) I tested it in my desktop PC, and it worked fine.

2) I burned this on two different CD-RWs and even one CD-R.

3) The burner I'm using is probably the best one available strictly for CD-Rs (DVD-R drives aren't focused on CD-R burning) - LG GCE-8526B. It is NOT my burner. :lol:

4) The ISOs themselves have a noticable flaw, so there's no need to shift blame to the burner or media...

5) The problem system had no trouble recognizing the CD-R/RW - it also had no trouble recognizing the fact that it doesn't work. The problem system was also able to completely read that CD as well.

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ive had the same problem a while ago. i nlited & created an ISO using nlite 1.0rc8. i wasted 2 CR-R's , 2 DVD-R's & used 1 CD-RW,, all failed with burning speed as 48x , 8x & 4 x :blink:

non of them booted, but their booting in Virtual machine granting i used the image in the HDD. i had no choice but to create another build & that solved the prob. ;) i suspect it has somthing to do with the latst RC

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I have a similar issue with RC8. I'm s-streaming the MCE 2 disks to one dvd with all my mobo, eth and sata drivers. The iso was fine in VMWare Player, but upon booting my PC I get "Press a key to boot from CD..." but then nothing. Black screen.

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I have a similar issue with RC8. I'm s-streaming the MCE 2 disks to one dvd with all my mobo, eth and sata drivers. The iso was fine in VMWare Player, but upon booting my PC I get "Press a key to boot from CD..." but then nothing. Black screen.

Have you tried with CDIMAGE ?

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Ok, tried CDIMAGE, and both times the iso was burned by imgburn.

But I get the same boot experience. Funny but I even get this from the original (hologram) MCE CD1 too!

BUT I can boot burned rescue CDs (UBCD and Hirens)

Strange, time to check my cables etc - any ideas?

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Okay, I found a workaround.

Simply remove the "-joliet-long" switch. I think mkisofs may be doing something wrong with the ISO filesystem when it adds Joliet. After removing "-joliet-long", sure all filenames were in uppercase and had no spaces, but the boot files were hidden and I was able to boot it.

But why -joliet-long would cause the boot.bin files to be unhidden... I don't know...

Edited by Falcon4
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For some reasons (too long to explain), I've visited mkisofs page last friday.


A new release (1.12) is in late beta testing. The new features include:

Support for multiple sources (i.e. multiple directory trees can be merged).

Support for Joliet.

I don't know what the "late" in "late beta testing" means but it may explain why you have problems with mkisofs and Joliet. Also, PeBuilder does not seem to use this switch (on the CD all filenames are uppercase and ....). It should be a good idea to ask on pebuilder's board.

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I was just having the exact same problem in an application that I'm developing. I can't believe I stumbled across this thread. Anyway, what I found works for me is to use the -untranslated-filenames switch. From the mkisofs help:

Allow Untranslated filenames (for HPUX & AIX - violates ISO9660). Forces -l, -d, -N, -allow-leading-dots, -relaxed-filenames, -allow-lowercase, -allow-multidot

A little side benefit is that it cleans up the command line slightly.

Edited by RogueSpear
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