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My opinion is that NOD32 its still superior to Kaspersky. Mine it uses 18Mb (probably more than Kaspersky) but EVERY MODULE is activated. If I activate EVERYTHING at Kaspersky I see a big slowdown of my system (Athlon64 3400+ socket 754, 2Gb RAM, 2x160Gb RAID 0).

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I'm a NOD32 supporter as well.

However, all the builds (2.5x.xx) have an annoying problem (dunno if it's a bug). Every once in a while, the PC starts to stall for no reason and when I open the task manager, i see nod32krn utilizing 99% CPU. People say that if I turn of Advanced Heuristics, I will get rid of the problem (and they are right), but it will bring down the effectiveness of the virus shield significantly. So i wouldn't do that.

This is not frequent. You might not experience this issue, not even once a day. It's like couple of times a week. I think maybe this happens when it finds certain kinds of files and tries to scan them. Other than that, this is the most trusted and fastest AV software I've ever used.

Mind you that I haven't used Kaspersky, but almost all the other main AV software. I was going to try Kaspersky when I was reading the earlier posts. But after reading ClauSoft's last post, I'm not going to try it. Because a rare performance hit would be acceptable compared to living in a overall slower computer environment.

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My opinion is that NOD32 its still superior to Kaspersky. Mine it uses 18Mb (probably more than Kaspersky) but EVERY MODULE is activated. If I activate EVERYTHING at Kaspersky I see a big slowdown of my system (Athlon64 3400+ socket 754, 2Gb RAM, 2x160Gb RAID 0).

There's more to "superiority" than memory usage.

My Kaspersky (latest version) while Idle (Note: I have only the Virus Scan installed, none of the additional components. Obviously, the memory usage would be higher if all components were installed.)


10% Scanned


The memory usage fluctuated between 12 - 18 MBs.

Keep in mind that's during a scan.

Edited by Jeremy
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@Anusha - Does this happen just after you've downloaded a big file? I know that NOD32 will scan the file after Opera has finished downloading it, and depending on the size, I'll get a couple of seconds of inactivity from my system.

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@Zxian - Not just after downloading a file. It happens randomly. Someimtes it happens when I extract a file from an archive or sometimes when copying files. Next time it happens, I will note down the file or files it was scanning a let you know. But mainly, those are exe files. But it happens with a very few exe files (mainly setup files, not program files).

Has anyone here tried both NOD32 2.51.xx and Kaspersky 6.x.x.xxx? I need to know if Kaspersky's performance has improved (more than NOD32) due to the new iSwift and iChecker technologies. Does anyone know if NOD32 has the same features?

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I've read through a lot of threads on MSFN and it seems that these are the Best two AV's over the past few years. I've used NOD32 and just installed Kaspersky to try it out. I am going to do some benchmarking on them to see if there are any huge differences. If anyone's interested, I can post what I find.

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Ok, here it is. This is a really quick test I ran, but it had interesting results. If anyone has suggestions let me know. I tried configuring them as similarly as possible, cranking up all the settings on the scans. Here is the link:



Edited by GeneralMandible
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KAV: one of the few best Anti-virus protection + superb user interface

NOD32: probably the best AV protection, user interface sucks little bit, especially compared to KAV.

That's why I use KAV for few years now, it is the only av with such a good user interface: very clear and easy to use even for my madre :) and not childish for pro users. Plus the protection is very good, comparable but perhaps on some points not as good as NOD32.

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@GeneralMandible - That seems like a really good quick review. Like you said - both are really good products in the end.

@ZileXa - Yeah - the GUI for NOD32 could use a bit of an update, but that's why I set all the options and then just kill the GUI altogether. That way NOD can do its thing in the background and I never have to know about it. :)

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@ZileXa - Yeah - the GUI for NOD32 could use a bit of an update, but that's why I set all the options and then just kill the GUI altogether. That way NOD can do its thing in the background and I never have to know about it. :)

That was one issue I had with KAV: I set the options & I still had to click Neutralize all to get the remaining detections. NOD just cleaned everything without bothering me.

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