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[Help] remote desktop in windows xp-sp2


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Your "General" tab seems a little bare - did you manipulate the image, or is this system nLited?

Are you logged in as an Administrator?

Is this machine in a domain?

What is the status of the Terminal Services service? Started or Stopped?

If you go to a command prompt and enter the command "netstat -ano", does it list TCP port 3389 as LISTENING?


Also check the following 2 registry values:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\TSEnabled

=> This value should be set to 1

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\fDenyTSConnections

=> This value should NOT be present (delete if you find)

Edited by Mr Snrub
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i logged in as an Administrator

but this port 3389




























Edit :


Your "General" tab seems a little bare - did you manipulate the image, or is this system nLited?

I do this by snagit

Edited by mo3adz
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Check if you have mstsc.exe in system32 folder, this is rdp client. If not that mean you have reduced/nlited/customed your install.

i have mstsc but the nlited ver i just do the serial num just i dont play with anything just the serial

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Perhaps I missed the point, but does the Mstsc.exe work?

And by the way, normally the Remote Desktop Connection is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessoires -> !!!!!!Communication!!!! -> Remote Desktop Connection, not in System Tools

Edited by Doc Symbiosis
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Perhaps I missed the point, but does the Mstsc.exe work?

And by the way, normally the Remote Desktop Connection is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessoires -> !!!!!!Communication!!!! -> Remote Desktop Connection, not in System Tools

I DON'T FOUND HERE Start -> Programs -> Accessoires -> !!!!!!Communication!!!! -> Remote Desktop Connection :(

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I'm pretty sure you havn't make your new source/cd from a full windows xp pro source. Remake your source from a genuine cd and you will find remote desktop components.

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I'm pretty sure you havn't make your new source/cd from a full windows xp pro source. Remake your source from a genuine cd and you will find remote desktop components.

I try it but not work :(

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