PixelGuru Posted August 31, 2006 Posted August 31, 2006 Hi,I would like to know if somebody can tell me where to find the png (if it is a png) that is used around the OSD, there where the info is displayed.In version 6 there was no window around the info at all when switched to transparent.Only the text was visible.I find it very irritating couse the window is much to big .It uses grey and black.I have searched in the skinfiles (Source Hacker) and can change everything I want but not that one.Maybe it is'nt in the skin at all but where to find it elswhere?If it's not a png maybe someone here knows how to shut it off or delete it out of the program?Thanks
PixelGuru Posted September 1, 2006 Posted September 1, 2006 Hmmmz...No need to change graphics.Just give in SKIN.XML all the windows witch needed for OSD and INDICATOR the same sizes and gone is the black frame around the OSD info.Should be like this:<!-- OSD --><ResizablePage name="OSD" DefaultWidth="200" DefaultHeight="120" MinimumWidth="64" MinimumHeight="90" Windowed="TRUE" UserResizable="FALSE" ResizeAsReferencePage="FALSE" Visible="FALSE"><OSD name="OSD" left="0" top="0" right="200" bottom="120" ResizeStretchX="100" ResizeStretchY="100"></ResizablePage><!-- Indicator --><ResizablePage name="Indicator" DefaultWidth="200" DefaultHeight="120" MinimumWidth="64" MinimumHeight="90" Windowed="TRUE" UserResizable="FALSE" ResizeAsReferencePage="FALSE" Visible="FALSE"><Indicator name="Indicator" left="0" top="0" right="200" bottom="120" ResizeStretchX="100" ResizeStretchY="100" FocusAlpha="200"><Command name="Panscan Indicator"/></Indicator></ResizablePage>
Tasslehoff Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 (edited) Same procedure for the 2211a patch, unpack the cyberlink patch installer, edit the Custom.inisilent=1GoogleToolbar=0WebURL=RichVideo=0Delete the GoogleToolbar and RichVideo Folders and then repackage, but anyone who's followed this thread probably knows that already. Edited November 6, 2006 by Tasslehoff
firefly Posted November 11, 2006 Posted November 11, 2006 my custom.ini, it works...just add on the "silent=1"---------------------------------[PowerDVD]CLVer=7.0.1702.0Vender=CYBERLINKUsePVAspRatio=0Line21ExceptVMR=1RenderCloneMode=1UISkinPath=Mercury.dllUI_Multiple_Language=2DefaultSkin=1DX_ReconnectMethod=1EXBUF=4294967294silent=1StillUpdate=1TwinViewDxVA=1DSAuRen=1RCDRule=1UIUseHVA=0XResume=1CHK_STCBYPTS=1UIMediaDiscPlay=1PseudoStop=3AU_REMOVE_IFCAPS=1UIClrCtrl_CurSel=2VCD_Track=1VCD_Segment=1VCD_ErrSkip=200NoMonSleep=1OffMenuShadow=1SetL21Rect=0DX_EnableCLAudSpa=1DX_EnableCLSubtitle=1EnableTwinView=1NO_CK=10000UIAutoConnect=1ChgAudNoFlush=1UIErrorMode=32769UIVolumeSwitch=1DXM_X.IMP.3GP=2DXM_X.IMP.HTTP=2DXM_X.IMP.JPG=2WebURL=http://activation.gocyberlink.com/english/activation/active.jsp?WebURLVersion=str:10GetBy=CDKEYVCPSRealKey=10000CustomerID=CYBERLINKnoRunReg=1MCEPlug=1CPNAV=1EnableDVDAudio=1RichVideo=1CLH264=1UPnP=1------------------------------------------
coucou Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Cyberlink PowerDVD 7.2 ULTRAHere the silent installation for Cyberlink PowerDVD 7.2 ULTRA1) Follow muiz method HERE with a small add.Here the add:1) instead of Then go to your power dvd folder and copy the "PowerDVD.sim" file to the folder wher you extracted your setup.do thisThen go to your C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\ folder and copy the "PowerDVD.sim" + C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\AudioFilter\"CLAud.sim" files to the folder wher you extracted your setup.I made many test and noticed, that sometimes the .sim files are not taken in account during the installation. To be sure that they're installed, after the silent install copy the .sim files to your your \Powerdvd\ and \PowerDVD\AudioFilter\ folders. Or use Winrar and make an sfx archive to automatically and sillently copying them.2) Follow snajay registry settings HEREEnjoycoucou
benners Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Cyberlink PowerDVD 7.2 ULTRAI made many test and noticed, that sometimes the .sim files are not taken in account during the installation.I think it depends on which version gets installed, the Blu-Ray or HD version, mine is always the Blu-Ray, I don't know whether the setup decides off the DVD drive or the computer spec such as DVD drive, GFX card (HD compliant), Monitor (HD compliant), CPU speed etc.I don't have a Blu-Ray DVD nor any HDCP compliant hardware so maybe the Blu-Ray version is a default for peasants like me . If you copy the sim files to the correct folder PDVDBD or PDVDHD dependant on which is going to be installed the install goes ok, providing the usual ini edits are applied, this has been my experience copying the files to the PDVDBD folder.
MAVERICKS CHOICE Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Obviously not a big deal in your case then.
Tasslehoff Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 powerdvd7.reg file placed in the install directoryWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD]"NO_CK"=dword:00002710"VCPSRealKey"=dword:00002710"noRunReg"=dword:00000001"HASCDKEY"=dword:00000001"CPNAV"=dword:00000003"CLH264"=dword:00000001"CDKey"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx""BuildInPacks"="Notebook Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack""MustUpdateKey"=dword:00000003"KeyUpdate"=dword:00000003"UI_RMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx""UI_PMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx""InstalledPacks"="Advance Audio Pack"
Sanjay Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I think it depends on which version gets installed, the Blu-Ray or HD version, mine is always the Blu-Ray, I don't know whether the setup decides off the DVD drive or the computer spec such as DVD drive, GFX card (HD compliant), Monitor (HD compliant), CPU speed etc.I don't have a Blu-Ray DVD nor any HDCP compliant hardware so maybe the Blu-Ray version is a default for peasants like me . If you copy the sim files to the correct folder PDVDBD or PDVDHD dependant on which is going to be installed the install goes ok, providing the usual ini edits are applied, this has been my experience copying the files to the PDVDBD folder.I don't have either a 'Blu-Ray' or 'HD-DVD' drive and on my system also the 'PDVDBD' version is the one that always gets installed. I guess it must be the default version for those without a 'Blu-Ray' or 'HD-DVD' drive.The following procedure works for me:Cyberlink PowerDVD 7.2 ULTRA - Silent installer instructions:1) Unpack the 'PowerDVD 7.2 Ultra' original installer to a folder 'PowerDVD7ULTRA'.2) Install 'PowerDVD 7.2 Ultra' from the original installer and register it with your serial.3) Copy 'PowerDVD.sim' from 'C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\'and 'CLAud.sim' from 'C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\AudioFilter\'Then depending on the version that gets installed on your PC, 'PDVDBD' or 'PDVDHD' Paste the two copied files to either 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDBD\' or 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDHD\'.4) Edit the file 'Custom.ini' in the extracted folder 'PowerDVD7ULTRA' and add the following:------------------------------------------------Silent=1DX9=1noRunReg=1GoogleToolbar=0------------------------------------------------5) Then Edit the 'Custom.ini' files in 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDBD\' & 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDHD\' and add the following:------------------------------------------------GoogleToolbar=0HasCDKEY=1CDKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxBuildInPacks=Notebook Pack, MPEG4 AVC PackMustUpdateKey=3KeyUpdate=3UI_RMK=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxUI_PMK=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-----------------------------------------------(Replace 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx' with your own serial key)6) Remove the 'GoogleToolbar' folder from 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDBD\' & 'PowerDVD7ULTRA\PDVDHD\'.7) Then make a WinRAR SFX file with the files in the extracted folder 'PowerDVD7ULTRA', using the following:-------------------------------------------------------------------;The comment below contains SFX script commandsSetup=Setup.exeTempModeSilent=1Overwrite=1Title=Cyberlink PowerDVD Deluxe 7.2.2414.0-------------------------------------------------------------------8) Add the 'PowerDVD 7' icon with winrar.9) Switcheless silent 'PowerDVD7ULTRA.exe' installer is ready.I do end up with two small problems though.1. First problem is that at the end of the silent install, an IE window opens up with the 'Readme.htm' file.I suppose I could just delete the file "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\Language\Enu\Readme.htm" as part of the silent install, but I am not sure if that would work and/or be the best way of doing it.2. Second problem is that in the small display window on the bottom right of 'Power DVD' the scrolling sign says 'PowerDVD' only. Whereas when I install with the original installer and enter my serial key manually it shows 'PowerDVD Deluxe Version'.Anyone else have the same problems? Does anyone have a solution for this?
coucou Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 1. First problem is that at the end of the silent install, an IE window opens up with the 'Readme.htm' file.I suppose I could just delete the file "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\Language\Enu\Readme.htm" as part of the silent install, but I am not sure if that would work and/or be the best way of doing it.Here bellow my AutoIt file, wchich close Readme.htm. PDVD72sim.exe is sfx winrar archive copying "PowerDVD.sim" to C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\ folder and copy the and + "CLAud.sim" to C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\AudioFilter\PDVD72.au3RunWait("setup.exe")WinWaitActive("CyberLink PowerDVD - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "")For $i = 1 To 10 Step 1 If WinExists("CyberLink PowerDVD - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") Then WinClose("CyberLink PowerDVD - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") Else ExitLoop EndIfNextSleep(500)RunWait("PDVD72sim.exe")Sleep(500)RunWait('RegEdit /S "PDVD72.reg"')2. Second problem is that in the small display window on the bottom right of 'Power DVD' the scrolling sign says 'PowerDVD' only. Whereas when I install with the original installer and enter my serial key manually it shows 'PowerDVD Deluxe Version'.Anyone else have the same problems? Does anyone have a solution for this? You may add reg entries here bellow, "UI_NonTrial" particularly.PDVD72.reg[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD]"NO_CK"=dword:00002710"VCPSRealKey"=dword:00002710"noRunReg"=dword:00000001"KeyUpdate"=dword:00000003"CPNAV"=dword:00000003"MustUpdateKey"=dword:00000003"CLH264"=dword:00000001"CDKey"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx""BuildInPacks"="Notebook Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack""UI_RMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx""UI_PMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx""HasCDKEY"=dword:00000001"UI_NonTrial"=dword:00000000Enjoycoucou
benners Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 These are the only changes I make to the custom.ini in the PDVDBD folderHasCDKEY=1CDKEY=Put yours hereWebURL=RichVideo=0GoogleToolbar=0UI_NonTrial=0and use this iss file to install and it install silently without the readme file at the end.setup.iss
kentk Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 (edited) Any more tips on avoiding opening readme.htm at the end of installation ? (i dont understand and cant use the iss method) Edited January 24, 2007 by kentk
benners Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 Any more tips on avoiding opening readme.htm at the end of installation ? (i dont understand and cant use the iss method)Why can't you use the iss file?.
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