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[UPDATED, 07/05/2006]X2K Project, more project and works

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Posted (edited)

i have interest in OS modding especially Windows 2000 things cause there isn't win2k (for short) gui mod available for now

yesterday XPero give me some permission to use his shell32.dll icon and maybe some other files if i ask him further, now i decide to make something like XPize but natively for win2k OS named X2K (Windows eX2Kerience)

my project goal is currently on 3 months for the 1st final release version (based on my previous project)

feature's :

- new win2k bootlogo

- new win2k start and taskbar (using alternate shell, currently use AstonShell)

- new win2k window metric (titlebar,close,min,max button, currently use WinSkin an apps based on ShellWM)

- new win2k shell icon (using XPize shell32.dll, currently done with XP shell32.dll)

- new win2k logo and bitmap

- new Alt-Tab replacement

- more...

PS :

Green = Done

Orange = Almost done, partially finish

Red = Not done for now

Screenshot (gif version for quick load):

NEW!Screenshots Page

new xp icon (older screenshot)


new xp bitmap (older screenshot)


new boot logo


new logo (about dialog, etc)


WinSkin test (test in a fresh win2k)


WinSkin 0.1 Alpha look (based on ShellWM project)


Current Progress :

- 100% dll,ocx,exe files hacked (reference from XPize)

- shell32.dll completely hacked

- test repacking and stability

- ignore the skinning things for now

- see the back of msconfig (screenshot12) :D

Issues :

- mostly all have changed (still have problem with shell32.dll and browseui.dll)

- i need someone to remade the image so it could display transparent (especially the monitor things)

Download :

Beta 1, Not Available (Pending for testing and rechecking)

WinSkin Alpha 0.1 (skinning your window metric, based on ShellWM project)


WinShutdown 1.0 (shutdown replacement dialog)


comment and suggestion are welcome

[uPDATED, 07/05/2006]


Edited by Dels

Posted (edited)

got my intrest for sure, BUT

A: is it performing, / stable

B: is it fully based on freeware or opensource (without anny addware of nasty stuf like that.

C: (will probebly pop to mind later)

id personaly prefer default windows .theme files, that can be enabled quite easily

Edited by -I-
Posted (edited)

Pretty good, but only skins title bars and window borders (not the taskbar, or for some reason the title bar of the Task Manager). I tried enabling the option to use "extended skinning", which it says will skin toolbars etc as well, but it didn't seem to do anything. The thicker window border also makes dialog box buttons appear too close to the edge of the window (although you can probably make the borders thinner by editing the skin). It didn't seem to reload on reboot either, despite setting that option. Oh, and I got a weird bug where maximising an explorer window made half of the toolbar transparent so it was just the desktop wallpaper. I'm not complaining, just pointing out the bugs - it is only version 0.1, after all!

It does only use 2MB of RAM though, which is impressive, and I can't notice any slowdown - Win2000 really fast even in Virtual PC.

I posted link on OSBA

this is what they found out

Edited by dirtwarrior
Posted (edited)


A: stable? guess it not maybe we could go with windows blind :D

B: yes it was, WinSkin based on ShellWM project that are OpenSource (shellwm.sourceforge.net now the site is dead) other things are simply hacked by Reshack

also win2k theme didn't support titlebar skinning or anything, it just support 3d-effect and color scheme things on windows metric, if you mean you can implementing msstyle theming engine from whistler (xp/2k3) in win2k, please tell me how


that is only a hack version of shellwm 0.7 so it's not that stable and yes it only take a few ram instead that windows blind, the most problem is the source code is fully in C/C++ and i can't understand for that now, i only middle level programmer that always do application programming on Pascal, Java (cause the similarity syntax with C didn't mean i can understand C that fast), Delphi and Visual Basic, maybe somedays i will port that code to programming language i can understand

and maybe i will decide to use CustomEye source (ShellWM is based on CustomEye)

@for all

for now rather than discuss about WinSkin (that only a test) lets go to another win32 system files hack, what files are currently need some icon/bitmap change?

Edited by Dels
You already started this, Dels ? Keep it goin` m8 !

i already start the project under name "Win2k GUI hack's" is quite a past 3 months ago (before i really busy with my college work's), and now maybe i will stop the project development for a weeks or maybe 2 cause i need to study for my mid-semester exam (next week), also i have a project (medical application using Delphi and MySQL) for my final exam (3 months again)

thanks for dirtwarrior from being nice tester and friend, also XPero for permission of his shell32.dll

after all thanks for you all, i will be online everyday but really i will stop that project for a weeks :D

Posted (edited)

now things going on progress again, cause i really bored with all homework i decide to take a rest a bit and doing some reshacking on system files and all system files icon,bitmap are refer to XPize project :D better speed up the progress before i get to my busy job again

now for the question :

- do i have to delete the 48x48 icons (mostly in shell32.dll, can reduce filesize)?

Edited by Dels
Posted (edited)

15 screenshot for you all this midnight (in my country), retest on win2k usp 5.1 pure not hacked before :


noticed :

- mostly all have changed (still have problem with shell32.dll and browseui.dll)

- see the back of msconfig (screenshot12) :D

- i need someone to remade the image so it could display transparent

Edited by Dels

thanks for the comment, this is a very long week for me cause my exam, i hope i can pass it and get a good grade :D

oh yeah basically the 1st beta pack has completed but it still need some fix (as you can see from the screenshots) and repacked :D

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