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Buying New CPU+Mobo


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Im soon going to be buying a Skt 754 AMD Athlon64 3700+. I will eventually buy a water cooling kit for it but as i cant afford that right now i would like some advice on a good Fan cooling system for it thats not too expensive and will keep the temps right down. Also i cant remember the name of the special toothpaste type stuff that you put between the cpu and heatsink.

If you know of some good Uk Online stores that have good cooling and cases and any other such stuff.

Edited by ScubaSteve
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Im soon going to be buying a Skt 754 AMD Athlon64 3700+. I will eventually buy a water cooling kit for it but as i cant afford that right now i would like some advice on a good Fan cooling system for it thats not too expensive and will keep the temps right down. Also i cant remember the name of the special toothpaste type stuff that you put between the cpu and heatsink.

If you know of some good Uk Online stores that have good cooling and cases and any other such stuff.

well basically, what your looking for is Zalman and Artic Silver 5 which is the toothpaste stuff your on about lol, its refered to as termal paste!! :D

and you want the The Cooling Shop i always buy my stuff from here they offer very competative prices and excellent services!!!

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also by the way.... why buying watercooling, its a myth,

as since long (AMD Socket A) interl P4 a lot of manufacturers have made AIRFlow-coolers, that are in 90% of all test-cases more efficient than a wattercooler, and for prices, air cooling costs about,

CPU ( E 30.- ($40)) for performance)

GPU ( E 10,- ($12,50))

CASE (E 15,- ($20,00))

total: 55 ( $72,50),

water colling over a 125 euro's ( $150+)

also aircolling costs less engergy (as a hydropomp takes more watts that a few fans).

BTW: when using thermal past, PLEASE dont use to mutch, its not cement on a cracked wall, but raiter the morter betweek the bricks... so make it as thin as you can, for best result... BTW watch out if you have thick vingers, (i always use a cottonswap (btw did take me 15mins to translate this word from dutch (NL) LOL),

good luck...

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Thermal Paste, thats the stuff, my mind went totally blank and i couldnt remember what it was called.

i Chose the 3700+ because the only other one i would consider buying is the X2 3800 and i dont have anywhere near the cash to afford that + a skt 939 motherboard, i plan on getting a water cooling kit eventually and ocing it anyway,

Edited by ScubaSteve
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Thermal Paste, thats the stuff, my mind went totally blank and i couldnt remember what it was called.

i Chose the 3700+ because the only other one i would consider buying is the X2 3800 and i dont have anywhere near the cash to afford that + a skt 939 motherboard, i plan on getting a water cooling kit eventually and ocing it anyway,

to be honest with you, you dont actually have to watercool to overclock, if you use a zalman 7700cu (what im using) you could easily overclock it by maybe 120-200 mhz maybe even more but it depends on your guts!!!!

Edited by POW!!
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I just trow the voltage on 1.55 / 1.6 volts and HTT to 300MHz, HTT devider to 3x or 600MHz (600 with 200 / 900 with 300, normal @ 800 with 200).

Just using stock cooling.

That would make a Sempron64 2500+ run @ 2100MHz, 2600/2800+ @ 2400MHz, 3000/3100+ @ 2700MHz if the CPU holds it :P. 2700 would be most likely the max or you need more voltage and indeed a better cooler.

EDIT: The 3700+ works on 2.4GHz, You could crank it up like 3GHz with d*mn good cooling but that will be the same for a 3000+. If you tweak it, then buy one of the cheapest models ;).

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OC-ing a Althlon 64 (?)

in that case try to buy ureself an opteron 1xx and 939 mobo its not that mutch more expensive but clocks a hell of a lot better...

Im going to order a 165 x2 series (dualcore 1.8ghz), myself sometime next month.. but a 146 (x1) easily clocks over 2.6 ... (with some supper colling fan... there are those that blow over the top (sideways) instead of right on top (downways) .....

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@- I-,

The Opteron is an other price range, talking about almost twice the price of ScubaSteve´s configuration.

I would buy a Athlon 64 3000+ (2GHz) and kick it to a sweet 2.6/2.7GHz and spend the money you have left on more RAM and a better VGA card.

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i have been looking on ebay to see what savailable and i was hoping maybe you guys could give me an opinion on this


i have about £160 to spend on a mobo+cpu but this seems to have a fair few more things with it. was wondering if the opteron 146 would be a better choice over the skt 754 3700+. i have a feeling that you will say it is , espcially as its skt 939 and will give me alot better upgrade oportunies.

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This is what is making it so hard to choose, but if i do go with skt939 i can still always put a opteron 170 in it once i have that kind of cash. wheras 754 the highest i can go is the 3700+

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how much longer till u get more money? s939 allows for dual channel memory which will be nice for overclocking. get the dfi nf4 ultra-d and either a cheap single core opteron or a 3200 venice. or wait for more money and get a 170.

or you could just wait for the AM2 like said above. but you will be the tester for this. whenever a new socket comes out there are lots of issues which are usually fixed fast.

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S939 is NOT dead... absolutely NOT,

A because, there will stil be the opterons for s939 (no the won't be build for M2 (at least amd says so).

B because, there is a huge market for them,

C because it takes about 1.5 to 2 years before end of stock...

i realy think amd will think twice befor completely killing s393 (opterons) because its making them quit a lot of market share on highend desktop / and lowend server markets...

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